
Health 信息是从 ApplicationContext 中所有的 HealthIndicator 的 Bean 中收集的, Spring Boot 内置了一些 HealthIndicator。

内置 HealthIndicator 监控检测

Name Description
CassandraHealthIndicator Checks that a Cassandra database is up.
DiskSpaceHealthIndicator Checks for low disk space.
DataSourceHealthIndicator Checks that a connection to DataSource can be obtained.
ElasticsearchHealthIndicator Checks that an Elasticsearch cluster is up.
JmsHealthIndicator Checks that a JMS broker is up.
MailHealthIndicator Checks that a mail server is up.
MongoHealthIndicator Checks that a Mongo database is up.
RabbitHealthIndicator Checks that a Rabbit server is up.
RedisHealthIndicator Checks that a Redis server is up.
SolrHealthIndicator Checks that a Solr server is up.



可见,Spring Boot 帮忙我们集成了许多比较常见的健康监控,例如 MySQL、 MongoDB、 Redis、 ElasticSearch、 Solr、 RabbitMQ 等。

自定义 HealthIndicator 监控检测

一般情况下,Spring Boot 提供的健康监控无法满足我们复杂的业务场景,此时,我们就需要定制自己的 HealthIndicator, 扩展自己的业务监控。

我们,实现 HealthIndicator 接口创建一个简单的检测器类。它的作用很简单,只是进行服务状态监测。此时,通过重写 health() 方法来实现健康检查。

  1. @Component
  2. public class CusStatusHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {
  3. @Override
  4. public Health health() {
  5. int errorCode = check();
  6. if (errorCode != 0) {
  7. return Health.down()
  8. .withDetail("status", errorCode)
  9. .withDetail("message", "服务故障")
  10. .build();
  11. }
  12. return Health.up().build();
  13. }
  14. private int check(){
  15. // 对监控对象的检测操作
  16. return HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value();
  17. }
  18. }


  1. {
  2. "status": "DOWN",
  3. "cusStatus": {
  4. "status": 404,
  5. "message": "服务故障"
  6. }
  7. }

此外,我们还可以通过继承 AbstractHealthIndicator 类,创建一个检测器类。

  1. @Component
  2. public class CusDiskSpaceHealthIndicator extends AbstractHealthIndicator {
  3. private final FileStore fileStore;
  4. private final long thresholdBytes;
  5. @Autowired
  6. public CusDiskSpaceHealthIndicator(
  7. @Value("${health.filestore.path:/}") String path,
  8. @Value("${health.filestore.threshold.bytes:10485760}") long thresholdBytes)
  9. throws IOException {
  10. fileStore = Files.getFileStore(Paths.get(path));
  11. this.thresholdBytes = thresholdBytes;
  12. }
  13. @Override
  14. protected void doHealthCheck(Health.Builder builder) throws Exception {
  15. long diskFreeInBytes = fileStore.getUnallocatedSpace();
  16. if (diskFreeInBytes >= thresholdBytes) {
  17. builder.up();
  18. } else {
  19. builder.down();
  20. }
  21. long totalSpaceInBytes = fileStore.getTotalSpace();
  22. builder.withDetail("disk.free", diskFreeInBytes);
  23. builder.withDetail("disk.total", totalSpaceInBytes);
  24. }
  25. }

AbstractHealthIndicator 实现 HealthIndicator 接口,并重写了 health() 方法来实现健康检查。因此,我们只需要重写 doHealthCheck 方法即可。

一般情况下,我们不会直接实现 HealthIndicator 接口,而是继承 AbstractHealthIndicator 抽象类。因为,我们只需要重写 doHealthCheck 方法,并在这个方法中我们关注于具体的健康检测的业务逻辑服务。


  1. {
  2. "status": "UP",
  3. "cusDiskSpace": {
  4. "status": "UP",
  5. "disk.free": 79479193600,
  6. "disk.total": 104856547328
  7. }
  8. }


相关示例完整代码: springboot-action


下一篇:Springboot监控之一:SpringBoot四大神器之Actuator之2--覆盖修改spring cloud的默认的consul健康检查规则