kubernetes源码解析---- apiserver路由构建解析(2)

kubernetes源码解析---- apiserver路由构建解析(2)


(kubernetes代码版本:1.3.6 Commit id:ed3a29bd6aeb)


func main() {
rand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) // New APIServer
s := options.NewAPIServer()
s.AddFlags(pflag.CommandLine) // 解析命令行参数
defer logs.FlushLogs() verflag.PrintAndExitIfRequested() // 启动APIServer
if err := app.Run(s); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)

main函数里做的事情比较简单,主要是生成默认的ApiServer运行参数,解析命令行,设置log,然后调用 app.Run()方法启动服务。继续跟进这个Run()方法:

func Run(s *options.APIServer) error {
genericapiserver.DefaultAndValidateRunOptions(s.ServerRunOptions) // master config组装
... // New master
m, err := master.New(config)
if err != nil {
return err
} sharedInformers.Start(wait.NeverStop)
// 启动master
return nil

Run()方法代码较长,这里只贴出了其中一部分。代码上,首先组装master config,其中包括ssh tunneler配置,storageFactory配置,authenticator配置和authorizer配置等,然后根据config创建并启动master。


// New returns a new instance of Master from the given config.
// Certain config fields will be set to a default value if unset.
// Certain config fields must be specified, including:
// KubeletClient
func New(c *Config) (*Master, error) {
if c.KubeletClient == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Master.New() called with config.KubeletClient == nil")
} // 创建并初始化GenericAPIServer
s, err := genericapiserver.New(c.Config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} // 构造Master
m := &Master{
GenericAPIServer: s,
enableCoreControllers: c.EnableCoreControllers,
deleteCollectionWorkers: c.DeleteCollectionWorkers,
tunneler: c.Tunneler, disableThirdPartyControllerForTesting: c.disableThirdPartyControllerForTesting,
} // Add some hardcoded storage for now. Append to the map.
if c.RESTStorageProviders == nil {
c.RESTStorageProviders = map[string]RESTStorageProvider{}
c.RESTStorageProviders[appsapi.GroupName] = AppsRESTStorageProvider{}
c.RESTStorageProviders[autoscaling.GroupName] = AutoscalingRESTStorageProvider{}
c.RESTStorageProviders[batch.GroupName] = BatchRESTStorageProvider{}
c.RESTStorageProviders[certificates.GroupName] = CertificatesRESTStorageProvider{}
c.RESTStorageProviders[extensions.GroupName] = ExtensionsRESTStorageProvider{
ResourceInterface: m,
DisableThirdPartyControllerForTesting: m.disableThirdPartyControllerForTesting,
c.RESTStorageProviders[policy.GroupName] = PolicyRESTStorageProvider{}
c.RESTStorageProviders[rbac.GroupName] = RBACRESTStorageProvider{AuthorizerRBACSuperUser: c.AuthorizerRBACSuperUser}
c.RESTStorageProviders[authenticationv1beta1.GroupName] = AuthenticationRESTStorageProvider{Authenticator: c.Authenticator}
c.RESTStorageProviders[authorization.GroupName] = AuthorizationRESTStorageProvider{Authorizer: c.Authorizer} // 安装APIs
m.InstallAPIs(c) // TODO: Attempt clean shutdown?
if m.enableCoreControllers {
} return m, nil

首先,调用genericapiserver.New(c.Config),创建一个genericapiserver对象。然后往master config中添加一些“hardcoded storage”,再调用m.InstallAPIs(c)安装APIs。


