linux – 将tar.gz打包成shell脚本

我想知道如何将tar.gz文件打包成shell脚本,就像idk ** .bin一样.所以我可以在一个shell文件而不是tar.gz中提供程序


有一个Linux Journal article解释如何详细地做这个,包括有效载荷包装的代码等.正如Etan Reisner在他的评论中所说,提取/安装脚本知道如何削减其尾部以获得先前连接的有效载荷.这是一个如何工作的例子:

# a self-extracting script header

# this can be any preferred output directory
mkdir ./output_dir

# determine the line number of this script where the payload begins
PAYLOAD_LINE=`awk '/^__PAYLOAD_BELOW__/ {print NR + 1; exit 0; }' $0`

# use the tail command and the line number we just determined to skip
# past this leading script code and pipe the payload to tar
tail -n+$PAYLOAD_LINE $0 | tar xzv -C ./output_dir

# now we are free to run code in output_dir or do whatever we want

exit 0

# the 'exit 0' immediately above prevents this line from being executed



cat payload.tar.gz >
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