示例代码对低频率类进行过采样并对高频率类进行欠采样,其中class_target_prob在我的情况下只是均匀分布.我想从最近的手稿A systematic study of the class imbalance problem in convolutional neural networks中查看一些结论
dataset = dataset.flat_map(
lambda x: tf.data.Dataset.from_tensors(x).repeat(oversample_classes(x))
# sampling parameters
oversampling_coef = 0.9 # if equal to 0 then oversample_classes() always returns 1
undersampling_coef = 0.5 # if equal to 0 then undersampling_filter() always returns True
def oversample_classes(example):
Returns the number of copies of given example
class_prob = example['class_prob']
class_target_prob = example['class_target_prob']
prob_ratio = tf.cast(class_target_prob/class_prob, dtype=tf.float32)
# soften ratio is oversampling_coef==0 we recover original distribution
prob_ratio = prob_ratio ** oversampling_coef
# for classes with probability higher than class_target_prob we
# want to return 1
prob_ratio = tf.maximum(prob_ratio, 1)
# for low probability classes this number will be very large
repeat_count = tf.floor(prob_ratio)
# prob_ratio can be e.g 1.9 which means that there is still 90%
# of change that we should return 2 instead of 1
repeat_residual = prob_ratio - repeat_count # a number between 0-1
residual_acceptance = tf.less_equal(
tf.random_uniform([], dtype=tf.float32), repeat_residual
residual_acceptance = tf.cast(residual_acceptance, tf.int64)
repeat_count = tf.cast(repeat_count, dtype=tf.int64)
return repeat_count + residual_acceptance
def undersampling_filter(example):
Computes if given example is rejected or not.
class_prob = example['class_prob']
class_target_prob = example['class_target_prob']
prob_ratio = tf.cast(class_target_prob/class_prob, dtype=tf.float32)
prob_ratio = prob_ratio ** undersampling_coef
prob_ratio = tf.minimum(prob_ratio, 1.0)
acceptance = tf.less_equal(tf.random_uniform([], dtype=tf.float32), prob_ratio)
return acceptance
dataset = dataset.flat_map(
lambda x: tf.data.Dataset.from_tensors(x).repeat(oversample_classes(x))
dataset = dataset.filter(undersampling_filter)
dataset = dataset.repeat(-1)
dataset = dataset.shuffle(2048)
dataset = dataset.batch(32)
iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator()
next_element = iterator.get_next()
这是一个简单的jupyter notebook,它在玩具模型上实现了上述过采样/欠采样.