Constraint Weighting (CSP)
Associate a number as the weight of each constraint, measuring the cost of violating this constraint.
The evaluation function is changed to the weighted version.
Constraint weighting in Iterative Improvement
When a constraint is violated, increase its weight by 1 .
The constraints with larger weight should be preferred to be satisfied.
Constraint weighting in Iterated Local Search
At local optima, increase weights of all violated constraints by 1
Making a local optimum no longer a local optimum during a period of time.
Clause Weighting for SAT
Date back to the Breakout method (1993): increases the weight of each unsatisfied clause by one when reaching local optima.
- The Breakout method allows unrestricted weight growth during.
Modern clause weighting usually have a “smoothing” mechanism to decrease clause weights.
Clause Weighting for SAT
discrete Lagrangian method (DLM): DLM follows Breakout’s weight increment scheme, but additionally decrements clause weights by a constant amount after a fixed number of increases;
scaling and probabilistic smoothing (SAPS): when reaching a local optimum, with a fixed probability p, SAPS performs a random step; with probability 1 − p, the weights of all unsatisfied clauses are multiplied by a factor, and then, with a fixed probability, all clause weights are pulled towards their mean value using the formula w(c)=ρw(c)+(1−ρ)w.
pure additive weighting scheme (PAWS): PAWS updates clause weights in local optima as follows. First, the clause weights of all unsatisfied clauses are increased by one; then, all clause weights are decreased by one after a fixed number of increases.
Component Weighting
- Associate a number as the weight of each solution component, measuring the frequency of a solution component being selected.
Vertex Weighting for MaxClique (Pullan 06)
A GRASP framework: construction + local search
At the end of each local search phase, increase the penalty values of all vertices in the current clique, by one.
In the constructive phase, when selecting a vertex to add into the candidate solution, prefer vertices with lower penalty.
Scoring Functions
A basic Scoring Function
Previously, we introduced a scoring function for SAT, which is named ‘score’.
Under assignment S, score(x) = cost(S)-cost(S‘), where S’ differs from S only in the value of x, cost(S) is the number of unsatisfied clauses under S.
Other Scoring functions
age(x) = the number of steps since x has changed value
frequency(x) = a count on how many times x changes its value
wscore(x) = the weighted version of score, using clause weighting techniques
Score(x)+age(x)/T, where T is a parameter
Scoring Functions
A Scoring Function can be
a property of the variable, such as score, age, frequency …
any mathematical expression with one or more properties.
More Scoring functions
Dynamic Scoring functions
- Change the parameters or the expression of the scoring function during the search