ios Programming:The Big Nerd Ranch Guid(6th Edition) (Joe Conway & AARON HILLEGASS 著)

Introduction (已看)


  What Has Changed in the Sixth Edition?

  Our Teaching Philosophy

  How to Use This Book

  How This Book Is Ogranized

  Style Choices

  Typographical Conventions

  Necessary Hardware and Software

1. A Simple ios Application (已看)

  Creating an Xcode Project

  Designing Quiz

  Interface Builder

  Building the Interface

    Creating view objects

    Configuring view objects

    Running on the simulator

    A brief introduction to Auto Layout

    Making connections

  Creaging the Model Layer

    Implementing action methods

    Loading the first question

  Building the Finished Application

    Application Icons

    Launch Screen

ios Programming:The Big Nerd Ranch Guid(6th Edition) (Joe Conway & AARON HILLEGASS 著)

 import UIKit

 class ViewController: UIViewController {

     @IBOutlet var questionLabel: UILabel!
     @IBOutlet var answerLabel: UILabel!

     let questions: [String] = [
         "From what is cognac made?",
         "What is 7+7?",
         "What is the capital of Vermont?"
     let answers: [String] = [

     override func viewDidLoad() {
         questionLabel.text = questions[currentQuestionIndex]

     @IBAction func showNextQuestion(_ sender: UIButton) {
         currentQuestionIndex +=
         if currentQuestionIndex == questions.count {
             currentQuestionIndex =

         let question: String = questions[currentQuestionIndex]
         questionLabel.text = question
         answerLabel.text = "???"

     @IBAction func showAnswer(_ sender: UIButton) {
         let answer: String = answers[currentQuestionIndex]
         answerLabel.text = answer



2. The Swift Language (已看)

  Types in Swift

  Using Standard Types

    Inferring types

    Specifying types

    Literals and subscripting



    Instance methods


    Subscripting dictionaries

  Loops and String Interpolation

  Enumerations and the Switch Statement

    Enumerations and raw values

  Exploring Apple's Swift Documentation

3. View and the View Hierarchy (已看)

  View Basics

  The View Hierarchy

  Creating a New Project

  View and Frames

    Customizing the labels

  The Auto Layout System

    The alignment rectangle and layout attributes


    Adding constraints in Interface Builder

    Intrinsic content size

    Misplaced views

    Adding more constraints

  Bronze Challenge:More Auto Layout Practice

ios Programming:The Big Nerd Ranch Guid(6th Edition) (Joe Conway & AARON HILLEGASS 著)

4. Tex Input and Delegation (已看)

  Text Editing

    Keyboard attributes

    Responding to text fiedl changes

    Dismissing the keyboard

  Implementing the Temperature Conversion

    Number formatters


    Conforming to a protocol

    Using a delegate

    More on protocols

  Bronze Challenge:Disallow Alphabetic Characters

ios Programming:The Big Nerd Ranch Guid(6th Edition) (Joe Conway & AARON HILLEGASS 著)

 import UIKit

 class ConversionViewController:UIViewController,UITextFieldDelegate{
     @IBOutlet var celsiusLabel:UILabel!
     @IBOutlet var textField:UITextField!

     override func viewDidLoad(){


     var fahrenheitValue:Measurement<UnitTemperature>?{
     var celsiusValue:Measurement<UnitTemperature>? {
         if let fahrenheitValue = fahrenheitValue {
             return fahrenheitValue.converted(to: .celsius)
         } else {
             return nil

     func updateCelsiusLabel(){
         if let celsiusValue = celsiusValue {
             celsiusLabel.text = numberFormatter.string(from:NSNumber(value:celsiusValue.value))
         } else {
             celsiusLabel.text = "???"

