GO/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Cust_dzd] Script Date: 11/28/2019 15:43:17 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO ALTER proc [dbo].[Cust_dzd](@shopid varchar(max), @bdate varchar(10),@edate varchar(10)) ASBEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON --linjc 20191114 8244蓝萌新增自定义报表【对账单】 if exists (select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name = '#temptjr') drop table #temptjr create TABLE #temptjr ( nid int IDENTITY(1,1), iodate varchar(20), c_xilmc varchar(50), code varchar(50), colorid varchar(50), djlx varchar(50), scripno varchar(50), colorname varchar(50), amount int, price decimal(18,2), sale decimal(18,2), notes varchar(500) ) declare @Index intdeclare @tmp intdeclare @fNO varchar(50)declare @sizefields varchar(1000)declare @upsizefields1 varchar(5000)declare @upsizefields2 varchar(5000)declare @upsizefields3 varchar(max)declare @fieldname varchar(50)declare @lSql varchar(5000)set @index=0 SET @tmp=0set @sizefields =''set @upsizefields1 =''set @upsizefields2 =''set @upsizefields3 =''set @lSql='' --取表最长长度SELECT top 1 @index=COUNT(groupno) FROM r_size group BY groupno ORDER BY count(groupno) descSELECT @index=ISNULL(@Index,20)while (@index>@tmp) begin set @fNO= convert(varchar(50),@tmp) set @sizefields = @sizefields+' ,xsize'+@fNO set @fieldname='xsize'+@fNO set @lSql = @lSql + ' alter table #temptjr add '+@fieldname+' int' set @upsizefields1 = @upsizefields1 + ' a.xsize'+@fNO+'=b.xsize'+@fNO+',' set @upsizefields2 = @upsizefields2 + ' ,sum(case when b.xsize='+@fNO+' then amount else 0 end) as xsize'+@fNO set @upsizefields3 = @upsizefields3 + ' xsize'+@fNO+' =case when isnull(xsize'+@fNO +',0)=0 then null else xsize'+@fNO+' end,'set @tmp=@tmp+1endset @upsizefields1 = @upsizefields1 + 'amount=b.amount'set @upsizefields2 = @upsizefields2 + ',sum(amount) as amount'
DECLARE @aSql varchar(max)declare @pwhere varchar(max)declare @pwhere1 varchar(max)declare @pwhere2 varchar(max)declare @vpwhere varchar(max)declare @qmwhere varchar(max)declare @qcwhere varchar(max)set @pwhere = ''set @pwhere1 = ''set @pwhere2 = ''set @vpwhere = ''set @qmwhere = ''set @qcwhere = ''set @aSql = '' if @shopid <> '' and @shopid <> ''''''begin set @pwhere = ' and a.gto in ( '+@shopid+' )'; set @pwhere1 = @pwhere1 + ' and a.gfrom in ( '+@shopid+' )'; set @pwhere2 = @pwhere2 + ' and a.shopid in ( '+@shopid+' )'; set @qmwhere = @qmwhere + ' and a.shopid in ( '+@shopid+' )'; set @qcwhere = @qcwhere + ' and a.shopid in ( '+@shopid+' )'; set @vpwhere = @vpwhere + ' and a.shopid in ( '+@shopid+' )';end if @bdate <> '' and @bdate <> ''''''begin set @pwhere = @pwhere + ' and convert(varchar(100),a.d_cwshenh,112)>='+@bdate+''; set @pwhere1 = @pwhere1 + ' and convert(varchar(100),a.d_cwshenh,112)>='+@bdate+''; set @pwhere2 = @pwhere2 + ' and convert(varchar(100),a.d_shenh,112)>='+@bdate+''; set @qcwhere = @qcwhere + ' and a.iodate<'+@bdate+'';end if @edate <> '' and @edate <> ''''''begin set @pwhere = @pwhere + ' and convert(varchar(100),a.d_cwshenh,112)<='+@edate+''; set @pwhere1 = @pwhere1 + ' and convert(varchar(100),a.d_cwshenh,112)<='+@edate+''; set @pwhere2 = @pwhere2 + ' and convert(varchar(100),a.d_shenh,112)<='+@edate+''; set @qmwhere = @qmwhere + ' and iodate<='+@edate+''end set @aSql = ' insert into #temptjr(djlx,code,sale) select '''',''前期欠款'',sum(isnull(m_yings,0)-isnull(m_yingf,0)-isnull(m_fuk_jy,0)) from a_ysyf a --前期欠款 where ( 1=1 '+@qcwhere+' ) or (1=1 '+@vpwhere+' and isnull(c_zaiy,'''')=''期初设置'') ' set @aSql = @aSql + ' insert into #temptjr(djlx,scripno,iodate,c_xilmc,code,colorid,colorname,price,amount,sale) select * from ( select ''销售出库'' as djlx,a.scripno,convert(varchar(100),a.d_cwshenh,23) as iodate,p.c_xilmc,b.code,b.colorid,p.colorname,b.price,0 as