
 #include <iostream>
using namespace std; int main()
string str("abc.ddd");
const string cstr("fff.ccc");
string substr1(str, ); //c.ddd
string substr2(str, , ); //c.d
string substr3("abcdefg", ); //ab
cout << "the value of substr1 is: " << substr1 << endl;
cout << "the value of substr2 is: " << substr2 << endl;
cout << "the value of substr3 is: " << substr3 << endl; //compare
if(str > cstr)
cout << "abc.ddd is larger than fff.ccc." << endl;
cout << "abc.ddd is less than fff.ccc." << endl;
if(str.compare(cstr) > )
cout << "abc.ddd is larger than fff.ccc." << endl;
cout << "abc.ddd is less than fff.ccc." << endl; //assign
str = "sadfasdf";
str.assign("a",); //a,\0,\0,\0,\0
str.assign(,'a'); //a, a, a, a, a
cout << "the value of str is: " << str << endl; //aaaaa //append
cout << "the value of s after append is: " << str << endl; //aaaaabcd //insert
//s.insert(1, 'd'); NOK!
str.insert(, "ddd"); //adddaaaabcd
cout << "the value of s after append is: " << str << endl; //find
string::size_type idx = str.find(".");
cout << "the index of . is: " << idx << endl; //3 //substring
string basestr = str.substr(, idx); //abc
string extestr = str.substr(idx + , string::npos); //ddd
cout << "the substr of str.substr(0, idx) is: " << basestr << endl;
cout << "the substr of str.substr(idx, string::npos) is: " << extestr << endl; //compare
if(extestr == "ddd")
cout << "ddd file is found!" << endl;
cout << "ddd file is not found!" << endl; //replace
string tmpname(str.replace(idx + , string::npos, "xxx")); //abc.xxx
cout << "the string after replace extention is: " << tmpname << endl; //erase
str = "internal";
str.replace(,,"ex"); //external
cout << "the string after erase is: " << str << endl; //clear
cout << "the string after clear is: " << str << endl;
cout << "the string is empty." << endl;
cout << "the string is not empty." << endl;
if(str.begin() == str.end())
cout << "equal." << endl;
cout << "unequal" << endl; //reverse
str = "abcd";
reverse(str.begin(), str.end());
cout << "the string after reverse is: " << str << endl;
str.assign(str.rbegin(), str.rend());
cout << "the string after reverse is: " << str << endl; //data
const char* pa = str.data(); //size(), length()
cout << "the size of str is: " << str.size() << endl;
cout << "the size of str is: " << str.length() << endl; //[], at()
char& r = str[];
char* p = &str[];
cout << "the 3rd char of str is: " << r << endl;
cout << "the 4rd char of str is: " << *p << endl;
str = "new value";
//reference is invalid after str is re-assigned
r = 'X';
cout << "The value of str is: " << str << endl; //advanced find
//Input: I was a deer
//Output: reed a saw I
const string delims(" \t,.;");
string line;
cout << "Please input a sentence: " << endl;
getline(cin, line,'\n');
cout << "The input sentence is: " << line << endl;
//while find a word
string::size_type begIdx, endIdx;
begIdx = line.find_first_not_of(delims);
while(begIdx != string::npos){
endIdx = line.find_first_of(delims, begIdx);
if(endIdx == string::npos);
//endIdx = line.length();
for(int i = endIdx - ; i >= static_cast<int>(begIdx); --i)
cout << line[i];
cout << ' ';
begIdx = line.find_first_not_of(delims, endIdx); }
cout << endl; }

下一篇:Sequence II HDU - 5919(主席树)