

  • basically基本上eg:csdn is basically a bible that everyone goes to for advice or inspiration on every aspect of life.
  • essentially实质上 eg:csdn is essentially a greate marketing platform for brands.
  • ultimately最终 eg:A series of bad decisions ultimately caused his bankruptcy.(他做的一些列糟糕的决定最终导致了他的破产)
  • normally正常情况下 eg:I normally wake up at 8am,but since i am on vacation, i am going to sleep in .(我通常是8点起床,因为我在度假所以我打算睡懒觉)
  • occasionallly偶尔的 eg:even if you and your partner have been together along time,you should occasionally spice things up to keep the romance alive.
  • literally按照字面:she literally got stabbed in the back,you can see a scar on her back.(她真的是背部被捅了一刀,你可以看到她背上的伤疤)
  • definitely一定,肯定 eg:The interviewer liked me .I am definitely got the job.
  • constantly 经常,时常 eg:No one likes someone who constantly corrects other people.
  • actually实际上,讲真的 eg:I actually felt lonely and insecure most of the time when I was with my ex-boyfriend.
  • conversely另一方面 eg:Technology has brought much convenience to our lives.conversely,it has made us less independent in many ways.
  • obviously显而易见的 eg:Have you noticed the way he looks at you?He is obviously in love with you
  • eventually 最终的 eg:As long as you put in the work,you will eventually achieve your goals.


Throw xx under the bus:拿别人做替罪羊;背叛;出卖 eg:Every time I get into trouble with my parents,I just throw my brother under the bus.(每次我在爸妈面前犯错了,我就怪到我弟弟头上)


split the task;divide and conquer eg:The Nike campaign for this upcoming season is a huge project my strategy is for us is to divide and conquer.lisa you can hadle all the chinese social media accounts.I will be in charge of the Western side.新一季的耐克营销活动是个很大的项目,我的策略是咱们分工合作。Lisa你负责所有中文社交平台,我管西部这边的。

beef 怨言牢骚;不满意;eg:Why does she have a beef with me?i am always nice to her.


精髓 ;eg:The writing is good,but wheres the beef?you need evidence to back up you claims.

改进加强 eg:its quite a good story but it needs beefing up a bit before we can publish it.

quite cath that 没听懂 eg:Im sorry,i didnt quite catch that.could you repeat that slowly,please?



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