     @IBAction func fahrenheitFieldEditingChanged(_ texField:UITextField){
         if let text = textField.text,let value = Double(text){
             fahrenheitValue = Measurement(value:value,unit:.fahrenheit)
         } else {
             fahrenheitValue = nil

     @IBAction func dismissKeyboard(_ sender:UITapGestureRecognizer){

     let numberFormatter:NumberFormatter = {
         let nf = NumberFormatter()
         nf.numberStyle = .decimal
         nf.minimumFractionDigits =
         nf.maximumFractionDigits =
         return nf

     func textField(_ textField:UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range:NSRange,replacementString string:String)->Bool{
         let existingTextHasDecimalSeparator = textField.text?.range(of:".")
         let replacementTextHasDecimalSeparator = string.range(of:".")

         if existingTextHasDecimalSeparator != nil,replacementTextHasDecimalSeparator != nil {
             return false
         } else {
             return true


5. View Controllers (已看)

  The View of a View Controller

  Setting the Initial View Controller


    Tab bar items

  Loaded and Appearing Views

    Accessing subviews

  Interacting with View Controllers and Their Views

  Silver Challenge:Dark Mode

  For the More Curious:Retina Display

ios Programming:The Big Nerd Ranch Guid(6th Edition) (Joe Conway & AARON HILLEGASS 著)

 import UIKit

 class ConversionViewController:UIViewController,UITextFieldDelegate{
     @IBOutlet var celsiusLabel:UILabel!
     @IBOutlet var textField:UITextField!

     override func viewDidLoad(){

         print("ConversionViewController loaded its view.")


     var fahrenheitValue:Measurement<UnitTemperature>?{
     var celsiusValue:Measurement<UnitTemperature>? {
         if let fahrenheitValue = fahrenheitValue {
             return fahrenheitValue.converted(to: .celsius)
         } else {
             return nil

     func updateCelsiusLabel(){
         if let celsiusValue = celsiusValue {
             celsiusLabel.text = numberFormatter.string(from:NSNumber(value:celsiusValue.value))
         } else {
             celsiusLabel.text = "???"

     @IBAction func fahrenheitFieldEditingChanged(_ texField:UITextField){
         if let text = textField.text,let value = Double(text){
             fahrenheitValue = Measurement(value:value,unit:.fahrenheit)
         } else {
             fahrenheitValue = nil

     @IBAction func dismissKeyboard(_ sender:UITapGestureRecognizer){

     let numberFormatter:NumberFormatter = {
         let nf = NumberFormatter()
         nf.numberStyle = .decimal
         nf.minimumFractionDigits =
         nf.maximumFractionDigits =
         return nf

     func textField(_ textField:UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range:NSRange,replacementString string:String)->Bool{
         let existingTextHasDecimalSeparator = textField.text?.range(of:".")
         let replacementTextHasDecimalSeparator = string.range(of:".")

         if existingTextHasDecimalSeparator != nil,replacementTextHasDecimalSeparator != nil {
             return false
         } else {
             return true


 import UIKit

 class MapViewController:UIViewController {

     override func viewDidLoad(){

         print("MapViewController loaded its view.")


6. Programmatic Views (已看)

  Creaing a View Programatically

  Programmatic Constraints


    Activating constraints

    Layout guides


    Explicit constraints

  Programmatic Controls

  Bronze Challenge:Another Tab

  Silver Challenge:User's Location

  Gold Challenge:Dropping Pins

  For the More Curious:NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint

ios Programming:The Big Nerd Ranch Guid(6th Edition) (Joe Conway & AARON HILLEGASS 著)

 import UIKit

 class ConversionViewController:UIViewController,UITextFieldDelegate{
     @IBOutlet var celsiusLabel:UILabel!
     @IBOutlet var textField:UITextField!

     override func viewDidLoad(){

         print("ConversionViewController loaded its view.")


     var fahrenheitValue:Measurement<UnitTemperature>?{
     var celsiusValue:Measurement<UnitTemperature>? {
         if let fahrenheitValue = fahrenheitValue {
             return fahrenheitValue.converted(to: .celsius)
         } else {
             return nil

     func updateCelsiusLabel(){
         if let celsiusValue = celsiusValue {
             celsiusLabel.text = numberFormatter.string(from:NSNumber(value:celsiusValue.value))
         } else {
             celsiusLabel.text = "???"

