Windows / Linux pip
- Python (>= 2.7 or >= 3.4)
- NumPy (>= 1.7.1)
- setuptools
- dateutil (>= 2.1)
- pyparsing
- libpng (>= 1.2)
- pytz
- FreeType (>= 2.3)
- cycler (>= 0.10.0)
- six
- backports.functools_lru_cache (for Python 2.7 only)
- subprocess32 (for Python 2.7 only, on Linux and macOS only)
- kiwisolver(>=1.0.0)
- tk (>= 8.3, != 8.6.0 or 8.6.1): for the TkAgg backend;
- PyQt4 (>= 4.4) or PySide: for the Qt4Agg backend;
- PyQt5: for the Qt5Agg backend;
- pygtk (>= 2.4): for the GTK and the GTKAgg backend;
- wxpython (>= 2.9 or later): for the WX or WXAgg backend;
- cairocffi (>= v0.8): for cairo based backends;
- pycairo: for GTK3Cairo;
- Tornado: for the WebAgg backend;
- ffmpeg/avconv: for saving movies;
- ImageMagick: for saving animated gifs;
- Pillow (>=2.0): for a larger selection of image file formats: JPEG, BMP, and TIFF image files;
- LaTeX and GhostScript (for rendering text with LaTeX).
安装完成打开后,点击Environments,点击root开启——以jupyter notebook开启。在浏览器编辑。