从去年开始,马斯克甚至连几百块钱的毫米波雷达也不要了,这让所有争论从商业层面深入到了技术层面。特斯拉所用的雷达,官方称探距在 160 米,虽然没有明确供应商,但应该整体价格不算高,几百块左右。一位业内人士说,特斯拉的量,应该拿货更便宜。还有另一位业内人士爆料,300 元左右。
马斯克的“纯视觉信仰”,真的是自动驾驶最终的出路吗?AI 视觉领域的大牛、Facebook 现任 CTO Mike Schroepfer,公开表达了支持。Mike 在 Facebook 也侧重在视觉方面的工作,包括 VR 硬件产品等等,他同意多传感器会让数据融合变得麻烦。[嫌麻烦别出门啊,有了元宇宙还出啥门。]
去年特斯拉官方在提交给加州车管所的报告中,无论是特斯拉法务还是工程师,都声称 FSD 的实际能力只有 L2,远没有达到马斯克宣传的 L5 级。
多一层冗余,多一层安全保障,大部分厂家都认可这样的方案,这也是目前所有 RoboTaxi 采用的方案。
任职 13 年的 Facebook CTO Mike Schroepfer 离职,元宇宙主管上任_163.com)
Mike Schroepfer is the chief technology officer at Facebook. In that role, he leads the development of the technology strategies and teams that will enable Facebook to connect billions of people around the world and make significant breakthroughs in fields like artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Before Facebook, Mike was the vice president of engineering at Mozilla Corporation, where he led the global and open product development process behind Firefox. Mike was formerly a distinguished engineer at Sun Microsystems, which acquired his company, CenterRun. He began his career working at various startups, including a digital effects software startup where he developed software that has been used in several major motion pictures. Mike holds a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in computer science from Stanford University and has filed two U.S. patents.