本文转载自微信公众号「编程杂技 」,作者theanarkh。转载本文请联系编程杂技 公众号。
const dgram = require('dgram'); // 创建一个socket对象 const server = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); // 监听udp数据的到来 server.on('message', (msg, rinfo) => { // 处理数据});// 绑定端口 server.bind(41234);
function createSocket(type, listener) { return new Socket(type, listener); } function Socket(type, listener) { EventEmitter.call(this); let lookup; let recvBufferSize; let sendBufferSize; let options; if (type !== null && typeof type === 'object') { options = type; type = options.type; lookup = options.lookup; recvBufferSize = options.recvBufferSize; sendBufferSize = options.sendBufferSize; } const handle = newHandle(type, lookup); this.type = type; if (typeof listener === 'function') this.on('message', listener); this[kStateSymbol] = { handle, receiving: false, bindState: BIND_STATE_UNBOUND, connectState: CONNECT_STATE_DISCONNECTED, queue: undefined, reuseAddr: options && options.reuseAddr, // Use UV_UDP_REUSEADDR if true. ipv6Only: options && options.ipv6Only, recvBufferSize, sendBufferSize };}
function newHandle(type, lookup) { // 用于dns解析的函数,比如我们调send的时候,传的是一个域名 if (lookup === undefined) { if (dns === undefined) { dns = require('dns'); } lookup = dns.lookup; } if (type === 'udp4') { const handle = new UDP(); handle.lookup = lookup4.bind(handle, lookup); return handle; } // 忽略ipv6的处理}
// 定义一个v8函数模块 Local<FunctionTemplate> t = env->NewFunctionTemplate(New); // t新建的对象需要额外拓展的内存 t->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); // 导出给js层使用的名字 Local<String> udpString = FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "UDP"); t->SetClassName(udpString); // 属性的存取属性 enum PropertyAttribute attributes = static_cast<PropertyAttribute>(ReadOnly | DontDelete); Local<Signature> signature = Signature::New(env->isolate(), t); // 新建一个函数模块 Local<FunctionTemplate> get_fd_templ = FunctionTemplate::New(env->isolate(), UDPWrap::GetFD, env->as_callback_data(), signature); // 设置一个访问器,访问fd属性的时候,执行get_fd_templ,从而执行UDPWrap::GetFD t->PrototypeTemplate()->SetAccessorProperty(env->fd_string(), get_fd_templ, Local<FunctionTemplate>(), attributes); // 导出的函数 env->SetProtoMethod(t, "open", Open); // 忽略一系列函数 // 导出给js层使用 target->Set(env->context(), udpString, t->GetFunction(env->context()).ToLocalChecked()).Check();
在c++层通用逻辑中我们讲过相关的知识,这里就不详细讲述了,当我们在js层new UDP的时候,会新建一个c++对象。
UDPWrap::UDPWrap(Environment* env, Local<Object> object) : HandleWrap(env, object, reinterpret_cast<uv_handle_t*>(&handle_), AsyncWrap::PROVIDER_UDPWRAP) { int r = uv_udp_init(env->event_loop(), &handle_);}
int uv_udp_init_ex(uv_loop_t* loop, uv_udp_t* handle, unsigned int flags) { int domain; int err; int fd; /* Use the lower 8 bits for the domain */ domain = flags & 0xFF; // 申请一个socket,返回一个fd fd = uv__socket(domain, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); uv__handle_init(loop, (uv_handle_t*)handle, UV_UDP); handle->alloc_cb = NULL; handle->recv_cb = NULL; handle->send_queue_size = 0; handle->send_queue_count = 0; // 初始化io观察者(还没有注册到事件循环的poll io阶段),监听的文件描述符是fd,回调是uv__udp_io uv__io_init(&handle->io_watcher, uv__udp_io, fd); // 初始化写队列 QUEUE_INIT(&handle->write_queue); QUEUE_INIT(&handle->write_completed_queue); return 0;}
