L249 语法

Even when homeless individuals manage to find a shelter that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night, a good number still spend the bulk of each day wandering the street.

Because they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the confidence that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are admired by others.

The words used by the speaker may stir up unfavorable reactions in the listener Which interfere with his comprehension.

He claims to be an expert in astronomy, but in actual fact he is quite ignorant on the subject. What little he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate.

"Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements--usually carbon, hydrogen , oxygen , and sometimes nitrogen. They are different in that their elements are arranged differently"

This is an exciting area of study, and one from which new applications are being discovered almost daily.

Concerns were raised that witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to ensure guilty verdicts.

Lee's book will show you how what you have observed can be used in other countries.


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