LeetCode 202. Happy Number
考点 | 难度 |
Hash Table | Easy |
Write an algorithm to determine if a number n
is happy.
A happy number is a number defined by the following process:
Starting with any positive integer, replace the number by the sum of the squares of its digits.
Repeat the process until the number equals 1 (where it will stay), or it loops endlessly in a cycle which does not include 1.
Those numbers for which this process ends in 1 are happy.
Return true if n
is a happy number, and false if not.
@miyamura的答案解释得很清楚,遇到和cycle有关的问题都要用Floyd’s cycle-finding algorithm(两个pointers,一个fast一个slow)。如果有cycle,fast pointer会和slow pointer相遇(指向同一个node)。如果没有cycle,fast pointer会到达loop的终点(null)。
不是happy number则会出现cycle,所以需要用到Floyd’s cycle-finding algorithm。
public int compute(int n){
int s = 0;
while(n > 0){
s += (n % 10) * (n % 10);
n = n / 10;
return s;
public boolean isHappy(int n) {
int slow = n;
int fast = compute(n);
while (fast != 1 && slow != fast){ // happy number和有cycle时的停止条件
slow = compute(slow);
fast = compute(compute(fast));
return fast == 1;