[Functional Programming] Functional JS - Pointfree Logic Functions

Learning notes. Video.

Less than:

If you use 'ramda', you maybe know 'lt, gt'..

R.lt(2, 1); //=> false

Is '2' less than '1' , the result is false. We can see that the data is actually come first which is 2.

Normally in FP, we want data come last. What we can do is using 'flip' from 'crocks.js'.

const {flip} = require('crocks')
const {lt} = require('ramda') // isLessTen :: Number -> Boolean
const isLessTen = flip(lt, 10)
isLessThen(9) // true


const diff10 = v => {
let result = null;
if (v < 10) {
result = v - 10
} else {
result = v + 10

We can use 'ifElse' from 'crocks.js':

const {not, ifElse} = require('crocks');
const {add, lt} = require('ramda'); const declarative = ifElse(
not(flip(lt, 10)), // if the given number is greater than 10
add(10), // then plus 10
add(-10) // go negitive


* Or && And
// Just check one object has length prop is not enough
// Because Array has length, function has length
// Array is also object
const _hasLengthProp = x =>
(isObject(x) && x.length !== undefined) || isArray(x); // hasLengthProp :: a -> Boolean
const hasLengthProp = or(isArray, and(isObject, hasProp('length')));
log(hasLengthProp([])) // true

[100] === [100]?

The Answer is : false

JS consider each [] is a new Object.

In this case, we can use 'propEq' from 'crocks.js' to save us some safe checking:

const _aIs100A = x => isObject(x) && x.a === [100];
_aIs100A({a: [100]})
) // false, because it consider [100] is a new object
const aIs100A = and(isObject, propEq('a', [100]))
aIs100A({a: [100]}) // true

ES5 way to check Array is typeof Array, and Date is typeof Date:

const _isArray = x => Object.prototype.toString.call(x) === '[object Array]';
const _isDate = x => Object.prototype.toString.call(x) === '[object Date]';
