Chapter 10 Error Detection and Correction 第十章错误检测与纠正作业

Question 4

How can the parity bit detect a damaged data unit? 奇偶校验位是如何检测出出错的数据单元?


Question 33 Single-Choice

If odd parity is used for ASCII error detection, the number of 0s per 8-bit symbol is . 如果ASCII码采用奇校验方式,则8比特的符号单元中的0的个数是_。
A. Even 偶数 B. Odd 奇数 C. Indeterminate 无法确定 D. 42

Answer:B. Odd 奇数

Question 49 Exercise

Given a remainder of 111, a data unit of 10110011, and a divisor of 1001, is there an error in the data unit? 给定余数是111,数据单元是10110011,除数是1001,问数据单元的传输是否出错?

Answer:  未出错,余数为0.

Chapter 10 Error Detection and Correction 第十章错误检测与纠正作业

