未定义引用Base :: object链接器错误@c w / freeglut



 #include "Living.h"

class Gnome:public Living{

void drawObjects();

spriteImg = new Sprite("graphics/gnome.bmp"); //<-------------this is where it says there is the error

loaded = true;

///////////////////////////////////Living.h file

#include <iostream>

 #include "Sprite.h"

using namespace std;

class Sprite;

class Living{

int x,y;
static Sprite *spriteImg; //= NULL;
bool loaded;

void reset();


int getX();
void setX(int _x);
int getY();
void setY(int _y);
void virtual drawObjects() =0;


// living.cpp

#include "Living.h"


delete spriteImg;


void Living::setX(int _x)

int Living::getX()
return x;

void Living::setY(int _y)

int Living::getY()
return y;

void Living::reset()
spriteImg = NULL;
loaded = false;

// sprite.h

#include <GL/glut.h>

 #include <string>

using namespace std;

class ImageLoader;

class Sprite
* Enable 2D drawing mode to draw our sprites. This function MUST be called before
* any sprite is drawn on screen using the draw method.
static void enable2D();

* Disables the 2D drawing. This can be called before you are done drawing all 2D
* sprites and want to draw 3D now.
static void disable2D();

Sprite(string filename);
virtual ~Sprite();

virtual void draw();
virtual void drawLiving(int dir, int flag); //flag=1 move
virtual void draw(int X, int Y);
virtual void rotate(GLint degrees);

// getter and setter methods
GLint getAngle() const;
void setAngle(GLint degrees);
void setX(GLdouble x);
void setY(GLdouble y);
GLint getHeight() const;
GLint getWidth() const;

* Sets the pivot point in relation to the sprite itself, that is using the object
* coordiantes system. In this coordiantes system the bottom left point of the object
* is at (0, 0) and the top right is at (1, 1).
* E.g. to set the pivot to be in the middle of the sprite use (0.5, 0.5)
* Default values are (1, 1).
* @param pivotX Can be any value, but when x is in the range [0, 1] the pivot is inside the
* sprite where 0 is the left edge of the sprite and 1 is the right edge of the sprite.
* @param pivotY Can be any value, but when y is in the range [0, 1] the pivot is inside the
* sprite where 0 is the bottom edge of the sprite and 1 is the top edge of the sprite.
void setPivot(GLfloat pivotX, GLfloat pivotY);
GLfloat getPivotX() const;
GLfloat getPivotY() const;

GLdouble getX() const;
GLdouble getY() const;

* Sets the pivot to be at the point where object's pivot is set.
* @param obj The reference object to whose pivot we will set this pivot to be.
* Note: if the obj pivot changes or the obj moves after the setPivot call has
* been issued, the pivot of this object will not reflect this changes. You must
* call setPivot again with that object to update the pivot information.
void setPivot(const Sprite &obj);

* Sets the scale of the object. A scale of (1.0, 1.0) means the sprite
* maintains its original size. Values larger than 1 scale the sprite up
* while values less than 1 shrink it down.
void setScale(GLfloat x, GLfloat y);
ImageLoader *image;
GLuint textureID;
GLint angle;
GLdouble x;
GLdouble y;
GLfloat pivotX;
GLfloat pivotY;
GLfloat scaleX;
GLfloat scaleY;
GLint step;
//GLint dir;

// Initializes extensions, textures, render states, etc. before rendering
void initScene();

* A helper function taken from http://www.opengl.org/resources/features/OGLextensions/
* to help determine if an OpenGL extension is supported on the target machine at run-time
* @param extension The extension name as a string.
* @return True if extension is supported and false if it is not.
bool isExtensionSupported(const char *extension) const;



 #include <conio.h>

 #include "Living.h"

 #include "Gnome.h"

using namespace std;
class Engine{

vector<char*> gamemap;
int score;
vector <Living*> gameobjs;
void FindRandomPos(int &x_pos,int &y_pos);
int mapMaxX;
int mapMaxY;

void collisionDetecion(int pX,int pY);


void init(const char* mapname="defaultmap.txt",int gnomes=1,int traals=1,int diamonds=10);
void printMap();
void printMap2();
void movePotter();
void calculateScroll();
int getScore();
int getMapMaxX ();
int getMapMaxY ();



void Engine::init(const char* mapname,int gnomes,int traals,int diamonds)
int i=0;
// int z=0;

int x_pos,y_pos;

int countobjs=0;

for(int i=0;i<gnomes;i++)
gameobjs.push_back( new Gnome ); //<---------------here is where the error should begin i think

因此,当我尝试构建它时,链接器显示此错误:对Living :: spriteImg的未定义引用


这是一个链接器错误,告诉你链接器找不到静态成员Living :: spriteImg的定义,这是因为你只是在你的类中声明它但你从未定义它.


Sprite* Living::spriteImg = NULL;


What is the difference between a definition and a declaration?

上一篇:Win8+VS2012 配置OpenGL SuperBible5 环境
