Core C++笔记--面对对象编程的SOLID原则

Klaus Iglberger, The SOLID Principles at Core C++ meetup 观后感。Klaus Iglberger每次的分享都能收获不少,所以这次拿好纸笔好好学习。

What SOLID stands for?

  • Single-responsibility principle
  • Open-closed principle
  • Liskov substitution principle
  • Interface segregation principle
  • Dependency inversion principle

1.Single-responsibility principle

Core C++笔记--面对对象编程的SOLID原则


Core C++笔记--面对对象编程的SOLID原则


Core C++笔记--面对对象编程的SOLID原则

Guideline: Prefer cohesive software entities. Everything that does not strictly belong together, should be separated.

2.The Open-Closed Principle

Core C++笔记--面对对象编程的SOLID原则

OCP: A Procedural Approach

enum ShapeType

class Shape
    explicit Shape( ShapeType t )
            : type{ t }
    virtual ~Shape() = default;
    ShapeType getType() const noexcept;
    ShapeType type;

class Circle : public Shape
    explicit Circle( double rad )
            : Shape{ circle }
            , radius{ rad }
            , // ... Remaining data members
    virtual ~Circle() = default;
    double getRadius() const noexcept;
    // ... getCenter(), getRotation(), ...
    double radius;
    // ... Remaining data members
void translate( Circle&, Vector3D const& );
void rotate( Circle&, Quaternion const& );
void draw( Circle const& );

class Square : public Shape
    explicit Square( double s )
            : Shape{ square }
            , side{ s }
            , // ... Remaining data members
    virtual ~Square() = default;
    double getSide() const noexcept;
    // ... getCenter(), getRotation(), ...
    double side;
    // ... Remaining data members
void translate( Square&, Vector3D const& );
void rotate( Square&, Quaternion const& );
void draw( Square const& );

void draw( std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Shape>> const& shapes )
    for( auto const& s : shapes )
        switch ( s->getType() )
            case circle:
                draw( *static_cast<Circle const*>( s.get() ) );
            case square:
                draw( *static_cast<Square const*>( s.get() ) );

int main()
    using Shapes = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Shape>>;
    // Creating some shapes
    Shapes shapes;
    shapes.push_back( std::make_unique<Circle>( 2.0 ) );
    shapes.push_back( std::make_unique<Square>( 1.5 ) );
    shapes.push_back( std::make_unique<Circle>( 4.2 ) );
    // Drawing all shapes
    draw( shapes );

如果需要扩展,比如加入一个rectangle类,只需要在enum加上rectangle,并完成rectangle实现(还要加上新的switch case)

enum ShapeType

OCP: An Object-Oriented Approach


class Shape
    Shape() = default;
    virtual ~Shape() = default;

    virtual void translate( Vector3D const& ) = 0;
    virtual void rotate( Quaternion const& ) = 0;
    virtual void draw() const = 0;
class Circle : public Shape
    explicit Circle( double rad )
            : radius{ rad }
            , // ... Remaining data members
    virtual ~Circle() = default;
    double getRadius() const noexcept;
    // ... getCenter(), getRotation(), ...
    void translate( Vector3D const& ) override;
    void rotate( Quaternion const& ) override;
    void draw() const override;
    double radius;
    // ... Remaining data members

class Square : public Shape
    explicit Square( double s )
            : side{ s }
            , // ... Remaining data members
    virtual ~Square() = default;
    double getSide() const noexcept;
    // ... getCenter(), getRotation(), ...
    void translate( Vector3D const& ) override;
    void rotate( Quaternion const& ) override;
    void draw() const override;
    double side;
    // ... Remaining data members

void draw( std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Shape>> const& shapes )
    for( auto const& s : shapes )

int main()
    using Shapes = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Shape>>;
    // Creating some shapes
    Shapes shapes;
    shapes.push_back( std::make_unique<Circle>( 2.0 ) );
    shapes.push_back( std::make_unique<Square>( 1.5 ) );
    shapes.push_back( std::make_unique<Circle>( 4.2 ) );
    // Drawing all shapes
    draw( shapes );


OCP: A Type-Erased Approach


template< typename T >
    Shape( T const& x )
            : pimpl{ new Model<T>( x ) }
class Circle
    explicit Circle( double rad )
            : radius{ rad }
            , // ... Remaining data members
    double getRadius() const noexcept;
    // ... getCenter(), getRotation(), ...
    double radius;
    // ... Remaining data members
// 需要实现
void translate( Circle const&, Vector3D const& );
void rotate( Circle const&, Quaternion const& );
void draw( Circle const& );

class Square
    explicit Square( double s )
            : side{ s }
            , // ... Remaining data members
    double getSide() const noexcept;
    // ... getCenter(), getRotation(), ...
    double side;
    // ... Remaining data members

void translate( Square const&, Vector3D const& );
void rotate( Square const&, Quaternion const& );
void draw( Square const& );

