Part1: 验证性实验 验证性实验2
// 从文本数据文件file1.dat中读入数据,按成绩从高到低排序,将排序结果输出到屏幕上,同时以文本方式存入文件file3.dat中。 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define N 10 typedef struct student { int num; char name[20]; int score; }STU; void sort(STU *pst, int n); int main() { FILE *fin, *fout; STU st[N]; int i; fin = fopen("file1.dat", "r"); if( !fin ) { printf("fail to open file1.dat\n"); exit(0); } for(i=0; i<N; i++) fscanf(fin, "%d %s %d", &st[i].num, st[i].name, &st[i].score); fclose(fin); sort(st, N); fout = fopen("file3.dat", "w"); if( !fout ) { printf("fail to open file1.dat\n"); exit(0); } for(i=0; i<N; i++) { printf("%-6d%-10s%3d\n", st[i].num, st[i].name, st[i].score); fprintf(fout, "%-6d%-10s%3d\n", st[i].num, st[i].name, st[i].score); } fclose(fout); return 0; } void sort(STU *pst, int n) { STU *pi, *pj, t; for(pi = pst; pi < pst+n-1; pi++) for(pj = pi+1; pj < pst+n; pj++) if(pi->score < pj->score) { t = *pi; *pi = *pj; *pj = t; } }
// 从文本数据文件file1.dat中读入数据,按成绩从高到低排序,并将排序结果输出到屏幕上,同时,也以二进制方式存入文件file4.dat中。 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define N 10 typedef struct student { int num; char name[20]; int score; }STU; void sort(STU *pst, int n); int main() { FILE *fin, *fout; STU st[N]; int i; fin = fopen("file1.dat", "r"); if( !fin ) { printf("fail to open file1.dat\n"); exit(0); } for(i=0; i<N; i++) fscanf(fin, "%d %s %d", &st[i].num, st[i].name, &st[i].score); fclose(fin); sort(st, N); fout = fopen("file4.dat", "wb"); if( !fout ) { printf("fail to open file1.dat\n"); exit(0); } for(i=0; i<N; i++) printf("%-6d%-10s%3d\n", st[i].num, st[i].name, st[i].score); fwrite(st, sizeof(STU), N, fout); fclose(fout); return 0; } void sort(STU *pst, int n) { STU *pi, *pj, t; for(pi = pst; pi < pst+n-1; pi++) for(pj = pi+1; pj < pst+n; pj++) if(pi->score < pj->score) { t = *pi; *pi = *pj; *pj = t; } }
Part2: 编程练习
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> const int N = 10; typedef struct student { long int id; char name[20]; float objective; float subjective; float sum; char level[10]; }STU; void input(STU s[], int n); void output(STU s[], int n); void process(STU s[], int n); int main() { STU stu[N]; printf("录入%d个考生信息: 准考证号,姓名,客观题得分(<=40),操作题得分(<=60)\n", N); input(stu, N); printf("\n对考生信息进行处理: 计算总分,确定等级\n"); process(stu, N); printf("\n打印考生完整信息: 准考证号,姓名,客观题得分,操作题得分,总分,等级\n"); output(stu, N); return 0; } void input(STU s[], int n) { FILE *fin;int i; fin=fopen("examinee.txt","r"); if(fin==NULL){ printf("fail to open examinee.txt\n"); exit(0); } for(i=0;i<n;i++) fscanf(fin,"%ld %s %f %f",&s[i].id,s[i].name,&s[i].objective,&s[i].subjective); fclose(fin); } void output(STU s[], int n) { FILE *fout;int i; fout=fopen("result.txt","w"); if(fout==NULL){ printf("fail to open result.txt\n"); exit(0); } for(i=0;i<n;i++){ printf("%-6ld %-8s %-10.2lf %-12.2lf %-12.2lf %-3s\n",s[i].id,s[i].name,s[i].objective,s[i].subjective,s[i].sum,s[i].level); fprintf(fout,"%-6ld %-8s %-10.2lf %-12.2lf %-12.2lf %-3s\n",s[i].id,s[i].name,s[i].objective,s[i].subjective,s[i].sum,s[i].level); } fclose(fout); } void process(STU s[], int n) { int i,j;STU temp; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ s[i].sum=s[i].objective+s[i].subjective;} for(i=0;i<n;i++){ for(j=0;j<n-1-i;j++){ if(s[j].sum<s[j+1].sum){ temp=s[j+1]; s[j+1]=s[j]; s[j]=temp; } } } for(i=0;i<n;i++){ if((i+1)<=0.1*n) strcpy(s[i].level,"优秀"); else if((i+1)>0.5*n) strcpy(s[i].level,"不合格"); else strcpy(s[i].level,"合格"); } }