【论文速读】Shitala Prasad_ECCV2018】Using Object Information for Spotting Text

Shitala Prasad_ECCV2018】Using Object Information for Spotting Text


【论文速读】Shitala Prasad_ECCV2018】Using Object Information for Spotting Text





There exists a strong relationship between certain objects and the presence of text, such as signboards or the absence of text, such as trees.


本文方法利用Faster RCNN来做文字检测(水平),改进的地方在于backbone增加了一个VGG-16 net,该子网络用于学习图像中的所有Object信息(包括文字、背景里的各种目标类),采用了三步分段训练方式来训练模型。实验表明,把文字载体的类别信息融合进去后对文字检测结果有很大提升。



TO-CNN采用Faster RCNN框架,网络结构: backbone(Object VGG-16 + Text VGG-16) + RPN + Regression部分。

其中对于Object VGG-16和Text VGG-16的训练网络结构如下:。

  • Object VGG-16 + RPN + Regression构成第一个网络,用于通用目标检测(42类object),如下图a;

  • Object VGG-16 + Text VGG-16 + RPN + Regression构成第二个网络,用于文字检测(2类),如下图b。注意Object VGG-16是从第一个网络来的。

【论文速读】Shitala Prasad_ECCV2018】Using Object Information for Spotting Text

Fig. 3. The proposed TO-CNN for text spotting based on object information. (a) Illustrates the first training stage to extract object information and store in the Object CNN. (b) Illustrates the second training stage to tune the parameters in the Text CNN and the third training stage to fine tune the entire network for text spotting.



  • Stage1: 训练第一个通用目标检测网络,(Object的类目信息已存储在Object VGG-16 net里)

Once the network is fully trained, the object and text information would be stored in the VGG-16 net.

  • Stage2:固定Object VGG-16,训练第二个文字检测网络,(增加一个新的VGG-16 net,Text VGG-16 net)

In this stage, the Text VGG-16 net takes the object and text features from the Object VGG-16 to tune its parameters for text detection. From another point of view, the Text VGG-16 net fuses the text and object features for text detection.

  • Stage3: 不固定Object VGG-16,训练第二个文字检测网络

At the end of this training stage, the network is fully optimized for text spotting based on object and text information.

  • 两个网络stack的方式采用的是:stacked hourglass approach(Yang, J., Liu, Q., Zhang, K.: Stacked hourglass network for robust facial landmark localisation. In: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2017 IEEE Conference on, IEEE (2017) 2025–2033)


  • NTU-UTOI数据集


    • 22,767 images from ICDAR 2011 robust scene text, ICDAR 2015 incident scene text, KAIST scene text, MSRA-TD500, NEOCR11, SVT, USTBSV1k, and Traffic Sign datasets, together with images collected from the Internet and authors’ personal collections.
    • 18,173 images are used for training and the rest 4,594 images are used for testing.

【论文速读】Shitala Prasad_ECCV2018】Using Object Information for Spotting Text

【论文速读】Shitala Prasad_ECCV2018】Using Object Information for Spotting Text

  • MSRA-TD500
    【论文速读】Shitala Prasad_ECCV2018】Using Object Information for Spotting Text

  • SVT

【论文速读】Shitala Prasad_ECCV2018】Using Object Information for Spotting Text

  • COCO-Text

【论文速读】Shitala Prasad_ECCV2018】Using Object Information for Spotting Text


【论文速读】Shitala Prasad_ECCV2018】Using Object Information for Spotting Text

  • 在NTU-UTOI上fine-tune之后

【论文速读】Shitala Prasad_ECCV2018】Using Object Information for Spotting Text

  • 不同anchor的比较

【论文速读】Shitala Prasad_ECCV2018】Using Object Information for Spotting Text


这篇方法的idea很有意思。通过利用text背后的载体信息来帮助文字的定位,这个思想其实不是这篇文章首创,Yingli Tian_CVPR2017】Unambiguous Text Localization and Retrieval for Cluttered Scenes这篇文章里其实有提过相似的思想。


下一篇:mono+jexus 之连接数据库