// New returns a new instance of GenericAPIServer from the given config.
// Certain config fields will be set to a default value if unset,
// including:
// ServiceClusterIPRange
// ServiceNodePortRange
// MasterCount
// ReadWritePort
// PublicAddress
// Public fields:
// Handler -- The returned GenericAPIServer has a field TopHandler which is an
// http.Handler which handles all the endpoints provided by the GenericAPIServer,
// including the API, the UI, and miscellaneous debugging endpoints. All
// these are subject to authorization and authentication.
// InsecureHandler -- an http.Handler which handles all the same
// endpoints as Handler, but no authorization and authentication is done.
// Public methods:
// HandleWithAuth -- Allows caller to add an http.Handler for an endpoint
// that uses the same authentication and authorization (if any is configured)
// as the GenericAPIServer's built-in endpoints.
// If the caller wants to add additional endpoints not using the GenericAPIServer's
// auth, then the caller should create a handler for those endpoints, which delegates the
// any unhandled paths to "Handler".
func New(c *Config) (*GenericAPIServer, error) {
if c.Serializer == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Genericapiserver.New() called with config.Serializer == nil")
setDefaults(c) s := &GenericAPIServer{
ServiceClusterIPRange: c.ServiceClusterIPRange,
ServiceNodePortRange: c.ServiceNodePortRange,
RootWebService: new(restful.WebService),
enableLogsSupport: c.EnableLogsSupport,
enableUISupport: c.EnableUISupport,
enableSwaggerSupport: c.EnableSwaggerSupport,
enableSwaggerUI: c.EnableSwaggerUI,
enableProfiling: c.EnableProfiling,
enableWatchCache: c.EnableWatchCache,
APIPrefix: c.APIPrefix,
APIGroupPrefix: c.APIGroupPrefix,
corsAllowedOriginList: c.CorsAllowedOriginList,
authenticator: c.Authenticator,
authorizer: c.Authorizer,
AdmissionControl: c.AdmissionControl,
RequestContextMapper: c.RequestContextMapper,
Serializer: c.Serializer, cacheTimeout: c.CacheTimeout,
MinRequestTimeout: time.Duration(c.MinRequestTimeout) * time.Second, MasterCount: c.MasterCount,
ExternalAddress: c.ExternalHost,
ClusterIP: c.PublicAddress,
PublicReadWritePort: c.ReadWritePort,
ServiceReadWriteIP: c.ServiceReadWriteIP,
ServiceReadWritePort: c.ServiceReadWritePort,
ExtraServicePorts: c.ExtraServicePorts,
ExtraEndpointPorts: c.ExtraEndpointPorts, KubernetesServiceNodePort: c.KubernetesServiceNodePort,
apiGroupsForDiscovery: map[string]unversioned.APIGroup{}, enableOpenAPISupport: c.EnableOpenAPISupport,
openAPIInfo: c.OpenAPIInfo,
openAPIDefaultResponse: c.OpenAPIDefaultResponse,
} // 初始化GenericAPIServer成员变量HandlerContainer与mux
if c.RestfulContainer != nil {
s.mux = c.RestfulContainer.ServeMux
s.HandlerContainer = c.RestfulContainer
} else {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
s.mux = mux
s.HandlerContainer = NewHandlerContainer(mux, c.Serializer)
// Use CurlyRouter to be able to use regular expressions in paths. Regular expressions are required in paths for example for proxy (where the path is proxy/{kind}/{name}/{*})
s.MuxHelper = &apiserver.MuxHelper{Mux: s.mux, RegisteredPaths: []string{}} s.init(c) return s, nil


  1. mux : net/http包中原生的路由构造器。

    > ServeMux is an HTTP request multiplexer.
    > It matches the URL of each incoming request against a list of registered
    > patterns and calls the handler for the pattern that most closely matches the URL.
  2. HandlerContainer: 既是go-restful包中的Container类型对象(详细解释参见此系列文章1)。设置路由选择器为CurlyRouter。后面创建的Webservice都要加入到这个Container中。


func (m *Master) InstallAPIs(c *Config) {
apiGroupsInfo := []genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{} // Install v1 unless disabled.
if c.APIResourceConfigSource.AnyResourcesForVersionEnabled(apiv1.SchemeGroupVersion) {
// Install v1 API.
apiGroupInfo := genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{
GroupMeta: *registered.GroupOrDie(api.GroupName),
VersionedResourcesStorageMap: map[string]map[string]rest.Storage{
"v1": m.v1ResourcesStorage,
IsLegacyGroup: true,
Scheme: api.Scheme,
ParameterCodec: api.ParameterCodec,
NegotiatedSerializer: api.Codecs,
SubresourceGroupVersionKind: map[string]unversioned.GroupVersionKind{},
if autoscalingGroupVersion := (unversioned.GroupVersion{Group: "autoscaling", Version: "v1"}); registered.IsEnabledVersion(autoscalingGroupVersion) {
apiGroupInfo.SubresourceGroupVersionKind["replicationcontrollers/scale"] = autoscalingGroupVersion.WithKind("Scale")
if policyGroupVersion := (unversioned.GroupVersion{Group: "policy", Version: "v1alpha1"}); registered.IsEnabledVersion(policyGroupVersion) {
apiGroupInfo.SubresourceGroupVersionKind["pods/eviction"] = policyGroupVersion.WithKind("Eviction")
apiGroupsInfo = append(apiGroupsInfo, apiGroupInfo)
} ... // 安装APIs
if err := m.InstallAPIGroups(apiGroupsInfo); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("Error in registering group versions: %v", err)



