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2. 非数学专业的数学教材
2.1 微积分
- Calculus | Hughes Hallet,Gleason,McCallum et al. | 第九版
- Calculus : Early Transcendentals | James Stewart | 第六版 / 第八版
- Advanced Calculus | Patrick M. Fitzpatrick | 第二版
- Calculus : Early Transcendental functions | Ron Larson, Robert P Hostetler, Bruce H Edwards | 第六版
- Calculus One And Sevel Variables | Saturnino L Salas, Einar Hille, Garret J Etgen | 第十版
- Calculus | Monty J Strauss, Gerald L Bradley, Karl J Smith | 第三版
- Calculus | Dale E Varberg, Edwin J Purcell, Steven E Rigdon | 影印第九版
2.2 线性代数
- Linear Algebra and its Applications | Gilbert Strang | 第四版
- Introduction to Linear Algebra | Gilbert Strang | 第五版
- Linear Algebra and its Applications | David C. Lay | 第四版
- Elementary Linear Algebra | Howard Anton | 同下
- Elementary Linear Algebra (application version) | Howard Anton | 第九版
- Linear Algebra with Applications | Otto Bretscher | 第五版
- Linear Algebra with Applications | Steven J. Leon | 第九版
- Linear Algebra Done Right | S. Axler | 第二版 / 第三版
2.3 其它
- Differential Equations | P. Blanchard, R. Devaney, G. Hall | 第四版
- Concrete Mathematics | R.Graham, D.Knuth, O.Patashnik | 第二版
- Discrete Mathematics | Dossey,Otto,Spence,Vanden Eynden | 第四版
3. 数学分析和泛函分析
- Introducton to Analysis | Arthur Mattuck | 第一版
- Mathematical Analysis | Tom M. Apostol | 第二版
- Principle of Mathematical Analysis | Walter Rudin | 第一版
- Advanced Calculus | Patrick M. Fitzpatrick | 第一版
- Advanced Calculus | Wilfred Kaplan | 第五版
- Advanced Calculus | Lynn H. Loomis, Shlomo Sternberg | 第一版
- Problems and Theorems in Analysis | George Pólya, Gábor Szegő | 第一版 I II
- Functional Analysis | Walter Rudin | 第一版
4. 单复变函数
- Complex Analysis | Lars V. Ahlfors | 第一版
- Introduction to complex analysis | Kunihiko Kodaira | 第一版
- Functions of One Complex Variable | John B. Conway | 第一版
- Complex Analysis | Serge Lang | 第四版
5. 多复变函数
- An Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables | Lars Hörmander | 第三版
- Introduction to Complex Analysis Part II, Functions in Several Variables | B. V. Shabat | 第一版 II
- Topics in Complex Function Theory | Carl L. Siegel | 第一版 I II III
6. 代数
- Linear Algebra | K. Hoffmann and R. Kunze | 第二版
- Lectures on Linear Algebra | Gelfand | 第一版
- Linear Algebra Gems | David Carlson, Charles R. Johnson,David C. Lay, A. Duane Porter | 第三版
- Algebra | Michael Artin | 第二版
- Codes and Curves | Judy Walker | 第一版
- Introduction to Commutative Algebra | Michael Atiyah & I.G.MacDonald | 第一版
- Hopf Algebra | Moss E. Sweedler | 第一版
7. 数论
- Elementary Methods in Number Theory | Melvyn B.Nathanson | 第一版
- A Course in Arithmetic | J.-P. Serre | 第一版
- Introduction to Analytic Number Theory | Tom Apostol | 第一版
8. 代数几何
- An Invitation to Algebraic Geometry | K.Smith etc. | 第一版
- Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry | Ernst Kunz | 第一版
- Basic Algebraic Geometry | Shafarevich | 第三版
- Algebraic Geometry | Robin Hartshorne | 第一版
- Principles of Algebraic Geometry | Phillip Griffiths, Joseph Harris | 第一版
- The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes | David Mumford | 第二版
- Compact Complex Surfaces | W.P. Barth, K. Hulek, C.A.M. Peters, A. Van de Ven | 第二版
9. 拓扑与微分几何
- Elements of Algebraic Topology | James R. Munkres | 第一版
- Lecture Notes on Elementary Topology and Geometry | Singer & Thorpe | 第一版
- Topology from the differentiable viewpoint | John Milnor | 第一版
- Algebraic topology | Hatcher | 第一版+Errata
- Differential forms in algebraic topology | Bott & Tu | 第一版
- Knot thoery | Livingston | 第一版
- Riemannian Geometry | M.P. Do Carmo | 第一版
- Foundations of Differential Geometry (in two volumes) | Shoshichi Kobayashi & Katsumi Nomizu | 第一版
- Introduction to Lie groups and Lie algebras | A.A.Sagle & R.E.Walde | 第一版
10. 偏微分方程
- Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations | Peter D. Lax | 第一版
- Partial Differential Equations, An Introduction | Walter A. Strauss | 第一版
- Partial Differential Equations | Lawrence C. Evans | 第一版
- Partial Differential Equations | Fritz John | 第三版
11. 概率论
- An Introduction to probability theory and its applications, Vol 1 | William Feller | 第一版 I II
- A course in Probability Theory | Kai Lai Chung | 第一版
12. 计算数学
- Numerical Optimization | J. Nocedal & S. Wright | 第一版
13. 其它
Graduate Texts in Mathematics
Student Mathematical Library
Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society