纯 svg 原生 好看的调色板效果图

纯 svg 原生 好看的调色板效果图
纯 svg 原生 好看的调色板效果图

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>change tab</title>
    <script src="https://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
        body {
            margin: 0;
            overflow: hidden;
            background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg width="52" height="26" viewBox="0 0 52 26" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"%3E%3Cg fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"%3E%3Cg fill="%239C92AC" fill-opacity="0.4"%3E%3Cpath d="M10 10c0-2.21-1.79-4-4-4-3.314 0-6-2.686-6-6h2c0 2.21 1.79 4 4 4 3.314 0 6 2.686 6 6 0 2.21 1.79 4 4 4 3.314 0 6 2.686 6 6 0 2.21 1.79 4 4 4v2c-3.314 0-6-2.686-6-6 0-2.21-1.79-4-4-4-3.314 0-6-2.686-6-6zm25.464-1.95l8.486 8.486-1.414 1.414-8.486-8.486 1.414-1.414z" /%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E');

        .body2 {
            height: 100vh;
            display: grid;
            place-items: center;
            margin: 0;
            overflow: hidden;
            cursor: pointer;
            transition: 2s;

        .boom {
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;
            transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
            height: 500vw;
            width: 500vw;
            animation: boomba 1s linear;
            border-radius: 200vw;

        @keyframes boomba {
            0% {
                height: 10px;
                width: 10px;

            100% {
                height: 500vw;
                width: 500vw;

        .bubble9 {
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;
            height: 10vw;
            width: 10vw;
            transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
            border-radius: 100vw;
            opacity: 0;

        .bubble1 {
            animation: fade1 1s;

        .bubble2 {
            animation: fade2 .8s;

        .bubble3 {
            animation: fade3 .7s;

        .bubble4 {
            animation: fade4 1.1s;

        .bubble5 {
            animation: fade5 1.2s;

        .bubble6 {
            animation: fade6 1.3s;

        .bubble7 {
            animation: fade7 1.4s;

        .bubble8 {
            animation: fade8 1.5s;

        .bubble9 {
            animation: fade9 1.6s;

        @keyframes fade1 {
            0% {
                height: 0px;
                width: 0px;
                opacity: 1;

            50% {
                opacity: 1

            100% {
                height: 10vw;
                width: 10vw;
                opacity: 0;

        @keyframes fade2 {
            0% {
                height: 0px;
                width: 0px;
                opacity: 1;

            50% {
                opacity: 1

            100% {
                height: 12vw;
                width: 12vw;
                opacity: 0;

        @keyframes fade3 {
            0% {
                height: 0px;
                width: 0px;
                opacity: 1;

            50% {
                opacity: 1

            100% {
                height: 15vw;
                width: 15vw;
                opacity: 0;

        @keyframes fade4 {
            0% {
                height: 0px;
                width: 0px;
                opacity: 1;

            50% {
                opacity: 1

            100% {
                height: 5vw;
                width: 5vw;
                opacity: 0;

        @keyframes fade5 {
            0% {
                height: 0px;
                width: 0px;
                opacity: 1;

            50% {
                opacity: 1

            100% {
                height: 6vw;
                width: 6vw;
                opacity: 0;

        @keyframes fade6 {
            0% {
                height: 0px;
                width: 0px;
                opacity: 1;

            50% {
                opacity: 1

            100% {
                height: 6vw;
                width: 6vw;
                opacity: 0;

        @keyframes fade7 {
            0% {
                height: 0px;
                width: 0px;
                opacity: 1;

            50% {
                opacity: 1

            100% {
                height: 6vw;
                width: 6vw;
                opacity: 0;

        @keyframes fade8 {
            0% {
                height: 0px;
                width: 0px;
                opacity: 1;

            50% {
                opacity: 1

            100% {
                height: 6vw;
                width: 6vw;
                opacity: 0;

        @keyframes fade9 {
            0% {
                height: 0px;
                width: 0px;
                opacity: 1;

            50% {
                opacity: 1

            100% {
                height: 6vw;
                width: 6vw;
                opacity: 0;

        /*User prompt*/
        .box {
            height: 100px;
            width: 100px;
            /*Designed to be scalable so long as this box is a perfect square*/
            transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
            position: absolute;
            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;
            opacity: 1;
            pointer-events: none;

        .tapperoo {
            height: 25%;
            width: 25%;
            position: absolute;
            top: 30%;
            left: 8%;
            border-radius: 100%;
            background-color: #0095dd;
            z-index: -1;
            opacity: 0.9;
            animation: tapperoo 3s infinite;