func (m *Master) initV1ResourcesStorage(c *Config) {
restOptions := func(resource string) generic.RESTOptions {
return m.GetRESTOptionsOrDie(c, api.Resource(resource))
} // 生成资源对应的后端存储
podTemplateStorage := podtemplateetcd.NewREST(restOptions("podTemplates")) eventStorage := eventetcd.NewREST(restOptions("events"), uint64(c.EventTTL.Seconds()))
limitRangeStorage := limitrangeetcd.NewREST(restOptions("limitRanges")) resourceQuotaStorage, resourceQuotaStatusStorage := resourcequotaetcd.NewREST(restOptions("resourceQuotas"))
secretStorage := secretetcd.NewREST(restOptions("secrets"))
serviceAccountStorage := serviceaccountetcd.NewREST(restOptions("serviceAccounts"))
persistentVolumeStorage, persistentVolumeStatusStorage := pvetcd.NewREST(restOptions("persistentVolumes"))
persistentVolumeClaimStorage, persistentVolumeClaimStatusStorage := pvcetcd.NewREST(restOptions("persistentVolumeClaims"))
configMapStorage := configmapetcd.NewREST(restOptions("configMaps")) namespaceStorage, namespaceStatusStorage, namespaceFinalizeStorage := namespaceetcd.NewREST(restOptions("namespaces"))
m.namespaceRegistry = namespace.NewRegistry(namespaceStorage) endpointsStorage := endpointsetcd.NewREST(restOptions("endpoints"))
m.endpointRegistry = endpoint.NewRegistry(endpointsStorage) nodeStorage := nodeetcd.NewStorage(restOptions("nodes"), c.KubeletClient, m.ProxyTransport)
m.nodeRegistry = node.NewRegistry(nodeStorage.Node) podStorage := podetcd.NewStorage(
) serviceRESTStorage, serviceStatusStorage := serviceetcd.NewREST(restOptions("services"))
m.serviceRegistry = service.NewRegistry(serviceRESTStorage) var serviceClusterIPRegistry rangeallocation.RangeRegistry
serviceClusterIPRange := m.ServiceClusterIPRange
if serviceClusterIPRange == nil {
glog.Fatalf("service clusterIPRange is nil")
} serviceStorageConfig, err := c.StorageFactory.NewConfig(api.Resource("services"))
if err != nil {
} serviceClusterIPAllocator := ipallocator.NewAllocatorCIDRRange(serviceClusterIPRange, func(max int, rangeSpec string) allocator.Interface {
mem := allocator.NewAllocationMap(max, rangeSpec)
// TODO etcdallocator package to return a storage interface via the storageFactory
etcd := etcdallocator.NewEtcd(mem, "/ranges/serviceips", api.Resource("serviceipallocations"), serviceStorageConfig)
serviceClusterIPRegistry = etcd
return etcd
m.serviceClusterIPAllocator = serviceClusterIPRegistry var serviceNodePortRegistry rangeallocation.RangeRegistry
serviceNodePortAllocator := portallocator.NewPortAllocatorCustom(m.ServiceNodePortRange, func(max int, rangeSpec string) allocator.Interface {
mem := allocator.NewAllocationMap(max, rangeSpec)
// TODO etcdallocator package to return a storage interface via the storageFactory
etcd := etcdallocator.NewEtcd(mem, "/ranges/servicenodeports", api.Resource("servicenodeportallocations"), serviceStorageConfig)
serviceNodePortRegistry = etcd
return etcd
m.serviceNodePortAllocator = serviceNodePortRegistry controllerStorage := controlleretcd.NewStorage(restOptions("replicationControllers")) serviceRest := service.NewStorage(m.serviceRegistry, m.endpointRegistry, serviceClusterIPAllocator, serviceNodePortAllocator, m.ProxyTransport) // 将(资源:存储)的匹配关系存放到v1ResourcesStorage中
// TODO: Factor out the core API registration
m.v1ResourcesStorage = map[string]rest.Storage{
"pods": podStorage.Pod,
"pods/attach": podStorage.Attach,
"pods/status": podStorage.Status,
"pods/log": podStorage.Log,
"pods/exec": podStorage.Exec,
"pods/portforward": podStorage.PortForward,
"pods/proxy": podStorage.Proxy,
"pods/binding": podStorage.Binding,
"bindings": podStorage.Binding, "podTemplates": podTemplateStorage, "replicationControllers": controllerStorage.Controller,
"replicationControllers/status": controllerStorage.Status, "services": serviceRest.Service,
"services/proxy": serviceRest.Proxy,
"services/status": serviceStatusStorage, "endpoints": endpointsStorage, "nodes": nodeStorage.Node,
"nodes/status": nodeStorage.Status,
"nodes/proxy": nodeStorage.Proxy, "events": eventStorage, "limitRanges": limitRangeStorage,
"resourceQuotas": resourceQuotaStorage,
"resourceQuotas/status": resourceQuotaStatusStorage,
"namespaces": namespaceStorage,
"namespaces/status": namespaceStatusStorage,
"namespaces/finalize": namespaceFinalizeStorage,
"secrets": secretStorage,
"serviceAccounts": serviceAccountStorage,
"persistentVolumes": persistentVolumeStorage,
"persistentVolumes/status": persistentVolumeStatusStorage,
"persistentVolumeClaims": persistentVolumeClaimStorage,
"persistentVolumeClaims/status": persistentVolumeClaimStatusStorage,
"configMaps": configMapStorage, "componentStatuses": componentstatus.NewStorage(func() map[string]apiserver.Server { return m.getServersToValidate(c) }),
if registered.IsEnabledVersion(unversioned.GroupVersion{Group: "autoscaling", Version: "v1"}) {
m.v1ResourcesStorage["replicationControllers/scale"] = controllerStorage.Scale
if registered.IsEnabledVersion(unversioned.GroupVersion{Group: "policy", Version: "v1alpha1"}) {
m.v1ResourcesStorage["pods/eviction"] = podStorage.Eviction


