

建立动态时间数组类(DynamicTimeArray),包含一个长度可变的一维时间类(Time)对象数组, 对外提供的服务包括但不限于:

  • 建立并初始化用户指定长度的时间对象数组;
  • 返回动态数组的长度(size);
  • 按照时间的先后对动态数组排序(sort);
  • 查找(search)指定时间在数组中是否已经存在;
  • 编辑(edit)数组中指定的时间对象值;
  • 按照时间的先后顺序 输出显示(display)动态数组中的所有时间对象信息 。    
  1 //Time.h
  2 #include<iostream>
  3 using namespace std;
  4 class Time{
  5 protected:
  6 int h;
  7 int m;
  8 int s;
  9 public:
 10 Time();
 11 Time(int,int,int);
 12 int sums();
 13 void show();
 14 int geth(){return h;}
 15 int getm(){return m;}
 16 int gets(){return s;}
 17 void settime(int h3,int m3,int s3);
 18 ~Time(){};
 19 };
 20 //DTA.h
 21 #include "Time.h"
 22 class DTA:public Time{
 23 private:
 24 Time *p;
 25 int n;
 26 public:
 27 DTA(int n0);
 28 DTA(const DTA& cdta);
 29 ~DTA();
 30 int sizeDTA();
 31 void sortDTA(int n);
 32 int searchDTA(int h2,int m2,int s2);
 33 void edit(int ele);
 34 void display(int n);
 35 };
 36 //Time.cpp
 37 #include "Time.h"
 38 #include <iostream>
 39 #include <iomanip>
 40 using namespace std;
 41 Time::Time()
 42 {
 43 h=0;
 44 s=0;
 45 m=0;
 46 };
 47 Time::Time(int h0,int m0,int s0)
 48 {
 49 h=h0;
 50 m=m0;
 51 s=s0;
 52 }
 53 void Time::show()
 54 {
 55 cout<<setw(2)<<setfill('0')<<h<<":"<<setw(2)<<m<<":"<<setw(2)<<s<<endl;
 56 }
 57 int Time::sums()
 58 {
 59 return ((h*60+m)*60+s);
 60 }
 61 void Time::settime(int h3,int m3,int s3)
 62 {
 63 h=h3;
 64 m=m3;
 65 s=s3;
 66 cout<<"set time success."<<endl;
 67 }
 68 //DTA.cpp
 69 #include "DTA.h"
 70 #include <iomanip>
 71 DTA::DTA(int n0)
 72 {
 73 n=n0;
 74 p=new Time[n]();
 75 }
 76 DTA::DTA(const DTA& cdta)
 77 {
 78 h=cdta.h;
 79 m=cdta.m;
 80 s=cdta.s;
 81 }
 82 DTA::~DTA()
 83 {
 84 delete[] p;
 85 cout<<"The DynamicTimeArray is deleted."<<endl;
 86 }
 87 int DTA::searchDTA(int h2,int m2,int s2)
 88 {
 89 int i,flag2=0;
 90 for(i=0;i<n;i++)
 91 if(p[i].geth()==h2&&p[i].getm()==m2&&p[i].gets()==s2)
 92 {
 93 cout<<"element "<<i+1<<" ";
 94 p[i].show();
 95 flag2+=1;
 96 }
 97 if(flag2==0)
 98 cout<<"This time is not in this array."<<endl;
 99 return flag2;
100 }
101 void DTA::edit(int ele=0)
102 {
103 cout<<"time "<<ele+1<<" ";
104 p[ele].show();
105 int h3,m3,s3;
106 do{
107 cout<<"new time(hour minute second):";
108 cin>>h3>>m3>>s3;
109 if(h3<0||h3>23||m3<0||m3>59||s3<0||s3>59)
110 cout<<"Input error!"<<endl;
111 }while(h3<0||h3>23||m3<0||m3>59||s3<0||s3>59);
112 p[ele].settime(h3,m3,s3);
113 }
114 int DTA:: sizeDTA()
115 {
116 return n;
117 }
118 void DTA::sortDTA(int n)
119 {
120 int i,j;
121 Time h;
122 for(i=0;i<n;i++)
123 {
124 for(j=0;j<n-i;j++)
125 {
126 if(p[i].sums()>p[i+1].sums())
127 {
128 h=p[i];
129 p[i]=p[i+1];
130 p[i+1]=h;
131 }
132 }
133 }
134 }
135 void DTA::display(int n)
136 {
137 int i;
138 for(i=0;i<n;i++)
139 {
140 p[i].show();
141 }
142 }
143 //main.cpp
144 #include <iostream>
145 #include "DTA.h"
146 using namespace std;
147 int main()
148 {
149 int select,n;
150 cout<<"The size of the array:"<<endl;
151 cin>>n;
152 DTA dta(n);
153 do
154 {
155 cout<<"0 exit 1 size 2 search 3 edit 4 sort 5 display"<<endl;
156 cin>>select;
157 switch(select)
158 {
159 case 0:
160 return 0;
161 case 1:
162 {
163 int size=dta.sizeDTA();
164 cout<<"the size is"<<size<<endl;
165 break;
166 //size
167 }
168 case 2:
169 {
170 int select2;
171 int h2,m2,s2;
172 do{
173 cout<<"the time you want to search(hour minute second):";
174 cin>>h2>>m2>>s2;
175 dta.searchDTA(h2,m2,s2);
176 do{
177 cout<<"0 back to the menu 1 continue search 2 edit:";
178 cin>>select2;
179 if(select2!=0&&select2!=1&&select2!=2)
180 cout<<"<INPUT ERROR!>"<<endl;
181 }while(select2!=0&&select2!=1&&select2!=2);
182 if(select2==0||select2==2)
183 break;
184 }while(select2==1);
185 if(select2==0)
186 break;
187 //查找元素
188 }
189 case 3://编辑​
190 {
191 int ele;
192 do{
193 cout<<"the time element you want to edit:";
194 cin>>ele;
195 ele-=1;
196 if(ele>=dta.sizeDTA()||ele<0)
197 cout<<"the element is not in this array."<<endl;
198 }while(ele>=dta.sizeDTA()||ele<0);
199 dta.edit(ele);
200 break;
201 }
202 case 4://排序
203 {
204 dta.sortDTA(n);
205 cout<<"Sorting is complete!" <<endl;
206 dta.display(n);
207 break;
208 }
209 case 5://输出显示
210 {
211 cout<<"Time:"<<endl;
212 dta.display(n);
213 break;
214 }
215 default:
216 cout<<"Input error!"<<endl;
217 }
218 }while(select!=0);
219 return 0;
220 }



1.error:invalid use of member.


2.error:member is protevted within this context.


分析:protected: 可以被该类中的函数、子类的函数、以及其友元函数访问,但不能被该类的对象访问,用子类的函数访问即可。

3.报错:setw/setfill was not declared in this scope 解决方案:在DTA.cpp中加上头文件<iomanip>


上一篇:selenium 访问百度并搜索

下一篇:Selenium action_chains用法