神经学家Agustin Ibanez回忆起第一次发论文时的场景:那时候,我没有任何出版经验,我的导师也没有任何经验。
Dixon Chibanda作为一名临床医生,也作为一名研究人员。
生物学家Pamela Yeh和她的丈夫Van Savage一起做研究。同时他们和小说家Cormac McCarthy合作发明了一套论文写作技巧,并于2019年发表在Nature Career上。这篇文章在读者中非常受欢迎。那么,两位科学家和一位小说家之间的合作具体是如何产生的呢?
第二, 论文整体结构的规划。
1. whiteSmoke
推荐理由:1. 语言处理,也就是润色功能。输入一段需要检查的段落,选择checktext,它就会显示语法检查和拼写检查的结果,以及一些词语可替换的提示和标点符号的更改提示,帮助改善文章的句子。2.句子、段落翻,这个软件是可以满足翻译的需求的。3. 模板的写作功能。该软件提供了很多模板,从具有生活情怀的道歉模板到学生入学介绍信、基金申请说明,应有尽有。 2. Academic Phrasebank
3. 科研者之家
4. 知云文献翻译器
可以作为pdf阅读器,边看pdf边翻译边划线,具有许多pdf的笔记功能。翻译的语料库来自谷歌生物专业方面的翻译,较为准确,可以切换中-英,和英-中文翻译。 5. StyleWriter
推荐理由:StyleWriter一款润色神器了,除了校对、术语、句子等基础功能外,最突出的一点是可以给你的文章进行评分(Bog指数),并为提高你文章的可读性提供建议。 6. Grammarly
推荐理由:一款非常强大的语法改错软件,帮助润色英文表达。目前提供了网页版、Mac 版和 Windows 版,网页版提供多款浏览器的扩增插件,而且如果很幸运你的电脑是 Windows 系统,那么Grammarly 还很良心地为你提供 Word 插件。Grammarly 可以实现实时语法错误查找,还提供详细的解释和修改意见。边写边告诉你哪里错了,解释怎么错法,还给出例句,告诉你怎么改。 7. Ginger
推荐理由:号称是世界上最好用的英文写作润色工具,除了提供单词拼写、语法检查功能外,还提供句子改写、翻译、词典和朗读功能。在 Ginger 网页最低端,还提供英语语法和单词学习资料,Ginger目前只提供 PC 端软件、 PC 端 Word 插件和 Chrome/Safari 插件。网页版的 Ginger 需要逐句输入,逐句点击检查。逐句检查是Ginger 的特色,更加精确检测句子中的语法错误,但是检测起来比较慢。
8. 1Checker
推荐理由:1Checker不仅提供在线版本、 Windows 和 Mac 客户端,还有 Word 插件,但是不提供浏览器的扩增插件,不能针对网页输入文本资料和邮件中的拼写语法错误进行检查。安装软件:打开1Checker ,可以直接导入自己的 Word 文档,点击 检查 即可。检查速度较慢。同时还提供词典,可以随时查找单词。 9. ProWritingAid
10. Nounplus
11. Hemingway
推荐理由:打开网站,点击右侧的Write,便可直接打字,也可以复制粘贴哦。在网站页面的右侧提供了实时文章统计:Paragraphs(段落);Sentences(语句);Words(单词);Characters(字母)。同时,Hemingway 会为您的文章打分。在文章中也会用五种颜色高亮标注可能“需要改动”的语句,提醒用户修改以提高文章可读性,可在实时统计下方找到具体说明。
12. Virtual Writing Tutor
推荐理由:这个免费的在线语法检查器或校对器可以帮助作家计算单词,检查拼写,检查语法和标点符号,检查释义,改进单词选择,自我评估目标结构的使用,掌握英语发音。而且也很好的教程,模块化很好。 13. WordHipp
推荐理由:可以帮助你查询任何英文单词的词典数据库网站,它有一些有意思的功能如:英文单词解释,同义词,反义词,押韵词,英文例句,英文翻译,查找单词,英文单词形式,单词如何发音以及英文姓名起源等等。有了这个网站也许会对你的SCI写作有所帮助。 14. 谷歌学术
推荐理由:需要fq或者使用谷歌镜像,把你需要的关键词或者句子放入谷歌,可以看看别人如何写这样的句子的,还可以加双引号进行高级检索,但是谷歌学术中也收录了大量中国人写的句子,可以对初筛结果,进一步润色修改。 15. SpellCheckPlus
推荐理由:SpellCheckPlus可在线免费检查拼写、语法,并配有英文解说来帮助大家学习正确用法。发现易混淆单词和短语。同时检测到英语非母语的外国学生所常犯的英文错误。页面很简洁,操作很简单。 16. 同义词或者反义词词典
推荐理由:在文中同一意义词反复使用时,可以考虑在里面查询替换。 17. Linggle英语写作老师
推荐理由:要养成一个习惯,在看Paper的时候看到好词好句摘录下来。当你要用你摘录的好的短语时,但是你不知道怎么前后怎么写时,Linggle能帮助你。 18. 生存曲线在线制作工具
推荐理由:可上传自己的数据,点点鼠标轻松绘制漂亮生存曲线。 19. languagetool
推荐理由:有浏览器和word版本,分免费和付费版本,可以校对英语写作。 20. 易搜搭ESODA
推荐理由:易搜搭ESODA是清华HCI Lab工作室出品的一款适合国人英语写作的信息助手,它广泛收录了各学科领域的海量论文作为数据库,通过智能语言分析等算法,供用户通过各种方式查询地道的英语搭配和例句。
1. 被认为is known to, it is well known that, be regarded as, is characterized by, is believed to, it is generally acknowledged that, in general, it has been shown that, have been implicated
2. 表明:reveal, report , found, suggested, postulate, proposed, indicate, have shown that, implicated, assume, states, demonstrated, considered as,validated,identified, demonstrating, show, displayed, revealed, reflect, exhibit, hinted, appeared to,uncover, suggest, show, demonstrate, imply, indicate, it was found that, illustrate
3. 旨在:aim to, with the aim to, the purpose of this study is to, to address the genetic burdens, to better understand the association, to test for the presence of sample or data, testing and verification of the presence, to overcome this limitation; to study, to investigate, to verify, to cross-check, to initially test, to eliminate the likelihood of; to further prioritize ....; given its potential involvement,to determine, to further distinguish the function of, to test whether; to understand, to select; according to, for this, as might be expected, due to
4.导致:lead to, result in, is attributed to, cause, contribute to, contribute to, driven by, induced, in response to,
5. 常见:the most common form of, make it one of the most common
6. 研究:research studies, research, study, recent studies, prior studies,7. 之前的研究:previous studies, as previously described, from previously published studies, deciphered using the framework developed by previously, using previously described expression profiles, for some of the previously published samples, previously published data in peer-review journals, Following previous work.
8. 本研究:in this work, in this test, our work, our present study, in this context, current research, our study, here, in this study, these data, these observations, these results
9. 很多:a massive number of, several, various, hundreds of, major, the large amount, multiple, many, a series of, a total of, a set of, diverse, extensive , an increasing body of, a wide range of, multiple, a large number of, majority, a variety of , thousands of