Socket.prototype.bind = function(port_, address_ /* , callback */) { let port = port_; // socket的状态 const state = this[kStateSymbol]; // 已经绑定过了则报错 if (state.bindState !== BIND_STATE_UNBOUND) throw new ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_BOUND(); // 否则标记已经绑定了 state.bindState = BIND_STATE_BINDING; // 没传地址则默认绑定所有地址 if (!address) { if (this.type === 'udp4') address = ''; else address = '::'; } // dns解析后在绑定,如果需要的话 state.handle.lookup(address, (err, ip) => { if (err) { state.bindState = BIND_STATE_UNBOUND; this.emit('error', err); return; } const err = state.handle.bind(ip, port || 0, flags); if (err) { const ex = exceptionWithHostPort(err, 'bind', ip, port); state.bindState = BIND_STATE_UNBOUND; this.emit('error', ex); // Todo: close? return; } startListening(this); return this;}
void UDPWrap::DoBind(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args, int family) { UDPWrap* wrap; ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_UNWRAP(&wrap, args.Holder(), args.GetReturnValue().Set(UV_EBADF)); // bind(ip, port, flags) CHECK_EQ(args.Length(), 3); node::Utf8Value address(args.GetIsolate(), args[0]); Local<Context> ctx = args.GetIsolate()->GetCurrentContext(); uint32_t port, flags; if (!args[1]->Uint32Value(ctx).To(&port) || !args[2]->Uint32Value(ctx).To(&flags)) return; struct sockaddr_storage addr_storage; int err = sockaddr_for_family(family, address.out(), port, &addr_storage); if (err == 0) { err = uv_udp_bind(&wrap->handle_, reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr*>(&addr_storage), flags); } args.GetReturnValue().Set(err);}
function startListening(socket) { const state = socket[kStateSymbol]; // 有数据时的回调,触发message事件 state.handle.onmessage = onMessage; // 重点,开始监听数据 state.handle.recvStart(); state.receiving = true; state.bindState = BIND_STATE_BOUND; if (state.recvBufferSize) bufferSize(socket, state.recvBufferSize, RECV_BUFFER); if (state.sendBufferSize) bufferSize(socket, state.sendBufferSize, SEND_BUFFER); socket.emit('listening');}
void UDPWrap::RecvStart(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) { UDPWrap* wrap; ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_UNWRAP(&wrap, args.Holder(), args.GetReturnValue().Set(UV_EBADF)); int err = uv_udp_recv_start(&wrap->handle_, OnAlloc, OnRecv); // UV_EALREADY means that the socket is already bound but that's okay if (err == UV_EALREADY) err = 0; args.GetReturnValue().Set(err);}
OnAlloc, OnRecv分别是分配内存接收数据的函数和数据到来时执行的回调。继续看libuv
int uv__udp_recv_start(uv_udp_t* handle, uv_alloc_cb alloc_cb, uv_udp_recv_cb recv_cb) { int err; err = uv__udp_maybe_deferred_bind(handle, AF_INET, 0); if (err) return err; // 保存一些上下文 handle->alloc_cb = alloc_cb; handle->recv_cb = recv_cb; // 注册io观察者到loop,如果事件到来,等到poll io阶段处理 uv__io_start(handle->loop, &handle->io_watcher, POLLIN); uv__handle_start(handle); return 0;}
uv__udp_recv_start主要是注册io观察者到loop,等待事件到来的时候,在poll io阶段处理。前面我们讲过,回调函数是uv__udp_io。我们看一下事件触发的时候,该函数怎么处理的。
static void uv__udp_io(uv_loop_t* loop, uv__io_t* w, unsigned int revents) { uv_udp_t* handle; handle = container_of(w, uv_udp_t, io_watcher); // 可读事件触发 if (revents & POLLIN) uv__udp_recvmsg(handle); // 可写事件触发 if (revents & POLLOUT) { uv__udp_sendmsg(handle); uv__udp_run_completed(handle); }}
static void uv__udp_recvmsg(uv_udp_t* handle) { struct sockaddr_storage peer; struct msghdr h; ssize_t nread; uv_buf_t buf; int flags; int count; count = 32; do { // 分配内存接收数据,c++层设置的 buf = uv_buf_init(NULL, 0); handle->alloc_cb((uv_handle_t*) handle, 64 * 1024, &buf); memset(&h, 0, sizeof(h)); memset(&peer, 0, sizeof(peer)); h.msg_name = &peer; h.msg_namelen = sizeof(peer); h.msg_iov = (void*) &buf; h.msg_iovlen = 1; // 调操作系统的函数读取数据 do { nread = recvmsg(handle->io_watcher.fd, &h, 0); } while (nread == -1 && errno == EINTR); // 调用c++层回调 handle->recv_cb(handle, nread, &buf, (const struct sockaddr*) &peer, flags); }}
【责任编辑:武晓燕 TEL:(010)68476606】