1、 函数式:调用thread模块中的start_new_thread()函数来产生新线程。如下例:
1 import time 2 import thread 3 def timer(no, interval): 4 cnt = 0 5 while cnt<10: 6 print 'Thread:(%d) Time:%s\n'%(no, time.ctime()) 7 time.sleep(interval) 8 cnt+=1 9 thread.exit_thread() 10 11 12 def test(): #Use thread.start_new_thread() to create 2 new threads 13 thread.start_new_thread(timer, (1,1)) 14 thread.start_new_thread(timer, (2,2)) 15 16 if __name__=='__main__': 17 test()
上面的例子定义了一个线程函数timer,它打印出10条时间记录后退出,每次打印的间隔由interval参数决定。thread.start_new_thread(function, args[, kwargs])的第一个参数是线程函数(本例中的timer方法),第二个参数是传递给线程函数的参数,它必须是tuple类型,kwargs是可选参数。
2、 创建threading.Thread的子类来包装一个线程对象,如下例:
1 import threading 2 import time 3 class timer(threading.Thread): #The timer class is derived from the class threading.Thread 4 def __init__(self, num, interval): 5 threading.Thread.__init__(self) 6 self.thread_num = num 7 self.interval = interval 8 self.thread_stop = False 9 10 def run(self): #Overwrite run() method, put what you want the thread do here 11 while not self.thread_stop: 12 print 'Thread Object(%d), Time:%s\n' %(self.thread_num, time.ctime()) 13 time.sleep(self.interval) 14 def stop(self): 15 self.thread_stop = True 16 17 18 def test(): 19 thread1 = timer(1, 1) 20 thread2 = timer(2, 2) 21 thread1.start() 22 thread2.start() 23 time.sleep(10) 24 thread1.stop() 25 thread2.stop() 26 return 27 28 if __name__ == '__main__': 29 test()
1,在自己的线程类的__init__里调用threading.Thread.__init__(self, name = threadname)
2, run(),通常需要重写,编写代码实现做需要的功能。
1、 简单的同步
1 import thread 2 import time 3 mylock = thread.allocate_lock() #Allocate a lock 4 num=0 #Shared resource 5 6 def add_num(name): 7 global num 8 while True: 9 mylock.acquire() #Get the lock 10 # Do something to the shared resource 11 print 'Thread %s locked! num=%s'%(name,str(num)) 12 if num >= 5: 13 print 'Thread %s released! num=%s'%(name,str(num)) 14 mylock.release() 15 thread.exit_thread() 16 num+=1 17 print 'Thread %s released! num=%s'%(name,str(num)) 18 mylock.release() #Release the lock. 19 20 def test(): 21 thread.start_new_thread(add_num, ('A',)) 22 thread.start_new_thread(add_num, ('B',)) 23 24 if __name__== '__main__': 25 test()
Python 在thread的基础上还提供了一个高级的线程控制库,就是之前提到过的threading。Python的threading module是在建立在thread module基础之上的一个module,在threading module中,暴露了许多thread module中的属性。在thread module中,python提供了用户级的线程同步工具“Lock”对象。而在threading module中,python又提供了Lock对象的变种: RLock对象。RLock对象内部维护着一个Lock对象,它是一种可重入的对象。对于Lock对象而言,如果一个线程连续两次进行acquire操作,那么由于第一次acquire之后没有release,第二次acquire将挂起线程。这会导致Lock对象永远不会release,使得线程死锁。RLock对象允许一个线程多次对其进行acquire操作,因为在其内部通过一个counter变量维护着线程acquire的次数。而且每一次的acquire操作必须有一个release操作与之对应,在所有的release操作完成之后,别的线程才能申请该RLock对象。
1 import threading 2 mylock = threading.RLock() 3 num=0 4 5 class myThread(threading.Thread): 6 def __init__(self, name): 7 threading.Thread.__init__(self) 8 self.t_name = name 9 10 def run(self): 11 global num 12 while True: 13 mylock.acquire() 14 print '\nThread(%s) locked, Number: %d'%(self.t_name, num) 15 if num>=4: 16 mylock.release() 17 print '\nThread(%s) released, Number: %d'%(self.t_name, num) 18 break 19 num+=1 20 print '\nThread(%s) released, Number: %d'%(self.t_name, num) 21 mylock.release() 22 23 def test(): 24 thread1 = myThread('A') 25 thread2 = myThread('B') 26 thread1.start() 27 thread2.start() 28 29 if __name__== '__main__': 30 test()