        @keyframes tapperoo {
            0% {}

            50% {
                height: 40%;
                width: 40%;
                left: 2%;

            100% {}

        #tap-gesture {
            position: absolute;
            animation: handMove 3s infinite;

        @keyframes handMove {
            0% {
                top: 0%

            50% {
                top: 5%;
                transform: scale(0.95) rotateX(20deg);

            100% {
                top: 0%;

    <div id="body" class="body"></div>
    <div id="body2" class="body2"></div>

    <div class="box">
        <div class="tapperoo"></div>
        <svg version="1.1" id="tap-gesture" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
            xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="140.2 0 293.8 500"
            enable-background="new 140.2 0 293.8 500" xml:space="preserve">
            <rect x="140.2" fill="rgba(255,255,255,0)" width="293.8" height="500" />
                <!--<path fill="#0095DD" d="M230.8,166.3c13.9-10,23-26.3,23-44.7c0-30.3-24.7-55-55-55s-55,24.7-55,55c0,21.1,12,39.4,29.5,48.6"/>-->
                <path class="hand" fill="#4D4E53"
            c-7.8,0-14.8,3.2-19.8,8.5l-1.3-35.1l-0.6-15.9l-0.9-24.8c0-17.4-12.3-30.6-28.6-30.6S172,108,172,125.6l0.6,29.7L173.2,170.2z" />
        function goBoom(event) {
            //get mouse coords
            var x = event.clientX;
            var y = event.clientY;

            //create main boom element
            document.getElementById("body").innerHTML = "<div id='boom" + x + "'></div>";

            //create boom class and add it to div
            var attClass = document.createAttribute("class");
            attClass.value = "boom";
            document.getElementById("boom" + x).setAttributeNode(attClass);

            //get new random color
            var r = randNum(0, 255);
            var g = randNum(0, 255);
            var b = randNum(0, 255);
            var newColor = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")";

            //randomize the boom color
            document.getElementById("boom" + x).style.backgroundColor = newColor;

            //start the boom position at mouse click
            document.getElementById("boom" + x).style.top = y + 'px';
            document.getElementById("boom" + x).style.left = x + 'px';

            //get a complimentary color 1
            var r1 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary(r)));
            var g1 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary(g)));
            var b1 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary(b)));
            var bubbleColor1 = "rgb(" + r1 + "," + g1 + "," + b1 + ")";
            //get a complimentary color 2
            var r2 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary2(r)));
            var g2 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary2(g)));
            var b2 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary2(b)));
            var bubbleColor2 = "rgb(" + r2 + "," + g2 + "," + b2 + ")";
            //get a complimentary color 3
            var r3 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary3(r)));
            var g3 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary3(g)));
            var b3 = corrected(Math.round(complimentary3(b)));
            var bubbleColor3 = "rgb(" + r3 + "," + g3 + "," + b3 + ")";
            //get a complimentary color 4
            var r4 = corrected(r + 42.5);
            var g4 = corrected(r + 42.5);
            var b4 = corrected(r + 42.5);
            var bubbleColor4 = "rgb(" + r4 + "," + g4 + "," + b4 + ")";
            //get a complimentary color 5
            var r5 = corrected(r - 42.5);
            var g5 = corrected(g - 42.5);
            var b5 = corrected(b - 42.5);
            var bubbleColor5 = "rgb(" + r5 + "," + g5 + "," + b5 + ")";
            //get a complimentary color 6
            var r6 = corrected(r + 85);
            var g6 = corrected(r + 85);
            var b6 = corrected(r + 85);
            var bubbleColor6 = "rgb(" + r6 + "," + g6 + "," + b6 + ")";
            //get a complimentary color 7
            var r7 = corrected(r - 85);
            var g7 = corrected(g - 85);
            var b7 = corrected(b - 85);
            var bubbleColor7 = "rgb(" + r7 + "," + g7 + "," + b7 + ")";

            //get a complimentary color 8
            var r8 = corrected(r + 127.5);
            var g8 = corrected(r + 127.5);
            var b8 = corrected(r + 127.5);
            var bubbleColor8 = "rgb(" + r8 + "," + g8 + "," + b8 + ")";
            //get a complimentary color 9
            var r9 = corrected(r - 127.5);
            var g9 = corrected(g - 127.5);
            var b9 = corrected(b - 127.5);
            var bubbleColor9 = "rgb(" + r9 + "," + g9 + "," + b9 + ")";

            document.getElementById("body").innerHTML += "<div id='bubble1' class='bubble1'></div>";

