sql 查询包含字符的数量统计

DECLARE @word VARCHAR(2000);DECLARE @word VARCHAR(2000);
SELECT @word
= 'I do not like to get the news, because there has never been an era when so many things were going so right for so many of the wrong persons';
SELECT @word = REPLACE(@word, The_character, The_digit)
FROM (VALUES (2, 'A'), (2, 'B'), (2, 'C'), (3, 'D'), (3, 'E'), (3, 'F'), (4, 'G'), (4, 'H'), (4, 'I'), (5, 'J')
, (5, 'K'), (5, 'L'), (6, 'M'), (6, 'N'), (6, 'O'), (7, 'P'), (7, 'Q'), (7, 'R'), (7, 'S'), (8, 'T')
, (8, 'U'), (8, 'V'), (9, 'W'), (9, 'X'), (9, 'Y'), (9, 'Z')) mapping (The_digit, The_character);
SELECT @word AS TheTextVersion; DECLARE @word VARCHAR(2000);
SELECT @word
= 'I do not like to get the news, because there has never been an era when so many things were going so right for so many of the wrong persons';
SELECT @word = REPLACE(@word, The_character, The_digit)
FROM (VALUES (2, 'A'), (2, 'B'), (2, 'C'), (3, 'D'), (3, 'E'), (3, 'F'), (4, 'G'), (4, 'H'), (4, 'I'), (5, 'J')
, (5, 'K'), (5, 'L'), (6, 'M'), (6, 'N'), (6, 'O'), (7, 'P'), (7, 'Q'), (7, 'R'), (7, 'S'), (8, 'T')
, (8, 'U'), (8, 'V'), (9, 'W'), (9, 'X'), (9, 'Y'), (9, 'Z')) mapping (The_digit, The_character);
SELECT @word AS TheTextVersion; declare @test varchar(100);
select @test='hello,i love you';
select @test=REPLACE(@test,'i','ooo')
select @test declare @test1 varchar(100);
select @test1='ab aab aabb abb aba';
select @test1=REPLACE(@test1,b,a) from (values(1,'a'),(2,'b'))mapping(a,b)
select @test1 select * from (values(1,2),(3,4)) mapping(t,v)

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