
<template> <a-upload :list-type="listType || 'text'" :multiple="multiple" :accept="accept" :method="method" :directory="directory" :customRequest="customRequest" :data="data" :disabled="disabled" :name="name" :previewFile="previewFile" :showUploadList="showUploadList" :supportServerRender="supportServerRender" :withCredentials="withCredentials" :openFileDialogOnClick="openFileDialogOnClick" :transformFile="transformFile" :headers="headers" :fileList="sFileList" :action="action || defaultAction" @change="fileChange" @download="download" @preview="filePreview" @reject="reject" :beforeUpload="beforeUpload" :remove="fileDelete" class="venus-upload"> <a-button v-if="!disabledUpload &&(!maxLength || (maxLength && sFileList.length < maxLength)) " :disabled="disabled"> <a-icon type="upload" />点击上传 <!-- <a-input :value="UUID" @change="handleChange" class="busId"></a-input> --> </a-button> </a-upload> </template> <script> /** * 作者:姚正超 * 描述:V1.0版本,请勿随意乱更改组件 * 日期:2020年5月9日 */ import { Upload as U } from 'ant-design-vue' import { UUIDTSysSerialNumber } from '@/api/sys/TSysSerialNumber' import { ACCESS_TOKEN } from '@/store/mutation-types' import Vue from 'vue' import { downloadTSysFile, initTSysFileList, delTSysFile } from '@/api/sys/TSysFile' import prefix from '@/config/prefix' export default { name: 'VenusUpload', model: { prop: 'value', event: 'change' }, props: Object.assign({}, U.props, { headers: { type: Object, default: function () { return { token: Vue.ls.get(ACCESS_TOKEN) } } }, action: { type: String, default: '' }, // 文件类型限制 acceptType: { type: String, default: '*' }, // 文件大小限制 maxSize: { type: Number, default: undefined }, uploadType: { type: String, default: prefix.upload_type_local }, // 最大列表长度,如上传多个文件此属性必须存在 maxLength: { type: Number, default: undefined }, // 由于antd => Form表单组件限制所加属性,无需关注 value: { type: String, default: '' }, // 是否上传到静态资源开放路径 isOpen: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false }, // 上传成功的回调方法 uploadSuccess: { // type: Function }, // 上传成功的回调方法 uploadError: { // type: Function }, disabledUpload: { type: Boolean, default: false } }), data() { const value = !this.value || this.value === 0 || this.value === '0' ? '' : this.value if (this.disabledUpload && this.disabled && this.value && this.value !== '0') { this.UUID = value this.sFileList = [] this.initUpload() } return { sFileList: [], UUID: value // busId: value } }, computed: { defaultAction: function () { const busId = this.UUID || this.value if (prefix.upload_type_local === this.uploadType) { return process.env.VUE_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/dfs/businessUpload?busId=' + busId + '&isOpen=' + this.matchOpen } else { return process.env.VUE_APP_API_BASE_URL + '/dfs/upload?busId=' + busId } }, matchOpen: function () { return this.isOpen === true || this.isOpen === 'true' ? 1 : 0 } }, // async mounted() { // this.UUID = this.value // }, beforeDestroy() { this.sFileList = [] }, watch: { value(val = '') { if ((!val || val === '0') && !this.disabledUpload) { this.sFileList = [] this.handleUUID() } else if ((this.UUID && this.UUID !== val) || !this.UUID) { this.UUID = val this.sFileList = [] this.initUpload() } } }, created() { }, methods: { triggerChange(e) { // Should provide an event to pass value to Form. this.$emit('change', this.UUID) }, async handleUUID() { await UUIDTSysSerialNumber().then(res => { if (res.code === 0) { this.UUID = res.data } else { console.log(new Error('获取busId失败')) this.$message.error('上传组件出现意外错误') } }) }, handleChange(e) { this.$emit('change', e.target.value) }, fileChange({ file, fileList }) { if (file.status !