- * linux/boot/head.S
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Linus Torvalds
- */
- /*
- * head.S contains the 32-bit startup code.
- *
- * NOTE!!! Startup happens at absolute address 0x00001000, which is also where
- * the page directory will exist. The startup code will be overwritten by
- * the page directory. [According to comments etc elsewhere on a compressed
- * kernel it will end up at 0x1000 + 1Mb I hope so as I assume this. - AC]
- *
- * Page 0 is deliberately kept safe, since System Management Mode code in
- * laptops may need to access the BIOS data stored there. This is also
- * useful for future device drivers that either access the BIOS via VM86
- * mode.
- */
- /*
- * High loaded stuff by Hans Lermen & Werner Almesberger, Feb. 1996
- * 这段代码负责解压内核,首先将内核移动到一个临时位置,然后再解压到加载
- * 地址,一般是1M。
- */
- .text
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/linkage.h>
- #include <asm/segment.h>
- #include <asm/page_types.h>
- #include <asm/boot.h>
- #include <asm/asm-offsets.h>
- __HEAD
- ENTRY(startup_32)
- //EFI 启动相关
- jmp preferred_addr
- .balign 0x10
- /*
- * We don't need the return address, so set up the stack so
- * efi_main() can find its arugments.
- */
- add $0x4, %esp
- call efi_main
- cmpl $0, %eax
- movl %eax, %esi
- jne 2f
- 1:
- /* EFI init failed, so hang. */
- hlt
- jmp 1b
- 2:
- call 3f
- 3:
- popl %eax
- subl $3b, %eax
- subl BP_pref_address(%esi), %eax
- add BP_code32_start(%esi), %eax
- leal preferred_addr(%eax), %eax
- jmp *%eax
- preferred_addr:
- #endif
- cld
- /*
- * Test KEEP_SEGMENTS flag to see if the bootloader is asking
- * us to not reload segments
- * 在/Documentation/x86/boot.txt指出,BIT6是KEEP_SEGMENTS(段保持)
- * 在32位入口处需要判断此标志。
- * 0:重新设置各段寄存器为__BOOT_DS
- * 1:保持原来值
- */
- testb $(1<<6), BP_loadflags(%esi)
- jnz 1f
- cli
- movl $__BOOT_DS, %eax
- movl %eax, %ds
- movl %eax, %es
- movl %eax, %fs
- movl %eax, %gs
- movl %eax, %ss
- 1:
- /*
- * Calculate the delta between where we were compiled to run
- * at and where we were actually loaded at. This can only be done
- * with a short local call on x86. Nothing else will tell us what
- * address we are running at. The reserved chunk of the real-mode
- * data at 0x1e4 (defined as a scratch field) are used as the stack
- * for this calculation. Only 4 bytes are needed.
- * call 的压栈动作会将1f的实际地址放入esp(即scratch字段)中。
- * call句会将下一条指令开始地址存入栈中,即
- * 相当于push 1f,jmp offset.而对于push栈而言,执行过程类似esp-=4,
- * mov 1f esp.就是说esp会先减4,然后再将值存入。这就是+4产生的原因。
- * 1f对本地call指令而言,被汇编成一个偏移量,即1f离本call语句的偏移,所以
- * call在运行时可准确地将其下一条指令的实际地址放入栈中。
- * 而subl句它引用的1:会被汇编成一个绝对地址(理论值)。
- * 所以popl后,ebp中存放的是标号1:的实际值,它减去理论值的差值再存入ebp
- * 中。
- */
- leal (BP_scratch+4)(%esi), %esp
- call 1f
- 1: popl %ebp
- subl $1b, %ebp
- /*
- * %ebp contains the address we are loaded at by the boot loader and %ebx
- * contains the address where we should move the kernel image temporarily
- * for safe in-place decompression.
- * 既然上面ebp算出的是个delta,那么再加个offset有什么用?
- * 假设编译时内核映像是以0为基址的:那在popl句中,ebp是标号1的实际地址,而标
- * 号1:是它距内核映像基址的偏移量。标号1实际地址-它距内核映像基址偏移量=
- * 内核映像基址的实际地址=startup_32标号的实际地址。
- *
- * 在vmlinux.lds.S中是startup_32入口地址,并且假设其被加载到address 0,与上
- * 面假设符合。
- *
- * 下列代码是设置对齐
- */
- movl %ebp, %ebx
- movl BP_kernel_alignment(%esi), %eax
- decl %eax
- addl %eax, %ebx
- notl %eax
- andl %eax, %ebx
- #else
- movl $LOAD_PHYSICAL_ADDR, %ebx
- #endif
- /*
- * Target address to relocate to for decompression
- * 在对齐后的地址上加一个偏移作为解压地址
- */
- addl $z_extract_offset, %ebx
- /* Set up the stack */
- leal boot_stack_end(%ebx), %esp
- /* Zero EFLAGS */
- pushl $0
- popfl
- /*
- * Copy the compressed kernel to the end of our buffer
- * where decompression in place becomes safe.