amount,0 as sale from g_billm_ck a left join g_billd_ck b on a.scripno=b.scripno left join v_g_spdm p on b.code=p.code and b.colorid=p.colorid where ioflag=2 and iotype=1 and isnull(hdlflag,'''')=''JZ'' and isnull(a.c_zuangtm,''NA'') not in (''BC'',''CD'') '+@pwhere+' group by a.scripno,a.d_cwshenh,p.c_xilmc,b.code,b.colorid,p.colorname,b.price union all select ''销售退货'' as djlx,a.scripno,convert(varchar(100),a.d_cwshenh,23) as iodate,p.c_xilmc,b.code,b.colorid,p.colorname,b.price,0,0 from g_billm_rk a left join g_billd_rk b on a.scripno=b.scripno left join v_g_spdm p on b.code=p.code and b.colorid=p.colorid where ioflag=1 and iotype=2 and isnull(hdlflag,'''')=''JZ'' and isnull(a.c_zuangtm,''NA'') not in (''BC'',''CD'') '+@pwhere1+' group by a.scripno,a.d_cwshenh,p.c_xilmc,b.code,b.colorid,p.colorname,b.price union all select ''应收款'' as djlx,a.scripno,convert(varchar(100),a.d_cwshenh,23) as iodate,'''',a.c_fkfs,'''','''',null,-sum(a.m_fuk),-sum(a.m_fuk) from a_billm_pay a where ioflag=1 and n_cwshenh=1 '+@pwhere1+' group by a.scripno,a.d_cwshenh,a.c_fkfs union all select ''销货费用单'' as djlx,a.scripno,convert(varchar(100),a.d_cwshenh,23) as iodate,'''',a.c_fklx,'''','''',null,-sum(a.totalmoney),-sum(a.totalmoney) from g_billm_SellingExpenses a where c_fklx=''对方代付'' and ioflag=1 and n_cwshenh=1 '+@pwhere1+' group by a.scripno,a.d_cwshenh,a.c_fklx union all select ''销货费用单'' as djlx,a.scripno,convert(varchar(100),a.d_cwshenh,23) as iodate,'''',a.c_fklx,'''','''',null,sum(a.totalmoney),sum(a.totalmoney) from g_billm_SellingExpenses a where c_fklx=''我方代付'' and ioflag=1 and n_cwshenh=1 '+@pwhere1+' group by a.scripno,a.d_cwshenh,a.c_fklx union all select ''应收调账单'' as djlx,a.c_pingzbh,convert(varchar(100),a.d_shenh,23) as iodate,'''',a.c_zaiy,'''','''',null,sum(isnull(a.m_yings,0)-isnull(a.m_yingf,0)),sum(isnull(a.m_yings,0)-isnull(a.m_yingf,0)) from a_bill_ysyf a where n_shenh=1 '+@pwhere2+' group by a.c_pingzbh,a.d_shenh,a.c_zaiy ) a order by iodate' set @aSql = @aSql + ' insert into #temptjr(djlx,code,sale) select '''',''期末欠款'',sum(isnull(m_yings,0)-isnull(m_yingf,0)-isnull(m_fuk_jy,0)) from a_ysyf a where 1=1 '+@qmwhere+' ' set @aSql = @aSql + ' update a set '+@upsizefields1+' from #temptjr a, (select b.scripno,b.code,b.colorid,b.price'+@upsizefields2+' from (select a.scripno,b.code,b.colorid,b.price,b.xsize,b.amount from g_billm_ck a left join g_billd_ck b on a.scripno=b.scripno where ioflag=2 and iotype=1 and isnull(hdlflag,'''')=''JZ'' and isnull(a.c_zuangtm,''NA'') not in (''BC'',''CD'') '+@pwhere+' ) b group by b.code,b.colorid,b.price,b.scripno) b where a.scripno=b.scripno and a.code=b.code and a.colorid=b.colorid and a.price=b.price and a.djlx=''销售出库''' set @aSql = @aSql + ' update a set '+@upsizefields1+' from #temptjr a, (select b.scripno,b.code,b.colorid,b.price'+@upsizefields2+' from ( select a.scripno,b.code,b.colorid,b.price,b.xsize,-b.amount as amount from g_billm_rk a left join g_billd_rk b on a.scripno=b.scripno where ioflag=1 and iotype=2 and isnull(hdlflag,'''')=''JZ'' and isnull(a.c_zuangtm,''NA'') not in (''BC'',''CD'') '+@pwhere1+' ) b group by b.code,b.colorid,b.price,b.scripno) b where a.scripno=b.scripno and a.code=b.code and a.colorid=b.colorid and a.price=b.price and a.djlx=''销售退货''' set @aSql = @aSql + ' update #temptjr set sale=isnull(amount,0)*isnull(price,0) where djlx in (''销售出库'',''销售退货'')' set @aSql = @aSql + 'update #temptjr set '+@upsizefields3+' amount=case when isnull(amount,0)=0 then null else amount end, price=case when isnull(price,0)=0 then null else price end, sale=case when isnull(sale,0)=0 then null else sale end ' set @asql = @asql + ' select nid,iodate,c_xilmc,code,colorname,djlx,scripno '+@sizefields+',amount,price,sale,notes from #temptjr order by nid'print(@asql) exec(@asql)