            //start the bubble position at mouse click
            document.getElementById("bubble1").style.top = (y + randNum(-20, 20)) + 'px';
            document.getElementById("bubble1").style.left = (x + randNum(-20, 20)) + 'px';

            document.getElementById("bubble1").style.backgroundColor = bubbleColor1;

            document.getElementById("body").innerHTML += "<div id='bubble2' class='bubble2'></div>";

            //start the bubble position at mouse click
            document.getElementById("bubble2").style.top = (y + randNum(-25, 25)) + 'px';
            document.getElementById("bubble2").style.left = (x + randNum(-25, 25)) + 'px';

            document.getElementById("bubble2").style.backgroundColor = bubbleColor1;

            document.getElementById("body").innerHTML += "<div id='bubble3' class='bubble3'></div>";

            //start the bubble position at mouse click
            document.getElementById("bubble3").style.top = (y + randNum(-45, 45)) + 'px';
            document.getElementById("bubble3").style.left = (x + randNum(-45, 45)) + 'px';

            document.getElementById("bubble3").style.backgroundColor = bubbleColor3;

            //circular numbers
            var circX = randNum(-65, 65);
            var circY = randNum(-65, 65);

            document.getElementById("body").innerHTML += "<div id='bubble4' class='bubble4'></div>";

            //start the bubble position at mouse click
            document.getElementById("bubble4").style.top = (y + circY) + 'px';
            document.getElementById("bubble4").style.left = (x + circX) + 'px';

            document.getElementById("bubble4").style.backgroundColor = bubbleColor4;

            //Meant to be a ring of bubbles like a firework. TODO: refactor.
            document.getElementById("body").innerHTML += "<div id='bubble5' class='bubble5'></div>";
            //start the bubble position at mouse click
            document.getElementById("bubble5").style.top = (y - circY) + 'px';
            document.getElementById("bubble5").style.left = (x - circX) + 'px';
            document.getElementById("bubble5").style.backgroundColor = bubbleColor5;
            document.getElementById("body").innerHTML += "<div id='bubble6' class='bubble6'></div>";
            //start the bubble position at mouse click
            document.getElementById("bubble6").style.top = (y) + 'px';
            document.getElementById("bubble6").style.left = (x + circX) + 'px';
            document.getElementById("bubble6").style.backgroundColor = bubbleColor6;
            document.getElementById("body").innerHTML += "<div id='bubble7' class='bubble7'></div>";
            //start the bubble position at mouse click
            document.getElementById("bubble7").style.top = (y - circY) + 'px';
            document.getElementById("bubble7").style.left = (x) + 'px';
            document.getElementById("bubble7").style.backgroundColor = bubbleColor7;
            document.getElementById("body").innerHTML += "<div id='bubble8' class='bubble8'></div>";
            //start the bubble position at mouse click
            document.getElementById("bubble8").style.top = (y + circY) + 'px';
            document.getElementById("bubble8").style.left = (x) + 'px';
            document.getElementById("bubble8").style.backgroundColor = bubbleColor8;
            document.getElementById("body").innerHTML += "<div id='bubble9' class='bubble9'></div>";
            //start the bubble position at mouse click
            document.getElementById("bubble9").style.top = (y) + 'px';
            document.getElementById("bubble9").style.left = (x - circX) + 'px';
            document.getElementById("bubble9").style.backgroundColor = bubbleColor9;

            //set background and tap circle to new color
            setTimeout(function () { document.body.style.backgroundColor = newColor; document.getElementsByClassName("tapperoo")[0].style.backgroundColor = bubbleColor5; document.getElementsByClassName("hand")[0].style.fill = "rgba(0,0,0,0.9)" }, 800);

        //random number generator
        function randNum(from, to) {
            return Math.floor(Math.random() * (to - from + 1) + from);

        document.getElementById("body").addEventListener("click", goBoom);

        //complimentary colors
        function complimentary(x) {
            return 255 - Math.abs((x - 127.5));
        function complimentary2(x) {
            return 255 - Math.abs((x - 63.75));
        function complimentary3(x) {
            return 255 - Math.abs((x - 191.25));

        //correct for numbers over 255 and under 0
        function corrected(x) {
            var val = (x * 1);
            if (val > 255) {
                return 255;
            } else if (val < 0) {
                return 0;
            } else {
                return Math.round(val);

        //stuff to prompt the user to click
        //Shows the animation if your mouse is still for 3 seconds/hides it when you move
        var fadein = null;
        $("html").mousemove(function () {
            if (fadein != null) {
            fadein = setTimeout(showMe, 5000);
        $("html").click(function () {
            if (fadein != null) {
            fadein = setTimeout(showMe, 5000);

        function showMe() {