- * ebp是startup_32加载地址,而ebx是临时放压缩代码的地方
- */
- pushl %esi
- leal (_bss-4)(%ebp), %esi
- leal (_bss-4)(%ebx), %edi
- movl $(_bss - startup_32), %ecx
- shrl $2, %ecx
- std //设置标志位使esi,edi在循环中递减
- rep movsl//倒着复制,因std作用
- cld //清方向标志位
- popl %esi
- /*
- * 上面代码是从startup_32开始到_bss都复制到ebx开始的地
- * 方了,那下面这两句就是跳到新的、以ebx为首址的relocated
- * 的位置。
- * Jump to the relocated address.
- */
- leal relocated(%ebx), %eax
- jmp *%eax
- ENDPROC(startup_32)
- .text
- relocated:
- /*
- * Clear BSS (stack is currently empty)
- * bss段清零
- */
- xorl %eax, %eax
- leal _bss(%ebx), %edi
- leal _ebss(%ebx), %ecx
- subl %edi, %ecx
- shrl $2, %ecx
- rep stosl
- /*
- * Adjust our own GOT
- * global offset table全局变量表
- */
- leal _got(%ebx), %edx
- leal _egot(%ebx), %ecx
- 1:
- cmpl %ecx, %edx
- jae 2f
- addl %ebx, (%edx)
- addl $4, %edx
- jmp 1b
- 2:
- /*
- * Do the decompression, and jump to the new kernel..
- * 在上面ebx是ebp对齐后再加上z_extract_offset的值
- * 现在给ebx减去z_extract_offset就是ebp对齐的值
- * 即原加载地址(startup_32)对齐后的地址(放入ebp)。
- * decompress_kernel函数在/arch/x86/boot/compressed/misc.c
- * 中定义
- */
- leal z_extract_offset_negative(%ebx), %ebp
- /* push arguments for decompress_kernel: */
- pushl %ebp /* output address */
- pushl $z_input_len /* input_len 压缩内核大小*/
- leal input_data(%ebx), %eax
- pushl %eax /* input_data压缩内核开始地址 */
- leal boot_heap(%ebx), %eax
- pushl %eax /* heap area 工作堆*/
- pushl %esi /* real mode pointer 是boot_params*/
- call decompress_kernel
- addl $20, %esp //恢复栈,5个参数
- /*
- * Find the address of the relocations.
- */
- leal z_output_len(%ebp), %edi
- /*
- * Calculate the delta between where vmlinux was compiled to run
- * and where it was actually loaded.
- */
- movl %ebp, %ebx
- subl $LOAD_PHYSICAL_ADDR, %ebx
- jz 2f /* Nothing to be done if loaded at compiled addr. */
- /*
- * Process relocations.
- */
- 1: subl $4, %edi
- movl (%edi), %ecx
- testl %ecx, %ecx
- jz 2f
- addl %ebx, -__PAGE_OFFSET(%ebx, %ecx)
- jmp 1b
- 2:
- #endif
- /*
- * Jump to the decompressed kernel.
- * ebx清零,跳到加载地址,现在加载地址上是解压后的内核
- * 跳转地址还是ebp,是压缩内核被加载地址对齐后的地址
- */
- xorl %ebx, %ebx
- jmp *%ebp
- /*
- * Stack and heap for uncompression
- */
- .bss
- .balign 4
- boot_heap:
- .fill BOOT_HEAP_SIZE, 1, 0
- boot_stack:
- .fill BOOT_STACK_SIZE, 1, 0
- boot_stack_end:
- /*
- * esi=boot_params(未变)
- * ebp=内核加载地址(1M?)
- * ebx=0
- * 段寄存器=24=$__BOOT_DS
- * 其它通用寄存器都有变化
- * 本文用到的一些标号可以在arch/x86/boot/compressed/mkpiggy.c中找到,
- * 它是编译过程中的辅助程序。 这个文件会产生piggy.S,它的主要目的就
- * 是导出一些符号,由mkpiggy.c中的printf实现。
- */