java – 我应该用种子初始化我的BCryptPasswordEncoder的SecureRandom吗?

我只是对同事任务进行代码审查,并遇到了以下几行代码(他正在实现基于Spring Security的登录系统).

public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder(){
    return new BCryptPasswordEncoder(ENCODING_STRENGTH, new SecureRandom(SEED_BYTES));




Additionally, SecureRandom must produce non-deterministic output. Therefore any seed material passed to a SecureRandom object must be unpredictable, and all SecureRandom output sequences must be cryptographically strong, as described in RFC 1750: Randomness Recommendations for Security.



random – an instance of SecureRandom to use


盐应该(最好)是唯一的,见A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme

As proposed by Morris and Thompson [9], however, lookup tables can be thwarted with the second input to F, which they call a salt. If a random salt is chosen whenever users establish new passwords, and if the salt space is large enough to ensure a negligible probability of recurrence, lookup tables offer an adversary no advantage; he may as well compute F at the time of attack. If, on the other hand, the salt space is too small, the output bits of F become useful predicates on passwords, a fact exploited by the QCrack [12] program described in Section 6.

如果使用常量种子,则每次重新启动应用程序后都会获得相同的盐序列.这导致了salt collisions.

盐碰撞和可预测的盐会削弱您的安全性,请参阅Seven Ways To Screw Up BCrypt

#1: Using A Non-Random Salt

[…] If the salt for any two hashes is the same, then the attacker can re-use the computation to attack both at the same time (for brute force style attacks). […]

#2: Using An Incorrect Random Source for Salt Generation

[…] Additionally, some of the weak random sources suffer from problems known as “seed poisoning” where an attacker can effect future generated randomness.

上一篇:PHP中的Ruby bcrypt密码检索

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