create dll project based on the existing project

Today, I have to create a dll project(called my.sln), the dllmain.cpp/.h/ is already in another project(called A.sln), I only have to update the included lib file in my dll project.

So I create a new win32 project, which is an empty dll project. Here are the following steps:

1. add the existing header file and source file in A.sln into my.dln

2. add the additional include directory:  project->properties->c/c++/additional include directories, add the related .h file here

3.add the addtional lib:project->properties->linker->input->AdditionalDependencies, add the related .lib here, such as a.lib,b.lib....

4. add the addtional lib directory: project->properties->linker->general->additional library directories, add the directory of a.lib, b.lib here

5. (optional) since we do not have a .lib file which is by default needed, add it in the ignore specific default library(project->properties->linker->input)

So, after all these steps, we can create a dll project with only own .lib file and all the other file is in other project. COOL~

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