ECS34 SQ19

ECS34 SQ19 April 5, 2019
Development Workflow Guide
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Development Workflow Guide
This is a quick guide to help you understand the typical development workflow. Students will
typically develop either locally on their machine and synch using SFTP or will make edits on the
CSIF with and editor such as VIM or Emacs. Some students will physically go to the CSIF and
login to the machines as well. You will want to use one of the following steps:
Local Editing with File Synchronization
Remote Editing via VIM or Emacs
Physical Access to CSIF
Local Editing with File Synchronization
Local editing with file synchronization means that you will have a copy of the development files
both on your local machine and on the CSIF. This allows for you to use a graphical editor with

ECS34 SQ19作业代做、代写c++,python,java程序设计作业、代做CSIF留学生作业
syntax highlighting and possibly code completion. (NOTE: It may be possible to have your
editing tool like Visual Studio Code automatically do the synchronization for you with every
save, but that capability is beyond the scope of this guide.) The typical steps you might use for
this type of development are:
1. Download the given files from Canvas.
2. Decompress the given files (this step may different for Windows or Mac)
a) Open the tgz file with IZarc, 7Zip, or etc.
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b) Extract the files you may be asked if you want to decompress the tar archive.
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c) You should have the folder decompressed.
a) Move the tgz file to where you want to extract it.
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b) Double click on the file and the Archive Utility should decompress it there.
3. Upload the development files to the CSIF (this step will depend on SFTP client)
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4. Make edits to the code using your preferred editor and save them.
5. Upload the changed files
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6. Build your new code on the CSIF. Make sure you are in the directory with the Makefile,
and type make.
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7. If the doesn’t build, or the tests that are run fail, then go back to step 4. If it builds and
you want to test your program. Run it with something like: ./bin/proj1, or whatever
the name of the program is.
8. If your program doesn’t work as you expected, go back to step 4, if everything looks
good, then you are done programming and will need to package everything up for
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Remote Editing via VIM or Emacs
Remote editing via VIM or Emacs means that you will have your source code on the CSIF. This
allows you to make edits, save them and then test without having to upload the changes each
time. The typical steps you might use for this type of development are:
1. Download the given files from Canvas.
2. Decompress the given files (this step may different for Windows or Mac)
a) Open the tgz file with IZarc, 7Zip, or etc.
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b) Extract the files you may be asked if you want to decompress the tar archive.
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c) You should have the folder decompressed.
a) Move the tgz file to where you want to extract it.
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b) Double click on the file and the Archive Utility should decompress it there.
3. Upload the development files to the CSIF (this step will depend on SFTP client)
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4. Login to the CSIF
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5. Change into the directory where you put your files, and where your Makefile is.
6. Open the either VIM or Emacs and make edits to the file you want to change.
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7. Build your new code on the CSIF. Make sure you are in the directory with the Makefile,
and type make.
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8. If the doesn’t build, or the tests that are run fail, then go back to step 6. If it builds and
you want to test your program. Run it with something like: ./bin/proj1, or whatever
the name of the program is.
9. If your program doesn’t work as you expected, go back to step 6, if everything looks
good, then you are done programming and will need to package everything up for
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Physical Access to CSIF
Physical access to a CSIF machine is similar to remote editing via VIM or Emacs, but instead of
connecting via SSH you will be opening a terminal on the machine. This allows you to make
edits, save them and then test without having to upload the changes each time. The typical steps
you might use for this type of development are:
1. Login to the machine and launch firefox.
2. Download the given files from Canvas.
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3. Move the files to where you want to use them.
4. Open a terminal.
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5. Decompress the given files. IMPORTANT: DO NOT DOUBLE CLICK ON THE
TGZ FILE TO DECOMPRESS IT! You will use the tar command with -xzvf
option to decompress it. It will be of the form tar -xzvf file.tgz where
file.tgz is the file you want to decompress.
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6. From this point forward, you will be doing the same thing as with remote editing, but
instead of SSH connection, you have you own terminal. The images below are duplicates
from the Remote Editing via VIM or Emacs.
7. Change into the directory where you put your files, and where your Makefile is.
8. Open the either VIM or Emacs and make edits to the file you want to change.
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9. Build your new code on the CSIF. Make sure you are in the directory with the Makefile,
and type make.
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10. If the doesn’t build, or the tests that are run fail, then go back to step 8. If it builds and
you want to test your program. Run it with something like: ./bin/proj1, or whatever
the name of the program is.
11. If your program doesn’t work as you expected, go back to step 8, if everything looks
good, then you are done programming and will need to package everything up for

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