

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface ClassA : NSObject{
int _id1;
int _id2;
int _id3;
} @property int _id1;
@property int _id2;
@property int _id3; -(void) setId1:(int)id1 andId2:(int)id2 andId3:(int)id3;
-(void) doMethod1;
-(void) doMethod2;
-(void) doMethod3; @end @implementation ClassA @synthesize _id1,_id2,_id3; -(void) setId1:(int)id1 andId2:(int)id2 andId3:(int)id3{
_id1 = id1;
_id2 = id2;
_id3 = id3;
} -(void) doMethod1{
NSLog(@"%i", self._id1);} -(void) doMethod2{
NSLog(@"%i", self._id2);} -(void) doMethod3{
NSLog(@"%i", self._id3);} @end int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool { Class class = NSClassFromString(@"ClassA"); //通过字符串获取CLASS
NSLog(@"%@", [class className]); //打印class的名称,在oc中class是一个结构体
NSObject *tmp; SEL sel1 = @selector(doMethod2); //SEL对应选择一个方法
SEL sel2 = NSSelectorFromString(@"doMethod1");
SEL sel3 = NSSelectorFromString(@"setId1:andId2:andId3:");
tmp = [[class alloc]init];

if([tmp respondsToSelector:sel3] == YES) {

NSInvocation *inv = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:
[tmp methodSignatureForSelector:sel3]]; [inv setSelector:sel3];
[inv setTarget:tmp]; //arguments 0 and 1 are self and _cmd respectively, automatically set by NSInvocation
int input1 = ;
int input2 = ;
int input3 = ; [inv setArgument:&(input1) atIndex:]; //第一个参数传入
[inv setArgument:&(input2) atIndex:]; //第二个参数传入
[inv setArgument:&(input3) atIndex:]; //第三个参数传入
[inv invoke];
} [tmp performSelector:sel1 withObject:nil]; //执行该方法 if([tmp respondsToSelector:sel2] == YES) {
[tmp performSelector:sel2 withObject:nil];
} }
return ;

下一篇:session 登陆浏览,并实现session注销登陆