和Azure support讨论后发现目前没有啥特别的办法一步到位,只能先将OS升级到最新版本再降级
1) Upgrade the Azure redhat OS from 7.9 to 8.4
tranfer leapp-data14.tar.gz to Cloud VM.
scp yourid@10.117.xx.xx:~/leapp-data14.tar.gz .
#here is just an example to tranfer files.
yum install leapp leapprepository
yum install leapp-rhui-azure tar -xzf leapp-data14.tar.gz -C /etc/leapp/files
yum update reboot the VM leapp answer --section remove_pam_pkcs11_module_check.confirm=True --add
rmmod pata_acpi
rmmod floppy
leapp preupgrade --no-rhsm
leapp upgrade --no-rhsm
uname -a && cat /etc/redhat-release
2) Downgrade the OS from 8.4 to 8.2
rpm -qa |grep redhat-release
cat /etc/os-release
yum install redhat-release-8.2 -y
rpm -qa |grep redhat-release
cat /etc/os-release"
1.3 "Patch the OS
1.3.1 lock the minor version to 8.2 and switch VM to using EUS repository
yum --disablerepo='*' remove 'rhui-azure-rhel8'
wget https://rhelimage.blob.core.windows.net/repositories/rhui-microsoft-azure-rhel8-eus.config
yum --config=rhui-microsoft-azure-rhel8-eus.config install rhui-azure-rhel8