


 class DemoController extends \Think\Controller
{ /**
* @assert (5, 8) == 13
* @assert (16, 76) == 92
* @assert (6, 16) == 32
* @assert (6, 4) == 0
* @assert ('abc', 1) == 2
* @param int $a
* @param int $b
* @return int
public function plus($a, $b)
return $a + $b;
} /**
* @assert (14, 8) == 6
* @assert (16, 6) == 10
* @assert (6, 4) == 0
* @assert ('45', 1) == 44
* @param int $a
* @param int $b
* @return int
public function subtract($a, $b)
return $a - $b;
} public function connectToServer($serverName = null)
if ($serverName == null) {
throw new Exception("这不是一个服务器名");
$fp = fsockopen($serverName, );
return ($fp) ? true : false;
} }


 class DemoControllerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
{ /**
* @var DemoController
protected $object; /**
* Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
* This method is called before a test is executed.
protected function setUp()
$this->object = new DemoController;
} /**
* Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
* This method is called after a test is executed.
protected function tearDown()
{ } /**
* Generated from @assert (5, 8) == 13.
* @covers Home\Controller\DemoController::plus
public function testPlus()
, $this->object->plus(, )
} /**
* Generated from @assert (16, 76) == 92.
* @covers Home\Controller\DemoController::plus
public function testPlus2()
, $this->object->plus(, )
} /**
* Generated from @assert (6, 16) == 32.
* @covers Home\Controller\DemoController::plus
public function testPlus3()
, $this->object->plus(, )
} /**
* Generated from @assert (6, 4) == 0.
* @covers Home\Controller\DemoController::plus
public function testPlus4()
, $this->object->plus(, )
} /**
* Generated from @assert ('abc', 1) == 0.
* @covers Home\Controller\DemoController::plus
public function testPlus5()
, $this->object->plus('abc', )
} /**
* Generated from @assert (14, 8) == 6.
* @covers Home\Controller\DemoController::subtract
public function testSubtract()
, $this->object->subtract(, )
} /**
* Generated from @assert (16, 6) == 10.
* @covers Home\Controller\DemoController::subtract
public function testSubtract2()
, $this->object->subtract(, )
} /**
* Generated from @assert (6, 4) == 0.
* @covers Home\Controller\DemoController::subtract
public function testSubtract3()
, $this->object->subtract(, )
} /**
* Generated from @assert ('abc', 1) == 0.
* @covers Home\Controller\DemoController::subtract
public function testSubtract4()
, $this->object->subtract('', )
} /**
* @covers Home\Controller\DemoController::connectToServer
* @todo Implement testConnectToServer().
public function testConnectToServer()
// // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
// $this->markTestIncomplete(
// 'This test has not been implemented yet.'
// );
$serverName = 'wwwcom';
$this->assertTrue($this->object->connectToServer($serverName) === false);
public function testConnectToServer2()
$serverName = '';
$this->assertTrue($this->object->connectToServer($serverName) !== false);



 ..FFF..F..F                                                        /  (%)

 Time: 44.42 seconds, Memory: .75Mb

 There were  failures:

 ) Home\Controller\DemoControllerTest::testPlus3
Failed asserting that matches expected . D:\wamp\www\wxportal\tests\Application\Home\Controller\DemoController.classTest.php: ) Home\Controller\DemoControllerTest::testPlus4
Failed asserting that matches expected . D:\wamp\www\wxportal\tests\Application\Home\Controller\DemoController.classTest.php: ) Home\Controller\DemoControllerTest::testPlus5
Failed asserting that matches expected . D:\wamp\www\wxportal\tests\Application\Home\Controller\DemoController.classTest.php: ) Home\Controller\DemoControllerTest::testSubtract3
Failed asserting that matches expected . D:\wamp\www\wxportal\tests\Application\Home\Controller\DemoController.classTest.php: ) Home\Controller\DemoControllerTest::testConnectToServer2
Failed asserting that false is true. D:\wamp\www\wxportal\tests\Application\Home\Controller\DemoController.classTest.php: FAILURES!
Tests: , Assertions: , Failures: .