【杂项】C & C++美化工具Uncrustify配置详解

C & C++美化工具Uncrustify配置详解




    2022/2/5 更新:章节 3.3:使用,后续会更新别的使用方法和可能用各种IDE来使用Uncrustify。


    由于在学校使用了IDEA和pycharm,现在用什么编辑器都膈应,很难受,水平没上去强迫症和各种要求倒是上来了,现在急需自行搞出一个自己觉得舒服的编辑器,之前尝试了atom确实还不错[(【杂项】win10搭建atom+cpp环境)](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_39949271/article/details/122143445?spm=1001.2014.3001.5502),但是问题是atom在windows下总感觉卡卡的,而且很多地方配置起来有局限性,比如UE4根本用不了atom ~~当然你会用VS~~,做项目的时候由于自己太菜配置起来难度还是大。所以决定尝试一下别的。     这次使用VScode,作为菜鸡一直没用过,进去就遇到了上述属于技术性~~人菜瘾大和人笨刀钝~~问题。本文通过使用Uncrustify工具格式化代码达到美化的效果。


Uncrustify下载很简单。 **链接**:[http://uncrustify.sourceforge.net/](http://uncrustify.sourceforge.net/)

    在下方的Where to get里面可以找到SourceForge的链接点进去下载就好了。同时还有GitHub项目的地址也可以点进去看看。
【杂项】C & C++美化工具Uncrustify配置详解


##### 3.1:解压你的Uncrustify     随便把你的Uncrustify解压到你喜欢的位置(如果解压到atom的package目录下会在插件管理里看到),里面会有一个bin和一个share文档。bin里是我们需要的程序,而share里是一些参考文档配置分享等等。 ![在这里插入图片描述](https://www.icode9.com/i/ll/?i=e2f70c23ed0a48f39ccff8c15736c3c6.png) ##### 3.2:环境变量     配置环境变量path,添加一条Uncrustify目录的bin目录即可。 ![在这里插入图片描述](https://www.icode9.com/i/ll/?i=f66d591e4c034e849229d5f11b85ce37.png?,type_d3F5LXplbmhlaQ,shadow_50,text_Q1NETiBA54ix5YaS6Zmp55qEcc-AKHMsYSk=,size_20,color_FFFFFF,t_70,g_se,x_16) ##### 3.3:使用     接下来你就可以用Uncrustify了,配置文件就不分析了,花了一个下午才把自己的配置文件改好,模板在 `Uncrustify/share/doc/uncrustify/examples` 里,你可以用这些个模板然后自己改一改什么的,或者也可以下载我的: [链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DlwaLpKqgXUHd4BxCq-aUA:](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DlwaLpKqgXUHd4BxCq-aUA) 提取码:nm5v


【杂项】C & C++美化工具Uncrustify配置详解

PS G:\cProject\LearnOpenGL> uncrustify
uncrustify.exe [options] [files ...]

If no input files are specified, the input is read from stdin
If reading from stdin, you should specify the language using -l       
or specify a filename using --assume for automatic language detection.

If -F is used or files are specified on the command line,
the output filename is 'prefix/filename' + suffix

When reading from stdin or doing a single file via the '-f' option,
the output is dumped to stdout, unless redirected with -o FILE.    

Errors are always dumped to stderr

The '-f' and '-o' options may not be used with '-F' or '--replace'.
The '--prefix' and '--suffix' options may not be used with '--replace'.

Basic Options:
 -c CFG       : Use the config file CFG, or defaults if CFG is set to '-'.
 -f FILE      : Process the single file FILE (output to stdout, use with -o).
 -o FILE      : Redirect stdout to FILE.
 -F FILE      : Read files to process from FILE, one filename per line (- is stdin).
 --check      : Do not output the new text, instead verify that nothing changes when
                the file(s) are processed.
                The status of every file is printed to stderr.
                The exit code is EXIT_SUCCESS if there were no changes, EXIT_FAILURE otherwise.
 files        : Files to process (can be combined with -F).
 --suffix SFX : Append SFX to the output filename. The default is '.uncrustify'
 --prefix PFX : Prepend PFX to the output filename path.
 --replace    : Replace source files (creates a backup).
 --no-backup  : Do not create backup and md5 files. Useful if files are under source control.
 --if-changed : Write to stdout (or create output FILE) only if a change was detected.
 -l           : Language override: C, CPP, D, CS, JAVA, PAWN, OC, OC+, VALA.
 -t           : Load a file with types (usually not needed).
 -q           : Quiet mode - no output on stderr (-L will override).
 --frag       : Code fragment, assume the first line is indented correctly.
 --assume FN  : Uses the filename FN for automatic language detection if reading
                from stdin unless -l is specified.

Config/Help Options:
 -h -? --help --usage     : Print this message and exit.
 --version                : Print the version and exit.
 --count-options          : Print the number of available options and exit.
 --show-config            : Print out option documentation and exit.
 --update-config          : Output a new config file. Use with -o FILE.
 --update-config-with-doc : Output a new config file. Use with -o FILE.
 --universalindent        : Output a config file for Universal Indent GUI.
 --detect                 : Detects the config from a source file. Use with '-f FILE'.
                            Detection is fairly limited.
 --set <option>=<value>   : Sets a new value to a config option.

Debug Options:
 -p FILE               : Dump debug info into FILE, or to stdout if FILE is set to '-'.
                         Must be used in combination with '-f FILE'
 -ds FILE              : Dump parsing info at various moments of the formatting process.
 --dump-steps FILE       This creates a series of files named 'FILE_nnn.log', each
                         corresponding to a formatting step in uncrustify.
                         The file 'FILE_000.log' lists the formatting options in use.
                         Must be used in combination with '-f FILE'
 -L SEV                : Set the log severity (see log_levels.h; note 'A' = 'all')
 -s                    : Show the log severity in the logs.
 --decode              : Decode remaining args (chunk flags) and exit.
 --tracking_space FILE : Prepare tracking informations for debugging.
                         Cannot be used with the -o option'

Usage Examples
cat foo.d | uncrustify -q -c my.cfg -l d
uncrustify -c my.cfg -f foo.d
uncrustify -c my.cfg -f foo.d -L0-2,20-23,51
uncrustify -c my.cfg -f foo.d -o foo.d
uncrustify -c my.cfg -f foo.d -o foo.d -ds dump
uncrustify -c my.cfg foo.d
uncrustify -c my.cfg --replace foo.d
uncrustify -c my.cfg --no-backup foo.d
uncrustify -c my.cfg --prefix=out -F files.txt

Note: Use comments containing ' *INDENT-OFF*' and ' *INDENT-ON*' to disable
      processing of parts of the source file (these can be overridden with
      enable_processing_cmt and disable_processing_cmt).

There are currently 787 options and minimal documentation.
Try UniversalIndentGUI and good luck.

【杂项】C & C++美化工具Uncrustify配置详解
    接着我们调出terminal然后输入uncrustify -c 配置目录 -f 源文件 -o 输出文件命令得到的新文件如下图左侧的temp.cpp(我的命令是uncrustify -c -f .\src\main.cpp -o .\src\temp.cpp因为我有默认配置所以-c后面没有目录参数):
【杂项】C & C++美化工具Uncrustify配置详解
【杂项】C & C++美化工具Uncrustify配置详解

