


jdb(1)                                           Basic Tools                                          jdb(1)

jdb - Finds and fixes bugs in Java platform programs. SYNOPSIS
jdb [options] [classname] [arguments] BASIC JDB COMMANDS
The following is a list of the basic jdb commands. The JDB supports other commands that you can list with the -help option. help or ?
The help or ? commands display the list of recognized commands with a brief description.
不会就help咯 run After you start JDB and set breakpoints, you can use the run command to execute the debugged application. The run command is available only when the jdb command starts the debugged application as opposed to attaching to an existing JVM.
在你启动JDB并且设置断电以后,你可以使用run命令去执行被调试程序。run命令只有在jdb命令启动被调试程序以后才 可以使用,而不是附加到现存的JVM上 cont Continues execution of the debugged application after a breakpoint, exception, or step.
在断点、exception、step后继续执行被调试程序 print Displays Java objects and primitive values. For variables or fields of primitive types, the actual value is printed. For objects, a short description is printed. See the dump command to find out how to get more information about an object.
显示Java对象和原始值。打印原始类型的变量或者字段。打印对象的简短描述。查看dump命令以了解如何获取更多的对象信息 dump For primitive values, the dump command is identical to the print command. For objects, the dump command prints the current value of each field defined in the object. Static and instance fields are included. The dump command supports the same set of expressions as the print command.
对于基本类型,dump命令和print命令一样。对于对象,dump命令打印对象里定义的每一个字段的当前值。静态和实例字段包括在内。dump命令支持和print命令一样的表达式 threads
List the threads that are currently running. For each thread, its name and current status are printed and an index that can be used in other commands.
列出现在正在运行的线程。打印每个线程的名字、当前状态和能在其他命令里使用的索引 In this example, the thread index is 4, the thread is an instance of java.lang.Thread, the thread name is main, and it is currently running. 4. (java.lang.Thread)0x1 main running thread Select a thread to be the current thread. Many jdb commands are based on the setting of the current thread. The thread is specified with the thread index described in the threads command.
选择一个线程作为当前线程。许多jdb命令基于当前线程的设定。线程由在threads命令里给的索引来指定 where The where command with no arguments dumps the stack of the current thread. The whereall command dumps the stack of all threads in the current thread group. The wherethreadindex command dumps the stack of the specified thread.
没有参数的where命令转储当前线程的堆栈。 If the current thread is suspended either through an event such as a breakpoint or through the suspend command, then local variables and fields can be displayed with the print and dump commands. The up and down commands select which stack frame is the current stack frame.
如果当前线程被中止,例如断点或者suspend命令,那么本地变量和字段可以被print和dump命令显示。up和down命令选择哪个堆栈帧是当前堆栈帧 BREAKPOINTS
Breakpoints can be set in JDB at line numbers or at the first instruction of a method, for example:
断点可以在JDB中按行号或者方法里的第一个指令设置 · The command stop at MyClass:22 sets a breakpoint at the first instruction for line 22 of the source
file containing MyClass. · The command stop in java.lang.String.length sets a breakpoint at the beginning of the method
java.lang.String.length. · The command stop in MyClass.<clinit> uses <clinit> to identify the static initialization code for



按理来说现在是可以用Alt+数字来切换标签页,这样会很方便,但是不知道为什么,我的ubuntu在按Alt+1的时候切换不了,而是会出现(arg:1),希望有大神能告诉我怎么办。然后我们用jdb开始调试,用stop in 来设置断点,run运行到断点初停下,用locals来查看变量,step单步执行。要注意stepnext都是下一步,但是step会进入方法体,next不会




stop at在行号处设置断点,clear打印设置的断点

























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