Survey sampling

Survey sampling

\bullet∙What is survey sampling?(c.f.census survey)(c.f.:参考,查看,来源于拉丁语)
\bullet∙understanding the whole by a fraction\underline{fraction}fraction​(i.e.a sample\underline{sample}sample​)
Q:What is the population to survey?(In some cases,it can be difficult to identify or determine)
N:population size
a sample of size n:a subgroup of n members(n<N)
Q:Which n members should be included in the sample?( to produce a representative\underline{representative}representative​ sample)
xi,i=1,2,3Nx_i,i=1,2,3\cdots Nxi​,i=1,2,3⋯N

Definition:\underline{Definition : }Definition:​(survey sampling)
A technique to obtain information\underline{information}information​ about a large\underline{large}large​ population by examining only

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