从 大一下 开始写博客,记录自己的学习。
学习的。永远保持一颗学徒的心。 加油!
/* *2018051604115 cjw 软工四班 * *file:11_12.c *------------------------ * This is DislayCheckerboard program */ #include <cstdio> #include "cstring" #define N 8 static char Getboard(int row, int column)//判断棋子的函数 { if ((row + column) % 2 == 0) return ' '; else if (row<3) return 'b'; else if (row == 3 || row == 4) return '-'; else return 'r'; } static void InitCheckerboard(char board[N][N])//初始化棋盘的函数 { int i, j; for (i = 0; i<8; i++) { for (j = 0; j<8; j++) { board[i][j] = Getboard(i, j); } } } static void DislayCheckerboard(char board[N][N])//显示棋盘的函数 { for (int i = 0; i<8; i++) { for (int n = 0; n<8; n++) { printf("%c", board[i][n]); } printf("\n"); } } int main() { char board[N][N]; InitCheckerboard(board); DislayCheckerboard(board); return 0; }
2. 猜单词hangman game
/* *2018051604115 cjw 软工四班 * *file:14_12.c *------------------------ * This is hangman game program */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "strlib.h" #include "simpio.h" #include "random.h" #include "string.h" #define Chances 8 #define Letters 4 static void RandomWord(char word[])/*随机一个有Letters个字母的单词*/ { int i, x; for (i = 0; i<Letters; i++) { x = RandomInteger(65, 91); word[i] = x; } } static void HideWord(char result[])/*隐藏字母的函数*/ { for (int i = 0; i<Letters; i++) { result[i] = '-'; } } static void replace(char ch, char result[], char word[])/*将‘-’替换成字母*/ { for (int i = 0; i<Letters; i++) { if (ch == word[i]) {//判断是否匹配并替换 result[i] = ch; } } } static void GuessWord(char result[], char word[])/*用户猜单词*/ { int i = Chances; char *sptr; char ch; while (i>0) { printf("The word now looks like this:%s\n", result); printf("you have %d chances left.\n", i); printf("your guess:"); ch = getchar(); getchar(); sptr = strchr(word, ch); replace(ch, result, word);/*调用函数替换‘-’*/ if (sptr == NULL) {//猜错 printf("There is no %c's in the word.\n", ch); i--; } else {//猜对 printf("That guess is correct.\n"); } if(strcmp(result, word) == 0) {//判断是否全对 printf("The word is:%s\n", word); printf("you win!!!\n"); break; } else if (i == 0) {//机会用完 printf("The word:%s\n", word); printf("you lose.\n"); } } } int main() { char letter[Letters + 1]; char result[Letters + 1]; letter[Letters] = '\0'; result[Letters] = '\0'; char *word; word = &letter[0]; printf("Let's play hangman!I will pick a secret word.\non each turn, you guess a letter.If \n"); printf("the letter is in the secrect word,I will\nshow you where it appears. If you make an\n"); printf("incorrect guess,part of your body gets strung\nup on the scaffold. The object is to\n"); printf("guess the word before you are hanged.\n"); RandomWord(letter); HideWord(result); GuessWord(result, word); return 0; }
这里运行结果图我懒得再去找了(好像保存深度系统里面了),现在用visual studio重新运行的