AMBA基础知识5:burst & 读写response



    AXI Transaction:the complete set of required operations on the AXI bus form the AXI Transaction

    AXI Burst:any required payload data is transferred as an AXI Burst

    AXI Beats:a burst can comprise multiple data transfers, or AXI Beats


    简单来说,AXI Transaction就是传输一段数据(AXI burst)所需要的一整套操作,而AXI burst就是待传数据,AXI burst由AXI Beats组成,一个Beat就是一个transfer。


    每个AXI transaction的传输都是基于burst的,协议关于burst的类型规定如下:



            ▼WRAP:与INCR burst类似,只是地址会卷绕(就是增加到某个地址后又回到最低地址)

        AMBA基础知识5:burst & 读写response




        ★burst length 



            ▼Burst_Length = AxLEN[7:0]+1;


        ★WRAP burst的长度必须是2,4,8,16



        ★INCR burst或者长度超过16的burst可以被转换为较小的burst,即便transaction attributes指明该transaction是Non-modifiable也可以这么做。


        ★burst size
            ▼(AxSIZE[2:0]):每个beat,或者说data transfer的字节数

            ▼ARSIZE[2:0] for read

            ▼AWSIZE[2:0] for write

        AMBA基础知识5:burst & 读写response



        ★burst size不能超过总线宽度

        ★burst address

            ◆Number_Bytes = burst size


            ◆Aligned_Address:Start_Address@ Number_Bytes


                   A@B =(INT(A/B))*B

            ◆Burst_Length = AxLEN[7:0]+1


            ◆Wrap_Boundary:在Wrap burst中的最低地址,必须按(Burst_length*Number_Bytes)对齐           

       ★Write Strobe


       ★Unaligned transfers
              ◆当burst address中的Aligned_Address != Start_Address的时候,即为unaligned transfer,这时,用write strobe来标明从Aligned_Address到Start_Address的无效字节 



               ▼OKAY: Normal access success + Exclusive access failed

               ▼EXOKAY: Exclusive access okay

               ▼SLVERR: Slave error

                    Slave error conditions:


                    ◆transfer size 不支持


                    ◆Slave timeout

                    ◆access to a disabled or powered-down function

               ▼DECERR: Decode error

                    ◆interconnect不能成功对Slave access译码


                    !AXI协议要求transaction中所有的transfer都必须完成,即便出现了error condition,给出DECERR的default Component也必须满足这个要求。


                AMBA基础知识5:burst & 读写response



上一篇:Don’t use Suspend and Resume, but don’t poll either.

下一篇:leetcode 312. Burst Balloons