c – Distingushing STL容器

很多时候,我想专门针对不同的STL容器使用一个函数.但是我不想一个接一个地专门化,因为它们中的一些共享大多数所需的接口,例如std :: vector和std :: deque.


template <class T>
struct A {
    template <class Y, class... Z>
    void func( Y y , Z... z ){
        //hypothetical static_if
        static_if ( T is similar to vector, deque, or boost::stable_vector etc which have push_back ) {
        else static_if ( T is similar to set, unordered_set or boost::flat_set etc which have emplace)    {

        else static_if ( T is similar to map, unordered_map or boost::flat_map etc which has emplace) {
            t.emplace(y, z...);


    T t;  

如果它可以扩展到列表类型(std :: list,std :: forward_list,…)或boost :: heap或其他也是好的.然而,实现目标似乎太难了.



template<typename Container>
struct container_traits;

template<bool b=true>
struct has_emplace_back { typedef std::integral_constant<bool, b> emplace_back; };
template<bool b=true>
struct has_emplace { typedef std::integral_constant<bool, b> emplace; };

template<typename T, typename A>
struct container_traits< std::vector<T,A> > : has_emplace_back<>, has_emplace<> {};
// etc
template<typename T, typename A>
struct container_traits< std::set<T,A> > : has_emplace_back<false>, has_emplace<> {};
// etc

template<typename T>
using HasEmplaceBack = typename container_traits<T>::has_emplace_back;
template<typename T>
using HasEmplace = typename container_traits<T>::has_emplace;

template<int> struct enum_enum { enum class type {}; };
template<int index> using UniqueEnum = typename enum_enum<index>::type;

template<bool b, int index=1>
using EnableIf = typename std::enable_if< UniqueEnum<index> >::type;
template<bool b, int index=1>
using DisableIf = EnableIf< b, -index >;

template<typename Container, typename... Args, EnableIf< HasEmplace<Container>::value && !HasEmplaceBack<Container>::value, 1 >... >
void emplace_in( Container&& c, Args&&... args ) {
  std::forward<Container>(c).emplace( std::forward<Args>(args)... );
template<typename Container, typename... Args, EnableIf< HasEmplaceBack<Container>::value, 2 >... >
void emplace_in( Container&& c, Args&&... args ) {
  std::forward<Container>(c).emplace_back( std::forward<Args>(args)... );

EnableIf<> …技术在clang中不起作用,我没有编译它所以它可能需要一些调试来修复.


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