podStorage := podetcd.NewStorage(


m.v1ResourcesStorage = map[string]rest.Storage{
"pods": podStorage.Pod,
"pods/attach": podStorage.Attach,
"pods/status": podStorage.Status,
"pods/log": podStorage.Log,
"pods/exec": podStorage.Exec,
"pods/portforward": podStorage.PortForward,
"pods/proxy": podStorage.Proxy,
"pods/binding": podStorage.Binding,
"bindings": podStorage.Binding,


// Exposes the given group versions in API. Helper method to install multiple group versions at once.
func (s *GenericAPIServer) InstallAPIGroups(groupsInfo []APIGroupInfo) error {
for _, apiGroupInfo := range groupsInfo {
if err := s.InstallAPIGroup(&apiGroupInfo); err != nil {
return err
return nil


// Exposes the given group version in API.
func (s *GenericAPIServer) InstallAPIGroup(apiGroupInfo *APIGroupInfo) error {
apiPrefix := s.APIGroupPrefix
if apiGroupInfo.IsLegacyGroup {
apiPrefix = s.APIPrefix
} // Install REST handlers for all the versions in this group.
apiVersions := []string{}
for _, groupVersion := range apiGroupInfo.GroupMeta.GroupVersions {
apiVersions = append(apiVersions, groupVersion.Version) apiGroupVersion, err := s.getAPIGroupVersion(apiGroupInfo, groupVersion, apiPrefix)
if err != nil {
return err
if apiGroupInfo.OptionsExternalVersion != nil {
apiGroupVersion.OptionsExternalVersion = apiGroupInfo.OptionsExternalVersion
} if err := apiGroupVersion.InstallREST(s.HandlerContainer); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to setup API %v: %v", apiGroupInfo, err)
} // Install the version handler.
... apiserver.InstallServiceErrorHandler(s.Serializer, s.HandlerContainer, s.NewRequestInfoResolver(), apiVersions)
return nil

调用getAPIGroupVersion()方法组装APIGroupVersion类型对象,APIGroupVersion用于转换存储配置(rest.Storage)到Restful后端处理(Restful Handlers)。

APIGroupVersion is a helper for exposing rest.Storage objects as http.Handlers via go-restful


