


TreeNode InsertRec(rootNode, key) =

    if rootNode == NULL, return new Node(key)

    if key >= rootNode.data, rootNode.rightChild = InsertRec(rootNode.rightChild, key)

    if Key < rootNode.data, rootNode.leftChild = InsertRec(rootNode.leftChild, key)

Context is: currentNode的reference 和要插入的key.



TreeNode DeleteRec(rootNode, key) =

    if rootNode == NULL, return rootNode

    if key >= rootNode.data, rootNode.rightChild = DeleteRec(rootNode.rightChild, key)

    if Key < rootNode.data, rootNode.leftChild = DeleteRec(rootNode.leftChild, key)

Context is: currentNode的reference 和要删除的key.


在base case里,

  1. 如果是叶子节点返回空即可,
  2. 如果是单子节点,如果左子为空就返回右子。如果右子为空,就返回左子。
  3. 如果被删节点有两个孩子,则组要借助util找到中序遍历的后继节点, take 其值,然后再递归删除successor节点。


        /// <summary>
/// insert record to BST recursively
/// </summary>
/// <param name="root">current root node</param>
/// <param name="key">the value of the element to be inserted</param>
public TreeNode<T> InsertRec(TreeNode<T> rootNode, T key)
if (rootNode == null)
rootNode = new TreeNode<T>();
rootNode.data = key;
return rootNode;
} if (key.CompareTo(rootNode.data) < )
rootNode.leftChild = InsertRec(rootNode.leftChild, key);
rootNode.rightChild = InsertRec(rootNode.rightChild, key);
} return rootNode;
} public void DeleteKey(T key)
this.root = DeleteRec(root, key);
} public void InsertKey(T key)
this.root = InsertRec(root, key);
} /// <summary>
/// Delete record from BST recursively
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rootNode">root node</param>
/// <param name="Key">value of the element</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public TreeNode<T> DeleteRec(TreeNode<T> node, T key)
if (node == null)
return null;
} if (key.CompareTo(node.data) < )
node.leftChild = DeleteRec(node.leftChild, key);
else if (key.CompareTo(node.data) > )
node.rightChild = DeleteRec(node.rightChild, key);
else // find the node, node is the one to be deleted
if (node.leftChild == null)
return node.rightChild;
else if (node.rightChild == null)
return node.leftChild;
// need to handle the root?
T value = GetMinValue(node);
node.data = value;
node.rightChild = DeleteRec(node.rightChild, value);
} return node;
} private T GetMinValue(TreeNode<T> node)
if (node == null)
throw new Exception("node is null.");
} if (node.rightChild != null)
TreeNode<T> temp = node.rightChild;
while (temp.leftChild != null)
temp = temp.leftChild;
} return temp.data;
throw new Exception("successor node is not found");
上一篇:iOS category中的所谓属性 和 从xib初始化对象的方法 以及类扩展

下一篇:【WPF学习】第五十七章 使用代码创建故事板