1. 备份服务器数据,采用并行方式,加快备份速度(文件日期根据具体操作日期修改)
expdp jhpt/XXXX directory=databackup dumpfile=dpfile_201511271500_%U.dmp filesize=5G parallel=8 compression=all
4. 执行导入脚本,进行数据库导入,排除索引和主键(文件日期根据导出文件修改)
impdp jhpt/XXX directory=datapump dumpfile=dpfile_201511271500_%U.dmp exclude=index,constraint parallel=8 cluster=no
-- Create table
create table TEMP1210
content1 CLOB,
content2 NVARCHAR2(100)
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 1M
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
因为分区的索引比较多,所以字段类型为CLOB 读的时候可以用to_char 吧字段转换为string
select to_char(a.content1) from TEMP1210 a ;
plsql 中执行 begin -- 重建普通索引 for cur in (select index_name from all_indexes where owner = 'JHPT' and tablespace_name is not null) loop insert into TEMP1210 select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('INDEX', cur.index_name), ' ' from dual; end loop; commit; -- 重建分区索引 for cur in (select * from all_ind_partitions where index_owner = 'JHPT') loop insert into TEMP1210 select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('INDEX', cur.index_name), ' ' from dual; end loop; commit; -- 重建复合分区索引 for cur in (select * from all_ind_subpartitions where index_owner = 'JHPT') loop insert into TEMP1210 select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('INDEX', cur.index_name), ' ' from dual; end loop; commit; end;
begin execute immediate 'alter session enable parallel dml'; -- 重建普通索引 for cur in (select index_name from all_indexes where owner = 'JHPT' and tablespace_name is not null) loop execute immediate 'alter index ' || cur.index_name || ' rebuild online parallel 24'; end loop; -- 重建分区索引 for cur in (select * from all_ind_partitions where index_owner = 'JHPT') loop execute immediate 'alter index ' || cur.index_name || ' rebuild partition '|| cur.partition_name ||' online parallel 24'; end loop; -- 重建复合分区索引 for cur in (select * from all_ind_subpartitions where index_owner = 'JHPT') loop execute immediate 'alter index ' || cur.index_name || ' rebuild subpartition '|| cur.subpartition_name ||' online parallel 24'; end loop; end;