c语言的重构、清理与代码分析图形化浏览工具: CScout





还有一个工具叫Xrefactory,它可以分析c++程序。 cscout只能分析c程序。具体如下:

A tool adopting an approach similar to ours is Vittek's Xrefactory [59]. Its functionality is integrated with the Emacs editor [51]. Compared to CScout, Xrefactory supports C++, and thus also offers a number of additional refactorings: field and method moving, pushing down and pulling up fields and methods, and the encapsulation of fields. However, Xrefactory is unable to handle identifiers generated during the preprocessing stage; its author writes that deciding how to handle the renaming of an identifier that is constructed from parts of other identifiers is, in general, an unsolvable problem. The case refers to the renaming of the identifier sysctl_var_sdelay we showed in Section 2.1 into, say, foo. Vittek, correctly writes that there is no way to perform this renaming in a natural way. We sidestep this restriction by only allowing the renaming of an identifier's constituent parts. Thus, in this case, a CScout's user can rename individually the identifier's sysctl_var part and the sdelay part, with each renaming affecting the other corresponding parts in the program.

CScout is a source code analyzer and refactoring browser for collections of C programs. It can process workspaces of multiple projects (we define a project as a collection of C source files that are linked together) mapping the complexity introduced by the C preprocessor back into the original C source code files. CScout takes advantage of modern hardware advances (fast processors and large memory capacities) to analyze C source code beyond the level of detail and accuracy provided by current compilers, linkers, and other source code analyzers. The analysis CScout performs takes into account the identifier scopes introduced by the C preprocessor and the C language proper scopes and namespaces.


CScout as a source code analyzer can:

  • annotate source code with hyperlinks to each identifier                               在显示源代码的同时对每个标识符进行超链接标注
  • list files that would be affected by changing a specific identifier                   显示修改某个标识符时会影响到的文件
  • determine whether a given identifier belongs to the application or to an external library based on the accessibility and location of the header files that declare or define it
  • 基于在头文件中的访问、定义和申明信息,判断某标识符在应用内定义或属于外部库
  • locate unused identifiers taking into account inter-project dependencies                            基于项目的依赖定位未使用的标识符
  • create static call graphs that include the use of function-like macros                                  创建类似函数的宏的静态调用图
  • perform queries for identifiers based on their namespace, scope, reachability, and regular expressions of their name and the filename(s) they are found in,    基于namespace,scope,能否被访问,名字的正则表达式及文件名等,对标识符进行分类索引
  • perform queries for files, based on their metrics, or properties of the identifiers they contain                            对文件中的标识符,基于他们的原型或属性进行索引
  • perform queries for functions and function like-macros, based on their metrics, their type and scope, the names of callers and callees, and the files they are declared in        对文件中的函数或类似函数的宏标识符,基于他们的原型、类型或作用范围、调用者或被调用者,以及申明他们的文件进行索引
  • monitor and report superfluously included header files                                             对多层included头文件进行监视或创建报告
  • visually identify parts of files that were skipped during preprocessing                        对文件中被预处理中略过的部分进行可视化浏览
  • provide accurate metrics on functions, identifiers, and files                                      提供函数、标识符和文件准确的原型

More importantly, CScout helps you in refactoring code by identifying dead objects to remove, and automatically performing accurate global rename identifier refactorings, and various function argument refactorings. CScout will automatically rename identifiers

  • taking into account the namespace of each identifier: a renaming of a structure tag, member, or a statement label will not affect variables with the same name
  • respecting the scope of the renamed identifier: a rename can affect multiple files, or variables within a single block, exactly matching the semantics the C compiler would enforce
  • across multiple projects when the same identifier is defined in common shared include files
  • occuring in macro bodies and parts of other identifiers, when these are created through the C preprocessor's token concatenation feature

Furthermore, CScout allows you to refactor the arguments of functions and macros, introducing new arguments, deleting existing ones, or changing their order.

