Today the first round of the Soccer World Championship in France is coming to an end. 16 countries are remaining now, among which the winner is determined by the following tournament:
1 Brazil -----+
+-- ? --+
2 Chile ------+ |
+-- ? --+
3 Nigeria ----+ | |
+-- ? --+ |
4 Denmark ----+ |
+-- ? --+
5 Holland ----+ | |
+-- ? --+ | |
6 Yugoslavia -+ | | |
+-- ? --+ |
7 Argentina --+ | |
+-- ? --+ |
8 England ----+ |
+-- World Champion
9 Italy ------+ |
+-- ? --+ |
10 Norway -----+ | |
+-- ? --+ |
11 France -----+ | | |
+-- ? --+ | |
12 Paraguay ---+ | |
+-- ? --+
13 Germany ----+ |
+-- ? --+ |
14 Mexico -----+ | |
+-- ? --+
15 Romania ----+ |
+-- ? --+
16 Croatia ----+
For each possible match A vs. B between these 16 nations, you are given the probability that team A wins against B. This (together with the tournament mode displayed above) is sufficient to compute the probability that a given nation wins the World Cup. For example, if Germany wins against Mexico with 80%, Romania against Croatia with 60%, Germany against Romania with 70% and Germany against Croatia with 90%, then the probability that Germany reaches the semi-finals is 80% * (70% * 60% + 90% * 40%) = 62.4%.
Your task is to write a program that computes the chances of the 16 nations to become the World Champion \'98.
The first 16 lines of the input file give the names of the 16 countries, from top to bottom according to the picture given above.
Next, there will follow a 16 x 16 integer matrix P where element pijgives the probability in percent that country #i defeats country #j in a direct match. Country #i means the i-th country from top to bottom given in the list of countries. In the picture above Brazil is #1 and Germany is #13, so p1,13=55 would mean that in a match between Brazil and Germany, Brazil wins with a probability of 55%.
Note that matches may not end with a draw, i.e. pij + pji = 100 for all i,j.
50 65 50 60 55 50 50 65 45 55 40 55 40 55 50 50
35 50 35 45 40 35 35 50 30 40 25 40 25 40 35 35
50 65 50 60 55 50 50 65 45 55 40 55 40 55 50 50
40 55 40 50 45 40 40 55 35 45 30 45 30 45 40 40
45 60 45 55 50 45 45 60 40 50 35 50 35 50 45 45
50 65 50 60 55 50 50 65 45 55 40 55 40 55 50 50
50 65 50 60 55 50 50 65 45 55 40 55 40 55 50 50
35 50 35 45 40 35 35 50 30 40 25 40 25 40 35 35
55 70 55 65 60 55 55 70 50 60 45 60 45 60 55 55
45 60 45 55 50 45 45 60 40 50 35 50 35 50 45 45
60 75 60 70 65 60 60 75 55 65 50 65 50 65 60 60
45 60 45 55 50 45 45 60 40 50 35 50 35 50 45 45
60 75 60 70 65 60 60 75 55 65 50 65 50 65 60 60
45 60 45 55 50 45 45 60 40 50 35 50 35 50 45 45
50 65 50 60 55 50 50 65 45 55 40 55 40 55 50 50
50 65 50 60 55 50 50 65 45 55 40 55 40 55 50 50
Brazil p=8.54%
Chile p=1.60%
Nigeria p=8.06%
Denmark p=2.79%
Holland p=4.51%
Yugoslavia p=7.50%
Argentina p=8.38%
England p=1.56%
Italy p=9.05%
Norway p=3.23%
France p=13.72%
Paraguay p=3.09%
Germany p=13.79%
Mexico p=3.11%
Romania p=5.53%
Croatia p=5.53% 题意:有16个队,进行如图所示的流程进行比赛,下面给出的是16*16的矩阵,pij表示i对战胜j对的概率是 pij%. 按足球比赛的规则(你懂得),问每个队最后得冠军的几率; 思路:如上图所示,一共有四轮比赛,开辟四个数组,通过递推求得存每一轮中每个队战胜的概率,在第四轮比赛中就产生了冠军。
#include<string.h> int main()
double dp1[],dp2[],dp3[],dp4[];
char cou[][];
double maxtri[][]; for(int i = ; i <= ; i++)
for(int i = ; i <= ; i++)
for(int j = ; j <= ; j++)
int x;
maxtri[i][j] = x*0.01;
} for(int i = ; i <= ; i++)
if(i% == )
dp1[i] = maxtri[i][i-];
else dp1[i] = maxtri[i][i+];
for(int i = ; i <= ; i++)
if(i% == )
dp2[i] = dp1[i] *(dp1[i+]*maxtri[i][i+] + dp1[i+]*maxtri[i][i+]);
else if(i% == )
dp2[i] = dp1[i] *(dp1[i+]*maxtri[i][i+] + dp1[i+]*maxtri[i][i+]);
else if(i% == )
dp2[i] = dp1[i] *(dp1[i-]*maxtri[i][i-] + dp1[i-]*maxtri[i][i-]);
dp2[i] = dp1[i] *(dp1[i-]*maxtri[i][i-] + dp1[i-]*maxtri[i][i-]);
for(int i = ; i <= ; i++)
if(i% >= && i% <= )
if(i/ == )
dp3[i] = dp2[i] * (dp2[]*maxtri[i][] + dp2[]*maxtri[i][] + dp2[]*maxtri[i][] + dp2[]*maxtri[i][]);
else if(i/ == )
dp3[i] = dp2[i] * (dp2[]*maxtri[i][] + dp2[]*maxtri[i][] + dp2[]*maxtri[i][] + dp2[]*maxtri[i][]);
else if (i% == || (i% >= && i% <= ))
if(i >= && i <= )
dp3[i] = dp2[i] * (dp2[]*maxtri[i][] + dp2[]*maxtri[i][] + dp2[]*maxtri[i][] + dp2[]*maxtri[i][]);
dp3[i] = dp2[i] * (dp2[]*maxtri[i][] + dp2[]*maxtri[i][] + dp2[]*maxtri[i][] + dp2[]*maxtri[i][]);
} for(int i = ; i<= ; i++)
if(i <= )
dp4[i] = dp3[i] *(dp3[]*maxtri[i][]+dp3[]*maxtri[i][]+dp3[]*maxtri[i][]+
else dp4[i] = dp3[i] *(dp3[]*maxtri[i][]+dp3[]*maxtri[i][]+dp3[]*maxtri[i][]+
} for(int i = ; i <= ; i++)
int len = strlen(cou[i]);
for(int j = len+; j <= ; j++)
printf(" ");
return ; }