10. 少数:only a small percentage, the limited number, several
11. 过去一段时间:during recent decades, recently, the past decades, in recent years, currently, more recently
12. 过去的观点:In the past debate, modern view, in the prevailing view, in the recent literature, in the past, a prior study, previously, previous analyses
13. 过去研究的描述:more precise treatment, facilitate more accurate detection, increased the accuracy of the prognosis, wide acceptance, has the potential to, provide insight into, with the recent advances, allow for a better understanding of, these results suggest, prior studies have largely focused on, as preivsously described, is similar to previously published ..., has been previously reported, described previously, had previously found evidence of association, previous results have shown that, it was previously found that
14. 进一步研究:selected for further investigation, further sudies, further exploration, subsequent analysis,
15. 实验结果:these findings, these results, these experiments, these models; these findings, these results suggest that, these experiments, further studies, in the analyses of data from; summarize the results
16. 最近:presently, until recently, in studies to date, until recently, more recently, recently
17. 展望:suggest several potential determinants of, provide insights into, inform the future diagnosis and therapy, provide new insights into; ultimately reveal new molecular mechanisms, as an understudied and important potential next frontier, shed light on the molecular basis of , future investigations using strategies reported xxx will likely illuminate novel function of; the data as a continuing source for future discoveries, will be an important question for future investigation;our next challenge is to; can be another strategy for, lays the groundwork for future therapeutic strategies
18. 观察:observed, detected, found, seen, detectable
19. 越来越受到关注:there has been increasingly more attention, with the increasing appreciation, has inspired the development, With the rapid emergence of, recent findings that have greatly increased the number of;
20. 重要:be crucial to, importantly, specifically
21. 发挥作用:serve this function,play an important/a crucial role in
22. 需要,亟需:with large unmet medical needs, further necessitating new therapeutic strategies, it is important to determine, in order to better inform treatment decisions;there is a need to, there are further reasons to, here we sought to, there remains a need for new methodology
23. 符合预期:as expected, be expected to
24. 不足:lacking, challenging even, remain poorly understood, have been difficult to, there is no clear indication, has not yet been fully investigated, despite these advances, it can be difficult to infer, it is unknown whether, little is known about, remain poorly understood, there were a few clues toward, it has remained a significant challenge to dissect, the strategy is challenging to ; these observations underscore the importance of , have not been adequately performed, bridge the gap between, this experimental bottleneck, remains a significant challenge, have largely been ignored as, remain a daunting challenge, has been constrained by
25. 解决:to address this limitation, to investigate this question, to overcome these difficulties, motivated by this earlier work, In order to better characterize, would be expected to provide an opportunity to discover, to understand the potential role of, to demonstrate the performance and utility of this method
26. 解释原因:be largely explained by, mainly because of, due mainly to, caused by, is an important factor, a key factor, a result of, part of the reason for their discovery was that, is the major cause of, a major source for, the result of
27. 基于:based primarily on, underlying, is determined by;depend on, based on, relies on
28. 宏观整体:framework, pipeline, overview
29. 包含:containing,including, excluded from; ranged from A to B; be composed of, consist of, included, recruited,
30. 因此:therefore, hence, thus, consequently
31. 举例:such as, for example, for instance, in another example
32. 一致, 兼容,相似:largely consistent with, combined with, compatible with, large similarities, similar to, match with, consistently, met the above criteria,used the following criteria
33. 类似的:likewise, more likely to