     @IBAction func fahrenheitFieldEditingChanged(_ texField:UITextField){
         if let text = textField.text,let value = Double(text){
             fahrenheitValue = Measurement(value:value,unit:.fahrenheit)
         } else {
             fahrenheitValue = nil

     @IBAction func dismissKeyboard(_ sender:UITapGestureRecognizer){

     let numberFormatter:NumberFormatter = {
         let nf = NumberFormatter()
         nf.numberStyle = .decimal
         nf.minimumFractionDigits =
         nf.maximumFractionDigits =
         return nf

     func textField(_ textField:UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range:NSRange,replacementString string:String)->Bool{
         let existingTextHasDecimalSeparator = textField.text?.range(of:".")
         let replacementTextHasDecimalSeparator = string.range(of:".")

         if existingTextHasDecimalSeparator != nil,replacementTextHasDecimalSeparator != nil {
             return false
         } else {
             return true


 import UIKit
 import MapKit

 class MapViewController:UIViewController {

     var mapView:MKMapView!

     override func loadView(){
         // Create a map view
         mapView = MKMapView()

         // Set it as *the* view of this view controller
         view = mapView

         let segmentedControl = UISegmentedControl(items:["Standard","Hybrid","Satellite"])
         segmentedControl.backgroundColor = UIColor.white.withAlphaComponent(0.5)
         segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex =
         segmentedControl.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false


         //let topConstraint = segmentedeControl.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo:view.topAnchor)
         let topConstraint = segmentedControl.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo:topLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor,constant:)

         let margins = view.layoutMarginsGuide
         let leadingConstraint = segmentedControl.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo:margins.leadingAnchor)
         let trailingConstraint = segmentedControl.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo:margins.trailingAnchor)

         segmentedControl.addTarget(self,action: #selector(MapViewController.mapTypeChanged(_:)),for: .valueChanged)

         topConstraint.isActive = true
         leadingConstraint.isActive = true
         trailingConstraint.isActive = true

     override func viewDidLoad(){

         print("MapViewController loaded its view.")

     @objc func mapTypeChanged(_ segControl:UISegmentedControl){
         switch segControl.selectedSegmentIndex{
             mapView.mapType = .standard
             mapView.mapType = .hybrid
             mapView.mapType = .satellite