2、 条件同步
1, 条件变量
1 import threading 2 3 import time 4 5 class Producer(threading.Thread): 6 7 def __init__(self, t_name): 8 9 threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=t_name) 10 11 12 13 def run(self): 14 15 global x 16 17 con.acquire() 18 19 if x > 0: 20 21 con.wait() 22 23 else: 24 25 for i in range(5): 26 27 x=x+1 28 29 print "producing..." + str(x) 30 31 con.notify() 32 33 print x 34 35 con.release() 36 37 38 39 class Consumer(threading.Thread): 40 41 def __init__(self, t_name): 42 43 threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=t_name) 44 45 def run(self): 46 47 global x 48 49 con.acquire() 50 51 if x == 0: 52 53 print 'consumer wait1' 54 55 con.wait() 56 57 else: 58 59 for i in range(5): 60 61 x=x-1 62 63 print "consuming..." + str(x) 64 65 con.notify() 66 67 print x 68 69 con.release() 70 71 72 73 con = threading.Condition() 74 75 x=0 76 77 print 'start consumer' 78 79 c=Consumer('consumer') 80 81 print 'start producer' 82 83 p=Producer('producer') 84 85 86 87 p.start() 88 89 c.start() 90 91 p.join() 92 93 c.join() 94 95 print x
2, 同步队列
1 # producer_consumer_queue 2 3 from Queue import Queue 4 5 import random 6 7 import threading 8 9 import time 10 11 12 13 #Producer thread 14 15 class Producer(threading.Thread): 16 17 def __init__(self, t_name, queue): 18 19 threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=t_name) 20 21 self.data=queue 22 23 def run(self): 24 25 for i in range(5): 26 27 print "%s: %s is producing %d to the queue!\n" %(time.ctime(), self.getName(), i) 28 29 self.data.put(i) 30 31 time.sleep(random.randrange(10)/5) 32 33 print "%s: %s finished!" %(time.ctime(), self.getName()) 34 35 36 37 #Consumer thread 38 39 class Consumer(threading.Thread): 40 41 def __init__(self, t_name, queue): 42 43 threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=t_name) 44 45 self.data=queue 46 47 def run(self): 48 49 for i in range(5): 50 51 val = self.data.get() 52 53 print "%s: %s is consuming. %d in the queue is consumed!\n" %(time.ctime(), self.getName(), val) 54 55 time.sleep(random.randrange(10)) 56 57 print "%s: %s finished!" %(time.ctime(), self.getName()) 58 59 60 61 #Main thread 62 63 def main(): 64 65 queue = Queue() 66 67 producer = Producer('Pro.', queue) 68 69 consumer = Consumer('Con.', queue) 70 71 producer.start() 72 73 consumer.start() 74 75 producer.join() 76 77 consumer.join() 78 79 print 'All threads terminate!' 80 81 82 83 if __name__ == '__main__': 84 85 main()
put( item[, block[, timeout]])
如果可选参数block为true并且timeout为None(缺省值),线程被block,直到队列空出一个数据单元。如果timeout大于0,在timeout的时间内,仍然没有可用的数据单元,Full exception被抛出。反之,如果block参数为false(忽略timeout参数),item被立即加入到空闲数据单元中,如果没有空闲数据单元,Full exception被抛出。
Queue的get方法是从队首取数据,其参数和put方法一样。如果block参数为true且timeout为None(缺省值),线程被block,直到队列中有数据。如果timeout大于0,在timeout时间内,仍然没有可取数据,Empty exception被抛出。反之,如果block参数为false(忽略timeout参数),队列中的数据被立即取出。如果此时没有可取数据,Empty exception也会被抛出。