34. 相反:in contrast, there was a controversy, whereas
35. 与。。。。有关:are (strongly) associated with, correlated with, related to, provides a key link
36. 改变:alter, modulate, regulate
37. 增加:increased, elevated
38. 减少:decreased, induced, rescued, minimize,
39. 整合:integrative, comprehensive, incorporating, comprised of, including, as a whole,interrogation, comprehensive, integrated into, integration of,
40. 概括:overview, large-scale, a large overlap, altogether, aggregating, as described above, In summary,combined analyses of data from
41. 应用:performed, applied, commonly used, conducted
42. 推断:infer, reason, conclude,may be, could be, should be, it is possible that, perhaps the reason that. ... is due to
43. 评估:examined, tested, evaluated, assess, investigate, calculated, counted, measured
44. 评价词汇:variable, abolishable, simple, suitable, well established, accuracy, available, precise, facile and informative, effective;play a significant role, crucial, important, valuable, are sensitive to
45. 引起读者注意的副词:clearly, notably, accordingly, unfortunately, typically, importantly, indeed, in particular, remarkably, intriguingly, in fact, unexpectedly interestingly, surprisingly, indeed, importantly, more broadly, highlight, primarily, notably, remarkably,
46. 逻辑连接词:in addition, additionally, moreover, furthermore, also, eventually consequently;firstly, secondly, finally; first, second, third; On the one hand, on the other hand; initially, hereafter, therefore, consistently, In practice, to this end, subsequently, briefly, then, finally, accordingly, recently, nevertheless, however, indeed, followed by, then, lastly
47. 连接词的表述方法:顺序:as well as; either ....or; neither...nor; thus, then, also, therefore,转折:however, nevertheless; since, while, whereas, In contrast,递进:moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally, further; first, next, finally;转折:despite, however, still, since, while whereby, yet, though, although, nonetheless
48. 伦理委员会:ethics committee/institutional review board (IRB),Ethics board approval,Institute Animal Ethics Committee
49. 优点:offers unique advantages and disadvantages,the major advantage of
50. 缺点:a disadvantage of XX is that, these limitations;another limitation is that
51. 患者知情同意书:participants provided informed consent,written informed consent
52. 联系:correlation, associated with, a clear relation, a correlation with,these associations
53. 有统计学意义:significance, significant, pronounced, significantly, statistical, statistical significant
54. 常见形容词:predictive, sensitive, insufficient, histologic, functional, unbiased, elevated, available, selective, dispersed, normalized and differentially expressed, informative, potentially effective, highly sensitive to, comparable, independent, noticeable, sound, regulatory, repressive, robust, promising, confirmed,
55. 常用动词:dissect, consider, sampled, classified, identified, showed, compared, constructed, distinguish, explore, applied, hypothesized, used, applied, measured, validated, implement, promote, enable, allow, examine, investigate, tested, exploit, assessed, evaluated, model, hypothesized, assign, set out, carry out, analyze, screen, report, portraits, establish, develop, utilize, report, carried out, hypothesized, observed extracted, dissented, homogenized, separated, transfer, purchased, dissolved, chronically exposed, sacrificed, housed, deprived of, handled, placed, recorded, divided into, adopted, determine, performed, loaded, downloaded, diluted, performed, obtained, amplified, fused with, cloned into, employed, construct, described, allow, governs, implemented, split into, carried out, harboring, generate, incorporate, anesthetized, decapitated; obtained, estimated, evaluated, assessed, measured, examined, investigate, explore, test the sensitivity and specificity of variables, identify, quantify, is characterized by, deposited, classified, downloaded, revised, included, removed, normalized, combined, subdivided into, calculated, cross-check, summarized, originated from, described, available, detectable, define, scored, determined, generated with, using, applied with, categorize ... into ..., model, imputed, presented, determined, filtered, processed, background corrected, normalized to internal controls, quality control, Images were captured, Freshly sorted XX cells, carried out