python pandas如何从数据框中删除异常值并替换为先前记录的平均值



因此,在下面的数据框中,我想将IT第1周的Bill1的Bill4 4(IT1第2周和第3周的平均值)替换为0.81.


Country Week    Bill%1  Bill%2  Bill%3  Bill%4  Bill%5  Bill%6
IT     week1    0.94    0.88    0.85    1.21    0.77    0.75
IT     week2    0.93    0.88    1.25    0.80    0.77    0.72
IT     week3    0.94    1.33    0.85    0.82    0.76    0.76
IT     week4    1.39    0.89    0.86    0.80    0.80    0.76
FR     week1    0.92    0.86    0.82    1.18    0.75    0.73
FR     week2    0.91    0.86    1.22    0.78    0.75    0.71
FR     week3    0.92    1.29    0.83    0.80    0.75    0.75
FR     week4    1.35    0.87    0.84    0.78    0.78    0.74



import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(10,5),columns=list('ABCDE'))
df.index = list('abcdeflght')

# Define cutoff value
cutoff = 0.90

for col in df.columns: 
    # Identify index locations above cutoff
    outliers = df[col][ df[col]>cutoff ]

    # Browse through outliers and average according to index location
    for idx in outliers.index:
        # Get index location 
        loc = df.index.get_loc(idx)

        # If not one of last two values in dataframe
        if loc<df.shape[0]-2:
            df[col][loc] = np.mean( df[col][loc+1:loc+3] )
            df[col][loc] = np.mean( df[col][loc-3:loc-1] )
上一篇:卡特兰路径和q,t-enumeration 学一半的笔记

下一篇:删除异常值(/ – 3 std)并用Python / pandas中的np.nan替换