



Name Type Description Default
initValue int Default value Slider default minimum
min int Slider minimum 0
max int Slider maximum 100
isShowLabel bool Show the label on the slider false
label String Label displays data. It is valid only when “isShowlabel” is true. null
isGradientBg bool Whether the background color of the background slider is a gradient. true
onChange SliderChangeCallback A custom callback function that triggers as long as the slider moves null
onChangeEnd SliderChangeCallback A Custom callback function triggered by slider stop movement null
onChangeBegin SliderChangeCallback A Custom callback function triggered by slider start movement null
colors List< Color > Slider background gradient from left to right There are two colors by default, the first app is the main color, and the second is white
labelStyle LabelStyle Custom label style this
sliderStyle SliderStyle slider label style this
thumbStyle ThumbStyle thumb label style this




下一篇:共轭梯度(Conjugate Gradient,CG)算法