7. Localization (已看)



    Base internationalization

    Preparing for localization


    NSLocalizedString and strings tables

  Bronze Challenge:Another Localization

  For the More Curious:Bundle's Role in Internationalization

  For the More Curious:Improting and Exporting as XLIFF

8. Controlling Animations

  Basic Animations


  Another Label

  Animation Completion

  Animating Constraints

  Timing Functions

  Bronze Challenge:Spring Animations

  Silver Challenge:Layout Guides

9. Debugging

  A Buggy Project

  Debugging Basics

    Interpreting console messages

    Fixing the first bug

    Caveman debugging

  The Xcode Debugger:LLDB

    Setting breakpoints

    Stepping through code

    The LLDB console

10. UITableView and UITableViewController

  Beginning the Homepwner Application


    Subclassing UITableViewController

  Creating the Item Class

    Custom initializers

  UITableView's Data Source

    Giving the controller access to the store

    Implementing data source methods


    Creating and retrieving UITableViewCells

    Reusing UITableViewCells

  Content Insets

  Bronze Challenge:Sections

  Silver Challenge:Constant Rows

  Gold Challenge:Customizing the Table

11. Editing UITableView

  Editing Mode

  Adding Rows

  Deleting Rows

  Moving Rows

  Displaying User Alerts

  Design Patterns

  Bronze Challenge:Renaming the Delete Button

  Silver Challenge:Preventing Reordering

  Gold Challenge:Really Preventing Reordering

12. Subclassing UITableViewCell

  Creating ItemCell

  Exposing the Properties of ItemCell

  Using ItemCell

  Dynamic Cell Heights

  Dynamic Type

    Responding to user changes

  Bronze Challenge:Cell Colors

13. Stack Views

  Using UIStackView

    Implicit constraints

    Stack view distribution

    Nested stack views

    Stack view spacing


  Hooking Up the Content

  Passing Data Around

  Bronze Challenge:More Stack Views

14. UINavigationController


    Navigating with UINavigationController

    Appearing and Disappearing Views

    Dismissing the Keyboard

      Event handling basics

      Dismissing by pressing the Return key

      Dismissing by tapping elsewhere


      Adding buttons to the navigation bar

    Bronze Challenge:Displaying a Number Pad

    Silver Challenge:A Custom UITextField

    Gold Challenge:Pushing More View Controllers

15. Camera

  Displaying Images and UIImageView

    Adding a camera button

  Taking Pictures and UIImagePickerController

    Setting the image picker's sourceType

    Setting the image picker's delegate

    Presenting the image picker modally


    Saving the image

  Creating ImageStore

  Giving View Controllers Access to the Image Store

  Creating and Using Keys

  Wrapping Up ImageStore

  Bronze Challenge:Editing an Image

  Silver CHallenge:Removing and Image

  Gold Challenge:Camera Overlay

  For the More Curious:Navigating Implementation Files

    // MARK:

16. Saving,Loading,and Application States


  Application Sandbox

    Constructing a file URL

  NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver

    Loading files

  Application States and Transitions

  Writing to the FileSystem with Data

  Error Handling

  Bronze Challenge:PNG

  For the More Curious:Application State Transitions

  For the More Curious:Reading and Writing to the Filesystem

  For the More Curious:The Application Bundle

17. Size Classes

  Modifying Traits for a Specific Size Class

  Bronze Challenge:Stacked Text Field and Labels

18. Touch Events and UIResponder

  Touch Events

  Creating the TouchTracker Application

  Creating the Line Struct


    Value types vs reference types

  Creating DrawView

  Drawing with DrawView

  Turning Touches into Lines

    Handling multiple touches


  Silver Challenge:Colors


  For the More Curious:The Responder Chain

  For the More Curious:UIControl

19. UIGestureRecognizer and UIMenuController

  UIGestureRecognizer Subclasses

  Detecting Taps with UITapGestureRecognizer

  Multiple Gesture Recognizers


  More Gesture Recognizers


    UIPanGestureRecognizer and simultaneous recognizers

  More on UIGestureRecognizer

  Silver Challenge:Mysterious Lines

  Gold Challenge:Speed and Size

  Platinum Challenge:Colors

  For the More Curious:UIMenuController and UIResponderStandardEditActions

20. Web Services

  Starting the Photorama Application

  Building the URL

    Formatting URLs and requests


  Sending the Request


  Modeling the Photo

  JSON Data


    Enumerations and associated values

    Parsing JSON data

  Downloading and Displaying the Image Data

  The Main Thread

  Bronze Challenge:Printing the Response Information

  Silver Challenge:Fetch Recent Photos from Flickr

  For the More Curious:HTTP

21. Collection Views

  Displaying the Grid

  Collection View Data Source

  Customizing the Layout

  Creating a Custom UICollectionViewCell

  Downloading the Image Data


    Image caching

  Navigating to a Photo

  Silver Challenge:Updated Item Sizes

  Gold Challenge:Creating a Custom Layout

22. Core Data

  Object Graphs


    Modeling entities

    Transformable attributes

    NSManagedObject and subclasses


  Updating Items

    Inserting into the context

    Saving changes

  Updating the Data Source

    Fetch requests and predicates

  Bronze Challenge:Photo View Count

  For the More Curious:The Core Data Stack




23. Core Data Relationships


  Adding Tags to the Interface

  Background Tasks

  Silver Challenge:Favorites

24. Accessibility


    Testing VoiceOver

    Accessibility in Photorama

25. Afterword

  What to Do Next

  Shameless Plugs