// 此时的Shape不再是Circle的基类,而更像一个container
class Shape
    struct Concept
        virtual ~Concept() {}
        virtual void do_translate( Vector3D const& v ) const = 0;
        virtual void do_rotate( Quaternion const& q ) const = 0;
        virtual void do_draw() const = 0;
        // ...
// 使用Circle时,Circle被包含在内部类Model的T object。
    template< typename T >
    struct Model : Concept
        Model( T const& value )
                : object{ value }
        void do_translate( Vector3D const& v ) const override
            translate( object, v );

        void do_rotate( Quaternion const& q ) const override
            rotate( object, q );
        void do_draw() const override
// 调用draw(T)
            draw( object );
        // ...
        T object;
// 类内定义友元实际是独立的函数
    std::unique_ptr<Concept> pimpl;
    friend void translate( Shape& shape, Vector3D const& v )
        shape.pimpl->do_translate( v );

    friend void rotate( Shape& shape, Quaternion const& q )
        shape.pimpl->do_rotate( q );

    friend void draw( Shape const& shape )

    template< typename T >
    Shape( T const& x )
            : pimpl{ new Model<T>( x ) }
    // Special member functions
    Shape( Shape const& s );
    Shape( Shape&& s );
    Shape& operator=( Shape const& s );
    Shape& operator=( Shape&& s );
    // ...
void draw( std::vector<Shape> const& shapes )
    for( auto const& shape : shapes )
        draw( shape );

int main()
    using Shapes = std::vector<Shape>;
    // Creating some shapes
    Shapes shapes;
    shapes.push_back( Circle{ 2.0 } );
    shapes.push_back( Square{ 1.5 } );
    shapes.push_back( Circle{ 4.2 } );
    // Drawing all shapes
    draw( shapes );

3.Liskov substitution principle

Core C++笔记--面对对象编程的SOLID原则

Core C++笔记--面对对象编程的SOLID原则

Option B虽然好看,但是不符合LSP。 在Option B中,父类多了更多的限制(有height又有weight)。虽然我们可以把height和weight设为同个值,但这会带了不少麻烦,比如空间的浪费,比如如果父类有setWidth的方法,难道Square类只改width不改height?

继承是一个is-a的关系,Square类应该是(is a)Rectangle类, 如果在父类Rectangle里就预设好了width, height(不符合Square类需求,Square只需要一个),会破坏这个is a的关系。 因此在例子里需要简化父类。

An overridden method of a subclass needs to accept the same input parameter values as the method of the superclass. That means you can implement less restrictive validation rules, but you are not allowed to enforce stricter ones in your subclass. 

Core C++笔记--面对对象编程的SOLID原则

  • Guideline: Make sure that inheritance is about behavior, not about data.
  • Guideline: Make sure that the contract of base types is adhered to.
  • Guideline: Make sure to adhere to the required concept.

4.Interface segregation principle

接口分离原则, 客户类应该可以通过不同的抽象基类来使用接口,因此不被强迫依赖那些它们不需要的接口(接口污染)。

”Clients should not be forced to depend on methods that they do not use.”
(Robert C. Martin, Agile Software Development)

”Many client specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface.”

Core C++笔记--面对对象编程的SOLID原则

class Circle;
class Square;
class DrawStrategy
    virtual ~DrawStrategy() {}
    virtual void draw( const Circle& circle ) const = 0;
    virtual void draw( const Square& square ) const = 0;

class Shape
    Shape() = default;
    virtual ~Shape() = default;

    virtual void translate( Vector3D const& ) = 0;
    virtual void rotate( Quaternion const& ) = 0;
    virtual void draw() const = 0;

class Circle : public Shape
    explicit Circle( double rad, std::unique_ptr<DrawStrategy> ds )
            : radius{ rad }
            , // ... Remaining data members
            , drawing{ std::move(ds) }
    virtual ~Circle() = default;
    double getRadius() const noexcept;
    // ... getCenter(), getRotation(), ...
    void translate( Vector3D const& ) override;
    void rotate( Quaternion const& ) override;
    void draw() const override;
    double radius;
    // ... Remaining data members
    std:unique_ptr<DrawStrategy> drawing;

class Square : public Shape
    explicit Square( double s, std::unique_ptr<DrawStrategy> ds )
            : side{ s }
            , // ... Remaining data members
            , drawing{ std::move(ds) }
    virtual ~Square() = default;
    double getSide() const noexcept;
    // ... getCenter(), getRotation(), ...
    void translate( Vector3D const& ) override;
    void rotate( Quaternion const& ) override;
    void draw() const override;
    double side;
    // ... Remaining data members
    std::unique_ptr<DrawStrategy> drawing;


class DrawCircleStrategy
    virtual ~DrawCircleStrategy() {}
    virtual void draw( const Circle& circle ) const = 0;

class DrawSquareStrategy
    virtual ~DrawSquareStrategy() {}
    virtual void draw( const Square& square ) const = 0;

// 当然还要Circle的DrawingStrategy改为std:unique_ptr<DrawCircleStrategy> drawing; 


  • Guideline: Make sure interfaces don’t induce unnecessary dependencies.

5.The Dependency Inversion Principle

”The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) tells us that the most flexible systems are those in which source code dependencies refer only to abstractions, not to concretions.”
(Robert C. Martin, Clean Architecture)

”a. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
 b. Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.”
(Robert C. Martin, Agile Software Development)

Core C++笔记--面对对象编程的SOLID原则
Core C++笔记--面对对象编程的SOLID原则

Core C++笔记--面对对象编程的SOLID原则

  • Guideline: Prefer to depend on abstractions (i.e. abstract classes or concepts) instead of concrete types.
