如何创建ABAP的text table

(1) create a main table as usual:

如何创建ABAP的text table

define the key field CHANNEL:

如何创建ABAP的text table

(2) create another table which will be used as text table. Ensure a field with data element SPRAS is included as primary key. The primary key CHANNEL of main table must also be included in the text table.

如何创建ABAP的text table

(3) mark field CLIENT and click button "Foreign Keys":

如何创建ABAP的text table

Click Yes

如何创建ABAP的text table

Click copy button:

如何创建ABAP的text table

you could observe the message below:

如何创建ABAP的text table

(4) Repeat the operation for field LANGU

如何创建ABAP的text table

(5) for key field CHANNEL, maintain the main table name ZCRMM_CCTV_CHAL in check table field, click button Generate proposal.
Then the entries under "Foreign Key Fields" are automatically populated.
Mark the radio button "Key fields of a text table", specify Cardinality 1:N.

如何创建ABAP的text table

Save and activate the text table. After that go to main table to check whether text table is assigned successfully by clicking
Goto->Text Table:

如何创建ABAP的text table

After that the text table is displayed in SE11 automatically.
You can use the following FM to determine the text table name from a given main table name:

如何创建ABAP的text table

如何创建ABAP的text table


下一篇:ABAP 定义常量