3、每个游标必须使用不同的declare continue handler for not found set done=1来控制游标的结束。
delimiter // -- 将语句结束标志设为双斜杠,默认以逗号作为语句结束标志 CREATE PROCEDURE `proxy_infreeze`() BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE proxy_infreeze_amount DECIMAL(10,2) ; -- 注意位长也要声明,会有进位或舍弃 DECLARE customerId BIGINT ; DECLARE cursor_avgScore CURSOR FOR ( SELECT SUM(update_amount) proxy_infreeze_amount,b.customer_id FROM customer_bill b WHERE bill_type =4 AND statu = 1 AND create_at > DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -9 DAY) AND create_at < DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -7 DAY) GROUP BY b.customer_id ); DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; -- 控制游标的结束。 OPEN cursor_avgScore; FETCH cursor_avgScore INTO proxy_infreeze_amount,customerId; out_loop: LOOP UPDATE customer_account SET proxy_freeze_amount =proxy_freeze_amount-proxy_infreeze_amount WHERE customer_id = customerId; FETCH cursor_avgScore INTO proxy_infreeze_amount,customerId; IF done =1 THEN LEAVE out_loop; END IF; END LOOP out_loop; CLOSE cursor_avgScore; update customer_bill set statu = 2 WHERE bill_type =4 AND statu = 1 AND create_at > DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -9 DAY) AND create_at < DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -7 DAY); END // delimiter ;
二 、 定时器
--查看定时策略是否开启 show variables like '%event_sche%'; -- 开启定时策略 set global event_scheduler=1; -- 创建定时任务event(事件) create event batchDel_overdue_order_event on schedule every 1 day starts '2016-10-01 23:50:00' on completion preserve disable do call batchDel_overdue_order(); --查看定时任务event(事件),可以查看本机所有的事件 SELECT event_name,event_definition,interval_value,interval_field,status FROM information_schema.EVENTS; alter event batchDel_overdue_order_event on completion preserve enable;--开启定时任务 alter event second_event on completion preserve disable;--关闭定时任务