标题:X509Certificate 类
.NET Framework 4.8版,文档。
提供帮助你使用 X.509 v.3 证书的方法。
- 继承
- Object X509Certificate
using System; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class X509 { public static void Main() { // The path to the certificate. string Certificate = "Certificate.cer"; // Load the certificate into an X509Certificate object. X509Certificate cert = new X509Certificate(Certificate); // Get the value. string resultsTrue = cert.ToString(true); // Display the value to the console. Console.WriteLine(resultsTrue); // Get the value. string resultsFalse = cert.ToString(false); // Display the value to the console. Console.WriteLine(resultsFalse); } }
在大多数情况下,应该改用 X509Certificate2 类。