// InstallREST registers the REST handlers (storage, watch, proxy and redirect) into a restful Container.
// It is expected that the provided path root prefix will serve all operations. Root MUST NOT end
// in a slash.
func (g *APIGroupVersion) InstallREST(container *restful.Container) error {
installer := g.newInstaller()
// 为每个资源新建WebService
ws := installer.NewWebService()
// 安装Routes
apiResources, registrationErrors := installer.Install(ws)
lister := g.ResourceLister
if lister == nil {
lister = staticLister{apiResources}
AddSupportedResourcesWebService(g.Serializer, ws, g.GroupVersion, lister)
// 将WebService加入到Container中
return utilerrors.NewAggregate(registrationErrors)



func (a *APIInstaller) registerResourceHandlers(path string, storage rest.Storage, ws *restful.WebService, proxyHandler http.Handler) (*unversioned.APIResource, error) {


	// what verbs are supported by the storage, used to know what verbs we support per path
creater, isCreater := storage.(rest.Creater)
namedCreater, isNamedCreater := storage.(rest.NamedCreater)
lister, isLister := storage.(rest.Lister)
getter, isGetter := storage.(rest.Getter)
getterWithOptions, isGetterWithOptions := storage.(rest.GetterWithOptions)
deleter, isDeleter := storage.(rest.Deleter)
gracefulDeleter, isGracefulDeleter := storage.(rest.GracefulDeleter)
collectionDeleter, isCollectionDeleter := storage.(rest.CollectionDeleter)
updater, isUpdater := storage.(rest.Updater)
patcher, isPatcher := storage.(rest.Patcher)
watcher, isWatcher := storage.(rest.Watcher)
_, isRedirector := storage.(rest.Redirector)
connecter, isConnecter := storage.(rest.Connecter)
storageMeta, isMetadata := storage.(rest.StorageMetadata)
if !isMetadata {
storageMeta = defaultStorageMetadata{}
exporter, isExporter := storage.(rest.Exporter)
if !isExporter {
exporter = nil
} versionedExportOptions, err := a.group.Creater.New(optionsExternalVersion.WithKind("ExportOptions"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} if isNamedCreater {
isCreater = true
} ... var apiResource unversioned.APIResource
// Get the list of actions for the given scope.
switch scope.Name() {
case meta.RESTScopeNameRoot:
// 组装actions ... break
case meta.RESTScopeNameNamespace:
// Handler for standard REST verbs (GET, PUT, POST and DELETE).
// 组装actions ... break
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported restscope: %s", scope.Name())
} // Create Routes for the actions.
// TODO: Add status documentation using Returns()
// Errors (see api/errors/errors.go as well as go-restful router):
// http.StatusNotFound, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
// http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType, http.StatusNotAcceptable,
// http.StatusBadRequest, http.StatusUnauthorized, http.StatusForbidden,
// http.StatusRequestTimeout, http.StatusConflict, http.StatusPreconditionFailed,
// 422 (StatusUnprocessableEntity), http.StatusInternalServerError,
// http.StatusServiceUnavailable
// and api error codes
// Note that if we specify a versioned Status object here, we may need to
// create one for the tests, also
// Success:
// http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent
// test/integration/auth_test.go is currently the most comprehensive status code test reqScope := RequestScope{
ContextFunc: ctxFn,
Serializer: a.group.Serializer,
ParameterCodec: a.group.ParameterCodec,
Creater: a.group.Creater,
Convertor: a.group.Convertor,
Copier: a.group.Copier, // TODO: This seems wrong for cross-group subresources. It makes an assumption that a subresource and its parent are in the same group version. Revisit this.
Resource: a.group.GroupVersion.WithResource(resource),
Subresource: subresource,
Kind: fqKindToRegister,
for _, action := range actions {
reqScope.Namer = action.Namer
namespaced := ""
if apiResource.Namespaced {
namespaced = "Namespaced"
switch action.Verb {
case "GET": // Get a resource.
var handler restful.RouteFunction
// 创建handler
if isGetterWithOptions {
handler = GetResourceWithOptions(getterWithOptions, reqScope)
} else {
handler = GetResource(getter, exporter, reqScope)
handler = metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(action.Verb, resource, handler)
doc := "read the specified " + kind
if hasSubresource {
doc = "read " + subresource + " of the specified " + kind
} // 设置路由属性,包括Path,Handler,Doc,Param,MIME等
route := ws.GET(action.Path).To(handler).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("pretty", "If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.")).
Produces(append(storageMeta.ProducesMIMETypes(action.Verb), a.group.Serializer.SupportedMediaTypes()...)...).
Returns(http.StatusOK, "OK", versionedObject).
Writes(versionedObject) ... // 设置路由的参数
addParams(route, action.Params)
// 将路由添加到WebService中
case "LIST": // List all resources of a kind. ... ws.Route(route)
case "PUT": // Update a resource. ... ws.Route(route)
case "POST": // Create a resource. ... ws.Route(route)
case "DELETE": // Delete a resource. ... ws.Route(route)
// TODO: deprecated
case "WATCHLIST": // Watch all resources of a kind. ... ws.Route(route)
// We add "proxy" subresource to remove the need for the generic top level prefix proxy.
// The generic top level prefix proxy is deprecated in v1.2, and will be removed in 1.3, or 1.4 at the latest.
// TODO: DEPRECATED in v1.2.
case "PROXY": // Proxy requests to a resource.
// Accept all methods as per http://issue.k8s.io/3996
addProxyRoute(ws, "GET", a.prefix, action.Path, proxyHandler, namespaced, kind, resource, subresource, hasSubresource, action.Params)
addProxyRoute(ws, "PUT", a.prefix, action.Path, proxyHandler, namespaced, kind, resource, subresource, hasSubresource, action.Params)
addProxyRoute(ws, "POST", a.prefix, action.Path, proxyHandler, namespaced, kind, resource, subresource, hasSubresource, action.Params)
addProxyRoute(ws, "DELETE", a.prefix, action.Path, proxyHandler, namespaced, kind, resource, subresource, hasSubresource, action.Params)
addProxyRoute(ws, "HEAD", a.prefix, action.Path, proxyHandler, namespaced, kind, resource, subresource, hasSubresource, action.Params)
addProxyRoute(ws, "OPTIONS", a.prefix, action.Path, proxyHandler, namespaced, kind, resource, subresource, hasSubresource, action.Params)
case "CONNECT":
for _, method := range connecter.ConnectMethods() { ... ws.Route(route)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized action verb: %s", action.Verb)
// Note: update GetAttribs() when adding a custom handler.
return &apiResource, nil