== 'uploading') { } if (file.status === 'done') { // this.initUpload() if (file.response.code === 0) { fileList.map(el => { if (el.uid === file.uid) { el['linkProps'] = { download: 'current' } } return el }) this.$message.success(`${file.name} 文件上传成功`) this.$emit('success', file.response) // } } else { fileList.map(el => { if (el.uid === file.uid) { el['linkProps'] = { download: 'current' } } return el }) this.$message.error(`${file.name} 文件上传失败` + file.response.msg) this.$emit('error', file.response) } } else if (file.status === 'error') { fileList.map(el => { if (el.uid === file.uid) { el['linkProps'] = { download: 'current' } } return el }) this.$message.error(`${file.name} 文件上传失败`) this.$emit('error', file.response) } if (file.status !== undefined) { this.sFileList = fileList this.triggerChange() } }, filePreview(file) { if (file.status === 'done') { if (file.linkProps.download === 'error') { this.$message.error(`${file.name} 文件上传失败,无法下载`) } else { downloadTSysFile({ fileId: file.response.fileId, delete: false }) } } else { this.$message.error(`${file.name} 文件下载出现错误`) } }, initUpload() { const self = this initTSysFileList({ busId: this.value }).then(res => { if (res.code === 0) { // console.log('文件列表初始化开始-------------') if (self.listType === 'text' && this.matchOpen === 1) { res.data.some((item, i) => { self.sFileList.push({ uid: item.id, name: <a-tooltip><template slot="title">{'点击下载文件'}</template>{item.fileRealname}</a-tooltip>, status: 'done', response: { fileId: item.id }, linkProps: { download: 'current' } }) }) } else { res.data.some((item, i) => { self.sFileList.push({ uid: item.id, name: <a-tooltip><template slot="title">{'点击下载文件'}</template>{item.fileRealname}</a-tooltip>, status: 'done', url: self.defaultAction, thumbUrl: prefix.OPEN_URL_PREFIX + item.filePath, response: { fileId: item.id }, linkProps: { download: 'current' } }) }) } // res.data.some((item, i) => { // self.sFileList.push({ // uid: item.id, // name: item.fileRealname, // status: 'done', // response: { fileId: item.id }, // linkProps: { download: 'current' } // }) // }) } }) }, async fileDelete(info) { // 删除 await delTSysFile({ fileId: info.response.fileId, delete: true }) .then(res => { if (res.code === 0) { this.sFileList = this.sFileList.filter(file => file.response.fileId !== info.response.fileId) this.$message.success('删除成功') } else { this.$message.error(res.msg || '删除失败') } }) .catch(() => { this.$message.error('系统错误,请稍后再试') }) .finally(() => { }) }, beforeUpload(file, fileList) { const isAcceptType = this.typeMatch(file.type) if (!isAcceptType) { this.$message.error(`文件类型限制为 ${this.acceptType}!`) } const lessThanMaxSize = !this.maxSize || (this.maxSize && file.size / 1024 / 1024 < this.maxSize) if (!lessThanMaxSize) { this.$message.error(`文件大小限制为 ${this.maxSize}MB!`) } return isAcceptType && lessThanMaxSize }, typeMatch(fileType) { if (this.acceptType === '*' || this.acceptType === '*/*') { return true } const accept = this.acceptType.split(',') const type = fileType.indexOf('/') > -1 ? fileType.split('/')[1] : fileType for (let i = 0; i < accept.length; i++) { if (accept[i] === type) { return true } } return false } } } </script> <style lang="less" scoped> .busId { display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; } .venus-upload { cursor: pointer; } .ant-upload .ant-upload-list .ant-upload-list-item .ant-upload-list-item { height: 40px; } // .venus-upload { // .ant-upload-list-item-card-actions { // opacity: 1; // } // } </style>


import VenusUpload from './VenusUpload'

export default VenusUpload


