vim/gvim buffers插件管理bufexplorer

jlanzarotta/bufexplorer: BufExplorer Plugin for Vim (



BufExplorer Plugin for Vim

With bufexplorer, you can quickly and easily switch between buffers by using the one of the default public interfaces:

\<Leader\>be normal open

\<Leader\>bt toggle open / close

\<Leader\>bs force horizontal split open

\<Leader\>bv force vertical split open

To start exploring in the current window, use: >
 <Leader>be   or   :BufExplorer   or   Your custom key mapping
To toggle bufexplorer on or off in the current window, use: >
 <Leader>bt   or   :ToggleBufExplorer   or   Your custom key mapping
To start exploring in a newly split horizontal window, use: >
 <Leader>bs   or   :BufExplorerHorizontalSplit   or   Your custom key mapping
To start exploring in a newly split vertical window, use: >
 <Leader>bv   or   :BufExplorerVerticalSplit   or   Your custom key mapping

可以:h bufexplorer来打开帮助