至此,所有路由构建的相关组件Container,WebService, Route等已经初始化完毕。


func (s *GenericAPIServer) Run(options *options.ServerRunOptions) {


	if secureLocation != "" {
handler := apiserver.TimeoutHandler(apiserver.RecoverPanics(s.Handler), longRunningTimeout)
secureServer := &http.Server{
Addr: secureLocation,
Handler: apiserver.MaxInFlightLimit(sem, longRunningRequestCheck, handler),
MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,
TLSConfig: &tls.Config{
// Can't use SSLv3 because of POODLE and BEAST
// Can't use TLSv1.0 because of POODLE and BEAST using CBC cipher
// Can't use TLSv1.1 because of RC4 cipher usage
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
} ... go func() {
defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
for {
// err == systemd.SdNotifyNoSocket when not running on a systemd system
if err := systemd.SdNotify("READY=1\n"); err != nil && err != systemd.SdNotifyNoSocket {
glog.Errorf("Unable to send systemd daemon successful start message: %v\n", err)
if err := secureServer.ListenAndServeTLS(options.TLSCertFile, options.TLSPrivateKeyFile); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Unable to listen for secure (%v); will try again.", err)
time.Sleep(15 * time.Second)
} else {
// err == systemd.SdNotifyNoSocket when not running on a systemd system
if err := systemd.SdNotify("READY=1\n"); err != nil && err != systemd.SdNotifyNoSocket {
glog.Errorf("Unable to send systemd daemon successful start message: %v\n", err)
} handler := apiserver.TimeoutHandler(apiserver.RecoverPanics(s.InsecureHandler), longRunningTimeout)
http := &http.Server{
Addr: insecureLocation,
Handler: handler,
MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,
} glog.Infof("Serving insecurely on %s", insecureLocation)
go func() {
defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
for {
if err := http.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Unable to listen for insecure (%v); will try again.", err)
time.Sleep(15 * time.Second)
select {}

可以看到Run()中通过http.ListenAndServe()方法启动了两个端口来监听请求: Localhost Port和Secure Port。


上一篇:vue UI库iview源码解析(2)
